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QB Todd Boeckman (official thread)

Jaxbuck;1267447; said:
Let me get this straight, you think its the media portraying TB as a liability? What did they do, use CGI to fake all thos INT's?

TB is a good kid and doesn't deserve to get booed but his demise is due to his play, nothing else.

LOL I was trying to make a general point about the media without getting bogged down in a side debate about Boeckman's playing (hence the qualification "right or wrong" in my post). Obiously I failed :biggrin:

I agree with you, his demise is due to his playing. At the campus bars last night people were comparing him to Justin Zwick, no offense meant to either gentleman. The media aren't faking anything, but you can't say all the incitement and ridicule didn't play some part in the fans booing him yesterday.

He may be a liability now, and he may have been in the USC and LSU games, and his playing has been less than stellar, but that doesn't change my original point: the media are having a field day with Buckeye-bashing.

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JimsSweaterVest;1267428; said:
The so-called "fans" seem to be way too influenced by the media, who have been portraying Todd (right or wrong) as a liability to the team.

The media talking heads have to fill a 24/7 newscycle with 30-second talking points, so they have to talk a lot while saying very little. What's easier than bashing Todd and the Buckeyes these days?

Boeckman deserves better, and hopefully the real fans will show up next Saturday and we'll show him some love!


So you don't trust the fans to form their own opinions about Todd?
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Tresselbeliever;1267456; said:
So you don't trust the fans to form their own opinions about Todd?

I should have qualified my post by saying "Some fans...". You guys are meticulous :biggrin:

You think all those booers in the stadium yesterday formed their opinions by careful observation of his play and independent thinking and profound analysis? Lots of casual "fans," especially the booing variety, have their opinions formed for them by shallow 30-second soundbytes or hear-say. They'll tell you one thing today and the opposite next week, depending on the media coverage.

The fans have every right to be angry at Todd and want him benched, for good reason, but let's not deny the media's role in this. When it comes to shallow quick soundbytes, nothing is easier right now than bashing us.
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Tresselbeliever;1267456; said:
So you don't trust the fans to form their own opinions about Todd?

JimsSweaterVest;1267459; said:
I should have qualified my post by saying "Some fans...". You guys are meticulous :biggrin:

You think all those booers in the stadium yesterday formed their opinions by careful observation of his play and independent thinking and profound analysis? Lots of casual "fans," especially the booing variety, have their opinions formed for them by shallow 30-second soundbytes or hear-say. They'll tell you one thing today and the opposite next week, depending on the media coverage.

The fans have every right to be angry at Todd and want him benched, for good reason, but let's not deny the media's role in this. When it comes to shallow quick soundbytes, nothing is easier right now than bashing us.

Whomever booed Todd aren't fans at all. They can go fuck themselves, even if they came to any conclusions about Todd without any help from the media.
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Q and A from the post-game presser yesterday.


REPORTER: Hey, Todd, I just wanted to -- today, is this a tough day for you, bittersweet? Obviously, like Coach Tressel said, you took Terrelle under your wing when he got here and stuff, how are you dealing with that aspect of things?
TODD BOECKMAN: First of all, after getting a win like this against a great team, that's great, and I'm really excited about that. I'm happy for Terrelle, he had a great day. He did some great things out there. He's getting better every time he's out there and he made some great plays out there. I'm excited for this team and for him.

Very, very classy comments by Todd in a tough situation. His behavior is the antithesis of those that booed him yesterday.
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BUCKYLE;1267461; said:
Whomever booed Todd aren't fans at all. They can go fuck themselves, even if they came to any conclusions about Todd without any help from the media.


Todd Boeckman is still a big part of this team. He can help Pryor with his experience and he's one play away from having to run our offense, again.

I don't think Todd will give up on the Buckeyes and we shouldn't give up on him, either. He still has an important role on this team, even though Pryor is now the starter, and he doesn't deserve the treatment he got from a few idiots at the Shoe yesterday.
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Boeckman, Tressel, Bus?

I've heard from many fans this week, Tressel threw Boeckman under the bus after the USC game. I don't agree with this - but haven't seen this discussed on here (perhaps I missed it) does anyone else feel this way and why?
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I don't think he did. Todd is a fine player and a great buckeye.But he's hasn't played well in the last 3 big games. I think his turnovers and shying away from contact on some of the hits just hastened Tress's decision.
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Bleed S & G;1268561; said:
I've heard from many fans this week, Tressel threw Boeckman under the bus after the USC game. I don't agree with this - but haven't seen this discussed on here (perhaps I missed it) does anyone else feel this way and why?

I think JT is super pissed at the Seniors and has had enough. Being thrown under the bus implies that it was a suprise to TB. I am sure that Tress has delivered fair warning to everyone. Step up, or there will be change.

But the bottom line, if you cannot move the ball, never ever hurt the team by throwing a pick six. I think if Krensel had thrown a bunch of picks, he would have been benched also.
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jwinslow;1268582; said:
Have you read this outside of Michigan message boards, out of curiosity?
I haven't read this anywhere... I heard this from a bunch of people tailgating and my old man.. that basically, it's not JT's MO to say things like he did after the USC game and they felt it was shitty to do that to Todd as they place the blame for USC, Ohio U, and YSU on the offensive line..

Again, I don't feel he did throw Todd under the bus, but wanted to see some of your thoughts
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Uh, if anything it's the opposite. Throwing him under the bus would be sending him out there to get booed off the field at home to start the game...if anything he was trying to bring him in in spots where he might have some success...unfortunately, those plays didn't work, and he got booed off the field anyway. He then kept him out so it didn't happen again.

Like it or not, the fans want to see Pryor play, and every time TB goes back in, he's going to get booed unless it's mop-up duty. Sad, but true. If anything, JT is trying to protect him, not throw him under the bus. If the backup sucked and had no fan backing and TB got benched anyway, THAT would be throwing him under the bus.
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Bucklion;1268601; said:
Like it or not, the fans want to see Pryor play, and every time TB goes back in, he's going to get booed unless it's mop-up duty. Sad, but true. If anything, JT is trying to protect him, not throw him under the bus. If the backup sucked and had no fan backing and TB got benched anyway, THAT would be throwing him under the bus.

You can't be serious...
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