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QB Todd Boeckman (official thread)

I share everyone's opinion on this. Booing Todd Boeckman was terrible. Booing any Buckeye is terrible. Booing a QB because of one incomplete pass is terrible. Booing Todd Boeckman for something that, honestly, wasn't his fault is terrible. Booing a class act player is terrible.

Basically, it was terrible. If you can't understand that, you're terrible. You are allowed to be upset. You are allowed to be frustrated. But, frankly, Todd is just a kid, as Lawrence Wilson pointed out. If you are going to complain, complain to the coaches.

Don't boo someone who was put in a very bad situation. Don't boo someone who beat Michigan. Don't boo someone who won a National Title. Don't boo someone who hasn't made any off-the-field errors. Don't boo someone who, frankly, knows that he makes mistakes, realizes he makes mistake, but just can't fix them. Don't boo someone who has done a solid job in the classroom. And, frankly, don't boo someone who knows more about football than you will ever know.
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daveeb;1267146; said:
I share everyone's opinion on this. Booing Todd Boeckman was terrible. Booing any Buckeye is terrible. Booing a QB because of one incomplete pass is terrible. Booing Todd Boeckman for something that, honestly, wasn't his fault is terrible. Booing a class act player is terrible.

Basically, it was terrible. If you can't understand that, you're terrible. You are allowed to be upset. You are allowed to be frustrated. But, frankly, Todd is just a kid, as Lawrence Wilson pointed out. If you are going to complain, complain to the coaches.

Don't boo someone who was put in a very bad situation. Don't boo someone who beat Michigan. Don't boo someone who won a National Title. Don't boo someone who hasn't made any off-the-field errors. Don't boo someone who, frankly, knows that he makes mistakes, realizes he makes mistake, but just can't fix them. Don't boo someone who has done a solid job in the classroom. And, frankly, don't boo someone who knows more about football than you will ever know.

This booing stuff is garbage. The fans that boo are garbage. Most of it is inaccurate. You don't kick a person when he's down. It's obvious these guys don't have children. He goes to class, he's respectful to the fans, he's respectful to the media, and he's a good kid! Come after me! I'm a man, I'm 26. I can handle it.
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This booing stuff is garbage. The fans that boo are garbage. Most of it is inaccurate. You don't kick a person when he's down. It's obvious these guys don't have children. He goes to class, he's respectful to the fans, he's respectful to the media, and he's a good kid! Come after me! I'm a man, I'm 26. I can handle it.
Boeckman is 24...he's not really less much less of a man than a 26 year old. But you know how I stand on this. It's not booing kids that gets me. It's booing somebody who has put more blood and sweat into this football program than anybody who was booing him ever will. I highly doubt Archie was booing him. Would Woody have booed him? WWWD? What Would Woody Do?
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Not that it makes it ANY more appropriate when it happens here, but booing your own player happens other places too, including by SEC fans yesterday:

ESPN - South Carolina's offense sputters in beating Wofford - NCAA College Football Recap

South Carolina did gain 376 yards and never punted, but Smelley threw two interceptions and fumbled. Spurrier stuck with the sophomore the whole game, even after more boos rained down when he overthrew everyone in the end zone in the third quarter.
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BUCKYLE;1266910; said:
If you booed Todd Boeckman today and you're reading this, go fuck yourself.


JonathanXC;1266912; said:
He wants to win, he's given 25% OF HIS LIFE to the Buckeyes. He stayed in Columbus during the summer to work harder and get better. He's a GREAT person. And honestly, he's a great QB, and has done a lot of GREAT things while he's been here at Ohio State.

Not to mention the fact that he paid his own way the first year so that he could be a Buckeye. How many players have done that for OSU?
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Hopefully, someone will see that Todd reads this thread. I can only imagine what he felt like after being treated like that. Let's all hope he shakes it off, gets back out on the practice field tomorrow, and does what he has been doing for a long time, working as hard as he can to help the Buckeye's win! We couldn't ask anything more of any player, and we should thank him for it, not boo him like idiots.
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Boeckman puts team first
Senior downplays disappointment, celebrates victory
Sunday, September 21, 2008 7:44 AM
By Tim May, Bill Rabinowitz and Ken Gordon

by Neal C. Lauron | DISPATCH photos
Redshirt freshman Dan Herron set personal collegiate highs with 20 carries and 94 rushing yards.
Senior quarterback Todd Boeckman didn't have an opportunity to work up much of a sweat, getting on the field for only two snaps.

