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QB Todd Boeckman (official thread)

sparcboxbuck;1258784; said:
Trust the QB.

Go get 'em Todd.



Long wait for the IO.

Todd was at the post-game press conference today. Obviously the kid is hurting...who wouldn't be. But he handled it with class. I like Todd a lot. He might not be what we need at QB at the moment, but I'm proud of this kid.
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He may have been helped a lot by Beanie Wells to look great last year, but now, it seems like he struggles a lot when Ohio State cannot run effectively enough.

He still did his part for OSU and we all should be proud of that. He should still be the next QB in charge whenever we need some help, especially when Pryor struggles.

Those OSU fans who booed him obviously does not care about the team and wants to look good for themselves. No one should ever boo their own players, unlike they are being idiots and showing up the opponents.

That's my two cents. Hope Boeckman continues to make effort to improve on his game and play well whenever he plays.
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No one should boo a Buckeye player, and some fans at the game today behaved boorishly. But I really believe they were booing the coaches' decision to play Todd, rather than booing Todd.

Or that is what I hope, in any event (not that there is any excuse, either way).
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Best Buckeye;1254534; said:
I am here to say that Todd is the best QB we have right now. He is our starter and will remain there. Anyone who thinks differently is out of touch with reality. I was at the OU game and could visibly see the level of preparedness that Pryor is at, and I am here to tell you that USC would shut him down. While his potential is vast he is not the leader of this team right now.
Todd is.

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Boeckman, one of four team captains, showed up for postgame interviews.

Asked if it was a difficult day for him, he said: "I'm happy for Terrelle. He had a great day. He did some great things out there. He's getting better every time he's out there and he made some great plays. I'm excited for this team and for him."

Then he left through a side door.

How do you define "class act"? The text above pretty much does it for me. Well done, Todd!
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MaxBuck;1266794; said:
No one should boo a Buckeye player, and some fans at the game today behaved boorishly. But I really believe they were booing the coaches' decision to play Todd, rather than booing Todd.

Or that is what I hope, in any event (not that there is any excuse, either way).

IF that had been the case, shouldn't the boos have been heard when Todd took the field? From our seats in 8C, the boos came when he misfired on his second pass and missed a wide open receiver over the middle. I didn't think then, and don't think now, that those boos were directed to the coaches. Also, it seemed that the loudest boos were coming from A deck behind the OSU bench.
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Zippercat;1266843; said:
IF that had been the case, shouldn't the boos have been heard when Todd took the field? From our seats in 8C, the boos came when he misfired on his second pass and missed a wide open receiver over the middle. I didn't think then, and don't think now, that those boos were directed to the coaches. Also, it seemed that the loudest boos were coming from A deck behind the OSU bench.

I don't really care the reason for the boos. Here is a kid that has given his all for OSU and stepped up and took us to a National Championship game last year and a victory over Scum. Todd has had his up and downs but to say or even insinuate that he is the sole reason we lost to LSU and USC is flat out wrong....

I am sick of all these "fair weather" fans and their idiotic decision to boo a kid who has more class in his pinkie than most of them have in their whole body. This kid has never embarrassed the university and is on course to get his degree. Todd's confidence is shot right now and the "boo birds" will not help him or this team get their "mojo" back.....
These "fans" and I use that term loosely just don't scrape your knees jumping off the bandwagon......
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Steve19;1266808; said:

How do you define "class act"? The text above pretty much does it for me. Well done, Todd!

From the link

Boeckman, fifth-year senior, only played two snaps and the smallest crowd in Ohio Stadium in six years loudly booed him after an incompletion on one of those.
That prompted defensive lineman Lawrence Wilson to say: ?Hey, we?re just kids. We?re not professionals. There?s no way that adults should treat us that way.?

Perfectly said Lawrence. I wish I could give you a GPA for that quote. I also wish every idiotic college football "fan" in America would read that quote.
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