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QB Todd Boeckman (official thread)

Gotta say it was great seeing Todd in his old form, throwing with accuracy and velocity. I remember one throw that was ill advised, but I remember many more that were great passes, and the TD catch was great all around. Great pass, and an outstanding catch by Robo. That was good to see.
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he didn't throw enough to really get a full measure of his performance. but im still going to go on record as saying thats the best i have seen boeckman throw the ball. yeah, he had games where he put up much bigger numbers and had excellent qb ratings. but i saw him complete a couple of passes that to be honest i didn't think he was physically capable of.

specifically the across the field pass to robo. every time he has thrown that ball in the past it has been an overthrown floater. i for one was really happy to see him in the game and playing really well.
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martinss01;1274662; said:
he didn't throw enough to really get a full measure of his performance. but im still going to go on record as saying thats the best i have seen boeckman throw the ball. yeah, he had games where he put up much bigger numbers and had excellent qb ratings. but i saw him complete a couple of passes that to be honest i didn't think he was physically capable of.

specifically the across the field pass to robo. every time he has thrown that ball in the past it has been an overthrown floater. i for one was really happy to see him in the game and playing really well.

just imagine minus, the drops. He look very solid and that TD pass was a big time throw. The O-LINE blocked better for him then, any other game. I think they feel guilty for the past games . How about his option run for 7-8 yards. NICE
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:lol: Yeah, that run was nice. Todd did good yesterday. I'd like to see him get in the OL's earholes a bit when he gets hit.

He was also hit pretty late at least once. We got called for it. They should've too. It was blatant. Of course, Todd took the shot and got back up, like he always does.

Nice job overall by Todd yesterday.
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Ohio State Notebook: Boeckman taking it in stride
Senior QB shows class in demotion
Sunday, September 28, 2008
[email protected]

COLUMBUS Among the oldest players on the team and going through his sixth season in Ohio State's football program, Todd Boeckman has been around. He has seen players ? quarterbacks ? win and lose starting positions. What his teammates have seen is a senior handle a demotion with class and integrity like no one else.

Boeckman, who lost his starting job after Ohio State lost to No. 1 USC, was pretty open about his feelings after freshman Terrelle Pryor led the Buckeyes to a sleepy 34-21 win over Minnesota on Saturday.

"First of all, I think Terrelle deserved everything he's gotten," Boeckman said. "He's done so many great things for us. He's moved the ball in this offense.

"I'm taking it in stride, day-by-day. I've got to keep getting better. Like (Jim Tressel) said, you never know when he may need me. ... I'm excited about where we're heading."

Boeckman led the Buckeye to a national title game last year. However, his numbers and effectiveness dropped off in the second half against better opponents. He is more of a pocket passer, and far less agile than Pryor. That, coupled with a struggling offensive line, spelled the end to his starting time.

He did play in two series and moved the offense in both. The first series ended with a missed field goal after left tackle Alex Boone was called for a false start on fourth-and-3.

But Boeckman delivered a perfect 31-yard touchdown pass to Brian Robiskie on his next series. The first player to congratulate Boeckman when he came to the sideline after the TD pass? Pryor.
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It was great to see Todd back in there and doing well. He sure can throw a pretty long ball. I know it's been said before, but we will need Boeckman to come in and make some plays at some point this season. I am just glad he is keeping his head in the game. He is a true Buckeye!
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Woody84;1275397; said:
It was great to see Todd back in there and doing well. He sure can throw a pretty long ball. I know it's been said before, but we will need Boeckman to come in and make some plays at some point this season. I am just glad he is keeping his head in the game. He is a true Buckeye!

You have to like Todd Boeckman the person. I have finally come around to the fact that Pryor is the person we need under center (why am I always last to see things...?) but Todd is a great young man and is showing this through his actions and words. I echo what others have said that it was nice to see him throwing some good balls out there again. I'd like to Todd to go out on a positive note in these games.
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Ohio State football: Boeckman's role on Saturday

by Doug Lesmerises Wednesday October 01, 2008, 4:51 PM

Marvin Fong/ The Plain DealerTodd Boeckman during one of the two series he played against Minnesota. Will he play against Wisconsin?

After Saturday's win against Minnesota, when Todd Boeckman played two second-half series, Jim Tressel delivered postgame what I thought might be a cryptic reference to Boeckman's future.
"Just my gut inclination was that we probably didn't click in our passing game as well as we're going to need to become a good team and the thing that Todd does is twofold," Tressel said. "One, he executes it well and also he's a good mentor as Terrelle develops his ability to execute it. So I envision us being a balanced team and whoever we need to use to do that, we will."
To me, that sounded like, "We're going to throw it this year, and if means we have to put it Todd Boeckman to do the throwing, then that's what we'll do."

Asked Tuesday about that, Tressel backed off.

"I expect Terrelle to continue to grow and become better and better. We need Todd ready to win the Big Ten conference. You have to have two guys ready. Some years it takes two," Tressel said. "I remember when Scottie McMullen had to go in and win a game. We didn't end up winning the Big Ten conference but the game he needed to go in and take us on a long drive, he did it. So I was referring to everybody. However we've got to get better offensively up front, the backs in their protection, the receivers in their route running, the quarterbacks in their decision making, the coaches in their design, we've got to get better in every phase."
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Article published Thursday, October 2, 2008
The End Zone: Ohio State
The most vital player for Ohio State might not be Terrelle Pryor or Chris ?Beanie? Wells. The link to success at Wisconsin and beyond is Todd Boeckman, the defrocked senior quarterback.

Boeckman lost his starting job to the freshman Pryor, and he is not getting it back barring an injury, a coup, or a kidnapping. For three hours on Saturdays, Boeckman has been relegated to primarily watching the game, and getting in for free. But the rest of the time he can either be a positive, energizing force around this team, or a detrimental one.

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Could it be that Todd is more relaxed now that the pressure of being the guy on offense is gone? I mean, Beanie is what makes the offense go, but Todd never looked comfortable at the end of last year and the beginning of this year and that's precisely when the pressure was turned up the most.

He did look good against Minny, but he wasn't really being asked to do anything. If the game had gotten closer then Todd wasn't going back out onto the field and he knows that.
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