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QB Todd Boeckman (official thread)

Oh8ch;1331362; said:
Did I miss the part where they declared this a scrimmage that did not count?

The issue is not that something bad could happen on the opening play, but the message you send the team that you somehow don't need to take every play seriously.

Play your game. Period.


It's not that Todd would lose the game for us in one play, one series...hell, I think he could play the entire game and beat scUM out right!

But should Mo Wells start over Beanie? Mitchum over Boone, or Jamario over Kurt Coleman?

I know Todd has given us a little "more" in a sense than those other (Senior) players for whatever reason in each case, and the jesture sounds nice and all, but even beyond the "best player should play" mentality...Terrelle Pryor has earned this start. He deserves the start and that shouldn't be taken away from him imo.
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Oh8ch;1331362; said:
Did I miss the part where they declared this a scrimmage that did not count?

The issue is not that something bad could happen on the opening play, but the message you send the team that you somehow don't need to take every play seriously.

Play your game. Period.

Great Post!!

It's obvious to me that Todd "gets it" alot better than a anyone who thinks he should be the "Token Starter" for this game. TP is the QB of this team, and this team is playing TSUN for God's sake! Todd is a great kid and a very good football player, and if anything happens to TP that made him unable to play, I have great confidence that Todd will lead us to a victory. BUT, until that happens, you play your guy, plain and simple. And please, don't anyone out there complain that when the Buckeyes are up by 21 with 4 minutes left in the game and Todd comes in that he's only getting "garbage time." There is NO such thing as "Garbage time" at TOSU, especially against TSUN. If you don't believe me, I suggest you ask young Mr. Boeckman.

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Split backfield on the first play with Boeckman at QB, Pryor and Beanie as split backs. Boeckman hands to Pryor on a sweep and Terrelle has the option with Beanie out of the backfield. Both players get to start. They both have earned everything they get.

2nd play, other direction, same play, Pryor pulls up and launches one downfield to Robo for 6. Good guys up 6-0. Both QB's in for the score.

If it were Hollywood thats how it would go. But its tOSU/scUM. Anything goes.
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buckeye247;1332138; said:
Anyone else think TB will get a shot to get drafted?

He's shown he can play a bit and he's shown maturity as a back-up. He also has prototypical size. He also got beat out by a freshmen, didn't win any of the big games he was in, and he's practically ancient in terms of being a prospect. I'd say it depends on how many juniors declare, and since many are expected to with the CBA uncertainty, I'll say no, but someone will give him a shot as an UDFA and he might even make a practice squad for a few years.
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Boeckman's hometown stands by its QB

Tom Archdeacon said:
The Dow Jones and NASDAQ are on a smooth, steady Wall Street ride compared to the way Jim Tressel's stock has plummeted in St. Henry these days.

A lot of folks in this fabled Mercer County sports town are upset because they believe the Ohio State football coach has turned one of their favorite sons into a Buckeye scapegoat.

After a crushing loss to then top-ranked Southern California in the third game of the season, Tressel benched Todd Boeckman ? the St. Henry-bred starting quarterback ? and handed the reins of the Bucks offense to talented freshman Terrelle Pryor, who certainly is a true rising star but has had some rough patches of his own this 9-2 season.

As for Boeckman, a sixth-year senior who was a first-team All-Big Ten quarterback selection last year, led the Bucks to the national title game in January and is a team captain this season, rather than being used to provide seasoned relief for Pryor, he's been exiled to the scarlet-and-gray version of Siberia.

He's only played a few downs the past eight games, and there's talk that not only does the head coach barely speak to him anymore, but that Pryor has at times publicly rebuffed Boeckman's efforts to mentor him on the sidelines.

A few Buckeye starters are said to have voiced their concerns about some of this in front of the team, while one player is said to have had a spirited closed-door debate with Tressel over these same issues.

Tressel ? through an Ohio State media representative ? was given a chance to respond to these claims, but did not.

"Some people up here have various connections to the team, and there's so many stories going around right now," said Greg Gels, the former Dayton Flyers football player who is a friend of the Boeckmans, a first cousin of Buckeyes linebacker Ross Homan from Coldwater and runs Three Generations restaurant in St. Henry and the Fieldhouse bar on Brown
Street in Dayton.

While the other three team captains and five additional Buckeye seniors were brought out for OSU's lone media session this week prior to Saturday's Nov. 22 game with Michigan, Boeckman was not made available to the press.

