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QB Todd Boeckman (official thread)

Muck;1332315; said:

I understand the feeling for the town, Todd has been great, he's a Buckeye through and through. I'm glad he has been part of this team.However, Tressel does not make decisions to appease hometowns. Tressel makes decisions to win football games, make money, and insure his job security. Todd played great for a while, that doesn't mean things don't change. TP earned the starting role, this is not a fraternity with legend status, you get what you earn. Like I said, I am glad Todd has been on the team and has had success as a Buckeye. But Tressel doesn't work to satisfy older women who don't think he's right for the job because he doesn't play a team member from that town. That said, best of luck to St. Henry's and Todd. Thanks for being a Buckeye Boeckman.
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Buckeye1;1332496; said:
Terrelle has earned his start without question, and it should not be taking away from him. However, if he is a team player and shows respect to the seniors as he should, then he would ask Tressel to start Todd atleast the first series IMHO! He will earn respect from the team the rest of his college days and beyond.

Todd accepted a gray shirt year where he had to pay his own way. He lost his job when the best running back in the country could not play along him while the O-line did not perform well. We would have won over Penn St. if Todd played the game. Our oppenents would have to drop back and defend the pass more, which would have allowed Beanie more running room.

First of all, my comparison of Todd & Pryor to those other players & positions was based on the notion that somehow because Todd is a Senior, or because this is his last game vs. Michigan, that this should factor into the coaches decision on who starts.

My position on that notion: Best player plays.

If Terrelle is a "team player" and respects the Seniors, then he should ask Tressel to start Todd? I find that a ridiculous comment. As pointed out already, TP told Coach that if he wasn't getting it done, not to hesitate to pull him in favor of Todd (and coach pretty much replied, "don't worry...I won't hesitate"). That is the ultimate team player! "Play whomever gives us the best chance to win, coach...me, Todd, or Joe B."

I believe Todd is that same type of team player, and that's why I have all the more respect for him as a Captain, now. I believe he wants to play, but I think his first desire (as hard as I'm sure it is for him) is to do whatever he can in the interest of the Team...that seems to be with him backing up Terrelle Pryor as the starter right now.

Todd has had a fine career, even if this last season hasn't gone the way he expected. He had a great season last year and lead the team to a Big Ten Championship & National Championship game. He was named Captain his Senior year, and will be known as a one-time starting Quarterback for the greatest football program in the country. To imply that because he "accepted" a Greyshirt (like it was some uber-charitable act on his part, putting the University somehow in his debt) so now Tressel owes him something (i.e. a starting position or more playing time) is just stupid.

Yes, I think Terrell has earned and deserves to start this game and play until it is well in hand in the 4th quarter. If Coach T and the other coaches send Todd out there on the first offensive snap or with 7 minutes to go in the 4th, then I will say "good for Todd" and I'm sure it will be with Pryors understanding, respect and blessing. But I don't think Coach Tressel "owes" any player a start, playing time or anything else because some hometown fan's perception is that he was made some sort of a scapegoat by losing his starting position after a particularly televised loss.

So I stand by my comparisons, Man. Best player should play IMHO.
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Padraig;1332583; said:
My position on that notion: Best player plays.

Yes, I think Terrell has earned and deserves to start this game and play until it is well in hand in the 4th quarter. If Coach T and the other coaches send Todd out there on the first offensive snap or with 7 minutes to go in the 4th, then I will say "good for Todd" and I'm sure it will be with Pryors understanding, respect and blessing. But I don't think Coach Tressel "owes" any player a start, playing time or anything else because some hometown fan's perception is that he was made some sort of a scapegoat by losing his starting position after a particularly televised loss.

So I stand by my comparisons, Man. Best player should play IMHO.

It's very obvious TP is the best player. He is a once in a decade special player. Best of luck to TB. He has handled this better than most of us would have.
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Buckrock;1332598; said:
It's very obvious TP is the best player. He is a once in a decade special player. Best of luck to TB. He has handled this better than most of us would have.
I'll bite..

TB led us to a Big 10 Championship. TB led us to the National Championship where Ray Small dropped a game changing pass. TB doesn't call the plays. TB can make all the throws. TB led the Big 10 in passing efficiency. TB was having "Heisman" associated with him. TB was a projected first day pick and was the top junior QB. TB was voted captain.

TB didn't have Beanie against USC.

With that said, I am of the opinion TB "regressed" at the end of the year.. but IMO, TB didn't get a fair shake this season.
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Bleed S & G;1332721; said:
I'll bite..

TB led us to a Big 10 Championship. TB led us to the National Championship where Ray Small dropped a game changing pass.

No love for Robiskie and his dropped TD that led to a blocked FG and momentum change? Todd is a good QB and a class act, but Terrelle Pryor gives this team the best chance to win right now. You got to play to your strengths, and pryor's mobility is a strength that covers our weakness. The offensive line. Thanks for the dedication and great season last year, Todd! Wish you the best of luck in your future endeavors.

