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QB Todd Boeckman (official thread)

I would like to add this to the Tim Boeckman/St. Henry discussion. Boeckman is the only person to ever coach St. Henry to a victory over Coldwater. In the history of the world. I love statements like that. Boeckman's record versus Coldwater 10-12.

Bobby Hoying. You Stay Classy.
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mercer_buckeye;1287597; said:
I would like to add this to the Tim Boeckman/St. Henry discussion. Boeckman is the only person to ever coach St. Henry to a victory over Coldwater. In the history of the world. I love statements like that. Boeckman's record versus Coldwater 10-12.

Bobby Hoying. You Stay Classy.

Yaeh, I remeber reading that somewhere! Thanks for sharing! :)
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jimotis4heisman;1287599; said:
tommy came a few years after bobby, guess i forgot the :wink2:

I knew that wasn't a serious question, but I put in my comment because someone else might have asked about Jim Lachey, and I'm not sure of the answer to that. But I think Lachey's last season at St. Henry was in 1980; so the answer seems to be no, at least not as his head coach in high school, since the 22 years would have started sometime between '81 and '85.
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Ohio State's Boeckman goes from star to sideline
Senior year not how quarterback envisioned
Thursday, October 16, 2008

COLUMBUS Todd Boeckman is trying hard to take the high road.

The sixth-year senior is clearly heartbroken and humiliated that he no longer has a role other than nonplaying captain on the No. 12 Ohio State football team. A star a year ago who was first team All-Big Ten at quarterback, he now stands on the sideline wondering what went wrong.

"I guess this hasn't worked out the way I planned it," he said Tuesday night. "But if we're still winning, I'm all for it."

Four games into the season, after the offensive line had a sieve-like game in a 35-3 rout at then-No. 1 Southern California and Boeckman had to run for his life all night, Head Coach Jim Tressel benched him and replaced him with true freshman Terrelle Pryor.

Boeckman was not told about the decision. He noticed he was getting fewer snaps in practice leading into the game against Troy, but neither Tressel nor any of the other coaches ever sat down with him and discussed the situation until a week or so later.

The Buckeyes (6-1, 3-0 Big Ten) have won four in a row since the switch, against teams with a combined record of 14-10. Pryor has been just OK, passing for less than 100 yards in two of those games and under 150 in the other two.

The gifted freshman has shown an ability to run away from pressure when his protection fails. He has also made some bad decisions in terms of holding onto the ball, which is understandable for a quarterback with almost no experience reading college defenses or blitzes.

He's been sacked 10 times in his four starts; Boeckman was sacked 13 times during the entire 12-game regular season last year.

Pryor will truly be tested over the next four weeks, when the Buckeyes face teams with a combined record of 21-5, starting with Saturday's game at No. 20 Michigan State (6-1, 3-0).

Meanwhile, Boeckman watches from the sideline. He hasn't played in the last two games. When Tressel was asked during his weekly news conference when he planned on getting Boeckman into a game, through clenched teeth he said, "You'll know the moment it happens."

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It?s been that kind of year for Boeckman


Mark Avery/Associated Press Todd Boeckman, shown being sacked against USC on Sept. 13, lost his starting job after the game.

Thursday, October 16, 2008 1:23 AM EDT
Jason Lloyd
Journal Register News Service

COLUMBUS ? Right about this time last year, Todd Boeckman was one of the hottest junior quarterbacks in the country. He had thrown 23 touchdown passes and eight interceptions in Ohio State?s first 10 games, all victories.

He was beginning to hear whispers about a couple of Heisman votes, since his numbers were very similar to Troy Smith?s from the season before. He was ranked as the top junior quarterback on ESPN draft analyst Mel Kiper Jr.?s board.

Now he?s out of a job and wondering how it all went wrong, but not complaining to anyone about it.
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October 15, 2008

A good teammate

Everyone loves the backup quarterback, I know, and now I'm going to be guilty of throwing some roses Todd Boeckman's way, as well.
But it's not because I think he should be playing. I don't, unless OSU stays in an offensive funk and Terrelle Pryor regresses.
No, I come to praise Boeckman for having an unbelievable amount of class in what must be a living nightmare of a season for him.
Here are two things he said last night that I didn't get in the paper:
Asked if he felt he would play again this season:
"Hopefully not, because if we keep on winning and doing the right things all the time. . . .but if it happens, I'll be ready."
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I really have to admire Todd for the position he is taking and honestly I think this is where Todd being a coaches son comes in. After everything I hear, I can see him ending up like Major Applewhite. A classy guy in college who becomes a very successful coach in about five or ten years, he's got the maturity and knowledge, an i could definately see this happen.
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OSU's Boeckman takes high road about QB situation

October 16, 2008 - 5:07PM
Jim Naveau

COLUMBUS - James Laurinaitis liked his vote when he cast it and likes it even more now.
His vote for the captains of Ohio State's football team, that is.
Laurinatis revisited his vote earlier this week when he was talking about how quarterback Todd Boeckman, one of OSU's captains, has handled losing his starting job to freshman Terrelle Pryor.
"He's really showed why we voted him captain," Laurinaitis said.
"A lot of guys around the country would go into the coach's office and be complaining. Todd wants to see the team succeed, he wants to see Terrelle succeed.
"I'm not just saying it, he's truly a guy who, when he's on the sidelines, if someone throws a pick or gets sacked, he's not like, ?Oh yes, maybe I'll get in.' The way he has handled the situation is just first class and really made a lot of guys on the team have even more respect for him."

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I hope Pryor is watching how Boeckman is handling this season. That's leadership, and it can only help Pryor as he grows into the QB he's going to be in the future. :osu:
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Todd has done an outstanding job of rolling with the punches. We asked him to step up last year... and all he did was help win us an outright Big Ten Championship. He was the All-Big 10 QB who we relied upon week after week to win the conference crown. Actually, I don't want to sell the guy short... he also took us to the BCS National Championship Game. #1 vs. #2. With us being the #1, by the way. The hardest thing to do in sports is follow a legend. Todd delivered way beyond anyone's expectations, as he took over for Mr. Heisman himself Troy Smith. Not small shoes to fill by any stretch of the imagination. What, you expected a dropoff last year from the Buckeyes? The nation did, but sorry, not with an all Big Ten QB like Todd.

This year, the staff has asked Todd to step back. And he has accepted that like a true captain. I admire Todd Boeckman to the nth degree. It's not an indictment of Todd's abilities, it's more of a reflection of the completely surreal state of the team, and also having a Wunderkind playing QB also factors in. There are some who would have you believe that OSU's record is the worst ever 6-1 start that a football team has ever had. The truth is that this team is having growing pains the same as any team or any family of any kind will inevitably go through, and how the storm is weathered is what actually counts. What is the saying? Life is 10% what happens to you, and 90% how you react to it.

Todd is one of the ALL TIME GREAT BUCKEYES. We will need his services to help us win the conference championship once again, whether that impact is felt on the field or not. What a complete and total winner at life, this guy.
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GoodLifeSean;1294309; said:
I really have to admire Todd for the position he is taking and honestly I think this is where Todd being a coaches son comes in. After everything I hear, I can see him ending up like Major Applewhite. A classy guy in college who becomes a very successful coach in about five or ten years, he's got the maturity and knowledge, an i could definately see this happen.

I agree! It would take a lot to handle all this. He's acting better about Pryor starting than I am. I really hope he gets to play some more this year.
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