Back home, Boeckman's dad, Tim (the St. Henry High School athletic director and former football coach who, with his wife, Denise, will accompany Todd onto the Ohio Stadium field Saturday for Senior Day festivities), said he "didn't feel comfortable" talking about his son's situation right now and declined further comment.

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Bestbuck36;1332151; said:
Split backfield on the first play with Boeckman at QB, Pryor and Beanie as split backs. Boeckman hands to Pryor on a sweep and Terrelle has the option with Beanie out of the backfield. Both players get to start. They both have earned everything they get.

2nd play, other direction, same play, Pryor pulls up and launches one downfield to Robo for 6. Good guys up 6-0. Both QB's in for the score.

If it were Hollywood thats how it would go. But its tOSU/scUM. Anything goes.

I love this! Won't happen, but that would be totally sweet.
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Buckeneye;1330729; said:
I can't see Todd NOT starting, its senior day... and against a 3-8 scUM, not like were in serious danger this year folkes

I can't see Todd starting. Thats a slap in his face - Hey Todd.. run out there for a play and then we'll put in our real QB..


Oh and another thing.. "not like were in serious danger this year".. really? Is this a joke?

It's fucking M*ch*g*n. Get real.

Viking;1332174; said:
He's shown he can play a bit and he's shown maturity as a back-up. He also has prototypical size. He also got beat out by a freshmen, didn't win any of the big games he was in, and he's practically ancient in terms of being a prospect. I'd say it depends on how many juniors declare, and since many are expected to with the CBA uncertainty, I'll say no, but someone will give him a shot as an UDFA and he might even make a practice squad for a few years.
I disagree with the bold. Hope someone gives Todd a shot - he's got a big time arm.
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Split backfield on the first play with Boeckman at QB, Pryor and Beanie as split backs. Boeckman hands to Pryor on a sweep and Terrelle has the option with Beanie out of the backfield. Both players get to start. They both have earned everything they get.

Great idea. Now if we can get them to lift that obsolete "one football at a time" rule.
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Todd has been a class act, and I'm proud to say he is a Buckeye. Under no circumstances should he start and I doubt he would want a "token" start. It would send a horrible message to the team about the importance of this game to the players. You play the best available players at each position in this game, no compromises.

The other aspect is that I want TP to have a chance to be the winning QB in every UM game, and I'd love that to be 4-0(probably won't, but I'm hoping). If he doesn't start the game, he won't get credit in the record book for being the winning QB in this series. I wouldn't be opposed to having Todd in come in on some package, with TP involved, later in the game, but not starting.
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Padraig;1331373; said:

It's not that Todd would lose the game for us in one play, one series...hell, I think he could play the entire game and beat scUM out right!

But should Mo Wells start over Beanie? Mitchum over Boone, or Jamario over Kurt Coleman?

Man, please do not compare TB/TP situation with MW/CW, Mitchum/Boone, and JO/KC. Not to disrespect them, but Mo, Mitch, and Jamario are not in the same circumstances.

I know Todd has given us a little "more" in a sense than those other (Senior) players for whatever reason in each case, and the jesture sounds nice and all, but even beyond the "best player should play" mentality...Terrelle Pryor has earned this start. He deserves the start and that shouldn't be taken away from him imo.

Terrelle has earned his start without question, and it should not be taking away from him. However, if he is a team player and shows respect to the seniors as he should, then he would ask Tressel to start Todd atleast the first series IMHO! He will earn respect from the team the rest of his college days and beyond.

Todd accepted a gray shirt year where he had to pay his own way. He lost his job when the best running back in the country could not play along him while the O-line did not perform well. We would have won over Penn St. if Todd played the game. Our oppenents would have to drop back and defend the pass more, which would have allowed Beanie more running room.
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Buckeye1;1332496; said:
Terrelle has earned his start without question, and it should not be taking away from him. However, if he is a team player and shows respect to the seniors as he should, then he would ask Tressel to start Todd atleast the first series IMHO! He will earn respect from the team the rest of his college days and beyond.

Todd accepted a gray shirt year where he had to pay his own way. He lost his job when the best running back in the country could not play along him while the O-line did not perform well. We would have won over Penn St. if Todd played the game. Our oppenents would have to drop back and defend the pass more, which would have allowed Beanie more running room.
Terrelle did ask per 1460..

2nd thing is the majority of this post is retarded.
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