During warm-ups yesterday, sixth-year senior Todd Boeckman and freshman Terrelle Pryor shared a quick hug and exchanged pats on the back. After the game, the official exchange of the honor of being Ohio State's starting quarterback took place. When a reporter asked coach Jim Tressel whether Pryor, who in his first start had just thrown four touchdown passes in a 28-10 win over Troy, was now the bona-fide starter, Tressel quipped, "Weren't you at the game?" For Boeckman, it had to be bittersweet. As a first-year starter in 2007, he helped the Buckeyes get to the national championship game. As a returning starter this year, he was seen as one of the team strengths, although Tressel made it known he also planned to play the highly recruited Pryor.
Asked about the change of status, Boeckman, one of the four team captains, took the high road.
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JonathanXC;1266912; said:
There is NO EXCUSE...NOOOOOO EXCUSE.....for "booing" Todd Boeckman. A few people in my own section did. People that have sat there for years. I turned around and told them exactly what it was, and excuse my language, but I screamed, "That's bull[censored]!!! Todd is doing his best! You all make us look like the most arrogant fans in the land!" It shut my section up. And they all knew I was right.

He wants to win, he's given 25% OF HIS LIFE to the Buckeyes. He stayed in Columbus during the summer to work harder and get better. He's a GREAT person. And honestly, he's a great QB, and has done a lot of GREAT things while he's been here at Ohio State. Unfortuantely for him, he's not the best QB on the team right now. So you "BOO" him because he isn't the best QB on our team, and he comes in and throws a pass, which was not a good pass. And don't fall back on the whole, "I was booing the coaching staff." That is crap. When you "BOO" there, the perception to Boeckman, and to everybody else, is that it's directed at him. And even if it is directed at the coaching staff, it still looks poorly on you, and on him. Those who booed him don't know what he goes through everyday, what he has gone through for the last 6 years.

Freedom of speech, and you have the right to "BOO"...fine. You do. You aren't going to get arrested. But it still makes you look like an idiot, and it's wrong.

Well done sir! I'm glad you said something. You bring up a good point in the amount of work he has done for this team... and frankly, I don't think Pryor would be where he is at without Todd's mentorship.

(My favorite part about the freedom of speech is that it doesn't guarantee the freedom from being punched in the mouth.)
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tugger5000;1267295; said:
(My favorite part about the freedom of speech is that it doesn't guarantee the freedom from being punched in the mouth.)

I certainly hope not; this would make you just as low as the boo-ers or even worse. Yes, get mad at people who boo, use your free speech and tell them to $%** off; but i hope no one has ever punched another person just for boo-ing.
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When Todd got in there and missed a wide open Brian Hartline(I think) on his one pass, my heart sank for him, it really did. Give 6 years to a program, become a captain, get replaced by a Freshmen and then be boo'd by the "fans", what the hell??

I hope Todd can take this all in stride and keep helping Pryor with films etc, but it has to be tough.
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craigblitz;1267300; said:
When Todd got in there and missed a wide open Brian Hartline(I think) on his one pass, my heart sank for him, it really did. Give 6 years to a program, become a captain, get replaced by a Freshmen and then be boo'd by the "fans", what the hell??

I hope Todd can take this all in stride and keep helping Pryor with films etc, but it has to be tough.

I bet for a man of his character, it's not as tough as it would seem to the rest of us. :wink:
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The so-called "fans" seem to be way too influenced by the media, who have been portraying Todd (right or wrong) as a liability to the team.

The media talking heads have to fill a 24/7 newscycle with 30-second talking points, so they have to talk a lot while saying very little. What's easier than bashing Todd and the Buckeyes these days?

Boeckman deserves better, and hopefully the real fans will show up next Saturday and we'll show him some love!

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JimsSweaterVest;1267428; said:
The so-called "fans" seem to be way too influenced by the media, who have been portraying Todd (right or wrong) as a liability to the team.

Let me get this straight, you think its the media portraying TB as a liability? What did they do, use CGI to fake all thos INT's?

TB is a good kid and doesn't deserve to get booed but his demise is due to his play, nothing else.
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