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QB Todd Boeckman (official thread)

Todd embodies all the good things about our school and our team:

pride in the program,
and above all, he has an excellent conception of what it's like to be a part of something greater than yourself,like Ohio State.

I couldn't be more proud of him and to have him with us.

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Todd's a good guy, we all agree.

I also firmly believe that there will be some point in the season when he bails us out... like when TP gets crushed on a blindside sack, and Todd comes in and delivers.

And he would be the biggest boost to team espirit de corps we've seen all year, and will make us that much more of a Team on a Mission.

At some point, the players will remember that one of the things you play for every year is your seniors, and Todd is a senior, and a Captain who spent 6 years in Columbus.

I can see him holding roses and flexing for the sideline camera in January...
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Article published Saturday, October 18, 2008
Captain Backup not tragic Buckeye figure

COLUMBUS - For an extended run of mostly laudable performances, Todd Boeckman played the role of the noble warrior as Ohio State's veteran quarterback.

For the past month, he has been relegated to understudy, waiting in the wings off stage while freshman Terrelle Pryor wears the shiny wardrobe and leads the cast of Buckeyes. If Boeckman is Macbeth and this is a Shakespearean tragedy, he is not letting on.

"You always think you're going to do this, this and this in your senior year, but it hasn't worked out the way I wanted it to," Boeckman said this week as Ohio State readied for the next drama today at Michigan State. "But we're still winning, we're getting the job done, and he's 4-0 as a starter and you can't complain about that."

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Would anyone else like to see Todd play the first play on offense? If not, hopefully we get up by enough so he can see some time at the end of the game and maybe throw a TD or two. Even though he hasn't had the best year here, he still embodies what a true Buckeye is! If at anytime fans decide to boo him or any other buckeye they need to be escorted out of the stadium! We just can't stand for that [censored] this weekend!

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CentralMOBuck;1330477; said:
Would anyone else like to see Todd play the first play on offense? If not, hopefully we get up by enough so he can see some time at the end of the game and maybe throw a TD or two. Even though he hasn't had the best year here, he still embodies what a true Buckeye is! If at anytime fans decide to boo him or any other buckeye they need to be escorted out of the stadium! We just can't stand for that [censored] this weekend!

as I said somewhere else, the only way this would happen (but it is surely possible) is that Pryor goes to the Coach and requests it. It would be huge, for sure.
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I've have some mixed emotions about this game. And here is why: #1 Todd did a great job last year - some great games - some kind of bad. He had to step in and deliver in the footsteps of Troy Smith and those were pretty big shoes to fill and he did an admirable job.

#2 You knew as soon as Pryor committed every one of us started thinking about how would Tress bring this kid along and satisfy Boeckman as well. I guess even Todd started thinking about that too. When "Beanie" went down against YSU ..... well we were in for huge challenge and Boeckman knew this also.

#3 When Terrell took the reigns for the next game - Todd was there to guide Pryor along and never uttered a word. So now here we are about to get ready for "The Game" against a not so great Michigan unit.

Are we wondering if Pryor is ready for this type of game? He's has to be nervous even if he won't admit it and just maybe Coach Tress will Let Todd get the starting call for 2 or 3 series because he knows Boeckman is ready for the challenge

Provided Ohio State can hold the Wolverines to 3 down and outs during those series) then call Pryor in for the rest of the game once his nerves are calmed. Maybe alot of you are wonder what I'm smoking but thats just my thoughts. Todd Boeckman is just one great student and one great football player in my estimation.
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Buckeneye;1330729; said:
I can't see Todd NOT starting, its senior day... and against a 3-8 scUM, not like were in serious danger this year folkes


Ya, I'm sure Tress will have Todd in there at least on the first snap or something, probably just a handoff, but something. Same for a bunch of the other seniors. Let Mo Wells get the first carry from Boeckman, something like that.
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I can't see Todd NOT starting, its senior day... and against a 3-8 scUM, not like were in serious danger this year folkes

Did I miss the part where they declared this a scrimmage that did not count?

The issue is not that something bad could happen on the opening play, but the message you send the team that you somehow don't need to take every play seriously.

Play your game. Period.
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