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Pryor2Posey;1332732; said:
No love for Robiskie and his dropped TD that led to a blocked FG and momentum change? Todd is a good QB and a class act, but Terrelle Pryor gives this team the best chance to win right now. You got to play to your strengths, and pryor's mobility is a strength that covers our weakness. The offensive line. Thanks for the dedication and great season last year, Todd! Wish you the best of luck in your future endeavors.

I don't disagree with the bold at all.. not in the least. TP has played well above my expectations for a true freshman as well.

I'm just salty over how the whole thing was handled.. very un-tressel like. JT is known for his loyalty to seniors.. let alone a senior QB who is a captain. Something must have happened behind the scenes.

Either way - I'm more or less playing devils advocate.
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Bleed S & G;1332721; said:
I'll bite..

TB led us to a Big 10 Championship. TB led us to the National Championship where Ray Small dropped a game changing pass. TB doesn't call the plays. TB can make all the throws. TB led the Big 10 in passing efficiency. TB was having "Heisman" associated with him. TB was a projected first day pick and was the top junior QB. TB was voted captain.

TB didn't have Beanie against USC.

With that said, I am of the opinion TB "regressed" at the end of the year.. but IMO, TB didn't get a fair shake this season.

Lets be fair, we rode the Beanie express last year to a Big Ten championship and National Championship berth. Todd was doing fine, but he was not without fault, especially down the stretch. I'd hate to say that Boeckman was a turnover machine, but from Michigan State 07 - USC 08 he was turning the ball over multiple times a game. . .

With that said, I hope Boeckman gets a chance to play on Saturday. I hope the team fights hard for the seniors and sends them out with another victory over Michigan
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The way I see it, Tressel usually caps off scoring under 50 points. Let us think of this as two Michigan games, each being a half. Todd leads as we score the first 50 points. Terrelle leads as we score the next 50 (or vice versa). Finish 100 - 0. Everyone is happy (apart from the vulvarines).

Edit: I just realized 50 is not a multiple of 7. Change that to 56!
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Todd's been a true Buckeye, and has handled this year's tough situation with a tremendous amount of class. I'd say a lot of that he learned from his father, a classy man I've met on more than one occasion, and who wisely decided not to comment on the situation this week.

It's natural for folks in his hometown team to show support for Todd; let's not resort to name-calling those who let their enthusiasm for their hometown guy cause them to make some statements that may not show the best judgment.

And let's not feel the need this week to assign blame as to why there was a situation that brought about a QB change.

This week, let's show support for the team and gratitude for all that the seniors have done over their careers. And then let's watch them, all together, kick TSUN's asses all over the 'Shoe.
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The Boeckman debate

I just finished reading Tom Archdeacon's story today in the Dayton Daily News. I thought it was worth weighing in, because there are some heavy-duty issues brought up here.
First, I've known Arch for many years, and I respect him greatly. I trust that his sources who are telling him about Pryor's supposed attitude problems and team dissension are not St. Henry people. He's a good enough journalist to avoid that trap -- obviously, his hometown folks are biased.
I have been to St. Henry, I know Todd and his father reasonably well, and they are great people living in an idyllic small town. I have a soft spot for small towns, and they rally around their own with fierce loyalty, which is part of what makes them great.
I know you think I'm setting up for the big "But...." here, but I'm not. I simply want to give you my opinions of the situation.
First, I think Todd Boeckman lost some confidence late last season. You could sense it in his demeanor, tone and body language.

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TB didn't have Beanie against USC.
We did have a bad offense line that was not giving Todd time to make his reads and throw throw the ball.

Todd accepted a gray shirt year where he had to pay his own way.
I don't know the situation here. What were his options? Could he have transfered? Let me get this straight. He grey shirted one year, red shirted one year and was a regular player for four years. Does that mean he paid for one year and went to college for free five years? I think there are a lot of people who would take that.
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[fade in - two men standing around a bar in Small Town, USA]

Greg: Dad, there's some big city reporter been snooping around.

Charlie: Well, what's he want, son?

Greg: He's asking questions about Todd Boeckman. Thinks that he was "threw under the bus", whatever that means.

Charlie: Means that he was benched, son.

Greg: Oh.... Well, shouldn't he've been benched after that USC game?

Charlie: Yes, son, but that's beside the point. Todd's a local boy....

Greg: Oh, now I get it ... I think.

[momentary silence - both appear lost in thought]

Greg: Dad, if we rip on Coach Tressel, you think we'll get our names in the paper?

Charlie: Yep. Sure do.

Greg: Think they'll mention my restaurant and bar?

Charlie: Yep. And my grocery store, too.

Greg: Well, shucks! That's free advertising, pops!

Charlie: Sure is, son ... and in the big city paper, nonetheless.

Greg: And on the internets!

Charlie: Yep. On the internets, too....

[pause - look at each other]


[fade out]

[end of Act I, Scene 2]
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