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QB Todd Boeckman (official thread)

I don't know what Todd's future plans are outside of football, but anyone who has never driven thru St. Henry, Ohio, should do so the next time you are even in the area. Pretty neat little town, St. Henry. Todd is good to go in whatever he decides on, no problems.
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Boeckman a ?security blanket,? Tressel says

October 3, 2008 - 4:45PM
Jim Naveau

COLUMBUS - While he was explaining why he isn't worried about freshman quarterback Terrelle Pryor starting in a high-pressure game at Wisconsin tonight, Ohio State coach Jim Tressel illustrated how firmly entrenched Pryor is after only two games as a starter.
That illustration came when he referred to Boeckman as "a security blanket" for Pryor.
"I don't really have any qualms about it. I think for two reasons, I guess. One is that he has shown a lot of command and desire to know what he is doing, as opposed to being a freshman and just going out there and playing. And two, is that you have that security blanket of Todd Boeckman right there, practicing sharp, looking sharp, available at any moment within a series or taking over a series," Tressel said.

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schwab;1279512; said:
I don't know what Todd's future plans are outside of football, but anyone who has never driven thru St. Henry, Ohio, should do so the next time you are even in the area. Pretty neat little town, St. Henry. Todd is good to go in whatever he decides on, no problems.

Lots of time in the season left to write him out of your future.

Pryor is (God forbid) one stuck cleat away from a knee injury every time he plants a foot.
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Gatorubet;1282235; said:
Lots of time in the season left to write him out of your future.

Pryor is (God forbid) one stuck cleat away from a knee injury every time he plants a foot.

That's certainly not the angle I was taking. Every play could be every player's last play. Todd will remain a huge factor in the stretch drive.

At least now though, if Pryor indeed goes down in this fashion which you speak of, I'll know who to look up...:wink2:
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schwab;1282238; said:
That's certainly not the angle I was taking. Every play could be every player's last play. Todd will remain a huge factor in the stretch drive.

At least now though, if Pryor indeed goes down in this fashion which you speak of, I'll know who to look up...:wink2:

yeah - that foot planting thing is a rare deal that only I could call.:p
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stowfan;1282142; said:
After Todd tries out for the NFL, I hope JT find a position on the staff for him.
I believe Todd's dad is a coach. Even if Todd coaches high school, how many coaches can tell their kids, "I was first team all Big Ten as a junior".

Yeah, that would be nice. Todd's dad is the football coach and athletic director @ St. Henry High School.

I agree Todd would be a great coach, He has great sportsman ship it takes a special kind to sit on the bench and watch a freshman start over you when you've been at Ohio State for 6 years. I don't know how he does it. :)
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#17buckeyefan;1285347; said:
Yeah, that would be nice. Todd's dad is the football coach and athletic director @ St. Henry High School.

His father, Tim, was the coach when Todd played at St. Henry, but he's no longer the football coach there, just the AD.

Edit - Of course, I should also mention that he coached Bobby Hoying at St. Henry. Just to make mercer_buckeye happy. :wink2:
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jimotis4heisman;1287178; said:
did he coach tommy hoying also?

Did you mean Bobby or Tommy or both? I don't know I tryed to find it on the internet but no succuss. Sorry! I do know that Todd's dad did coach for a while because Todd when he was younger used to go to the practices and games and kinda assent coach and help out with the football team. But I did find this interresting on Wikipedia. Here is a list of all the athletes who went to St. Henry High School who were stand outs.

Bobby Hoying, retired NFL quarterback
Jeff Hartings, retired NFL center
Jim Lachey, retired NFL tackle
Wally Post, deceased MLB outfielder
Todd Boeckman, Ohio State quarterback

I tryed looking up Tim Boeckman on google but I didn't really find anything out that has to do with when he coached. I don't have any clue how long he's been coaching. If you find out I would like to know too! :)

Wish I could help! :osu:
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#17buckeyefan;1287244; said:
Did you mean Bobby or Tommy or both? I don't know I tryed to find it on the internet but no succuss. Sorry! I do know that Todd's dad did coach for a while because Todd when he was younger used to go to the practices and games and kinda assent coach and help out with the football team. But I did find this interresting on Wikipedia. Here is a list of all the athletes who went to St. Henry High School who were stand outs.

Bobby Hoying, retired NFL quarterback
Jeff Hartings, retired NFL center
Jim Lachey, retired NFL tackle
Wally Post, deceased MLB outfielder
Todd Boeckman, Ohio State quarterback

I tryed looking up Tim Boeckman on google but I didn't really find anything out that has to do with when he coached. I don't have any clue how long he's been coaching. If you find out I would like to know too! :)

Wish I could help! :osu:

He was the head coach there for 22 years, but I don't know which seasons that started and stopped.
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BB73;1287265; said:
He was the head coach there for 22 years, but I don't know which seasons that started and stopped.

cantonrep.com - It's son's turn, but it's time for dad to worry

Todd Porter said:
Tim stepped down as St. Henry's coach four years ago. In 22 seasons, he never had a losing record. He won a Division V state title with his son, a freshman, as his quarterback.

He remains the athletics director at St. Henry. But he stepped down as coach because he wanted to watch his sons play (Toby plays at the University of Cincinnati).

The article was written before the spring game in 2007, so it sounds like Tim stepped down around 2003.

I found another article which doesn't confirm anything except the 22 years, but it's a good read about the town of St. Henry.


The schools are located on Columbus Street, just for good measure.
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