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Operation Chaos mode - BCS Title game contenders

ant80;1553317; said:
I did, and I'm still not buying it. Would you put an undefeated Boise over USC and tOSU, or even VT or OU? If you start making exceptions for undefeated teams, what other exceptions do you have? And where will they stop? BYU over OU after week 1?

Uh, Boise State didn't play us or USC...Iowa did play Penn State. Iowa proved they were the better team, on Penn State's field, and since they also have a better record they should be ranked ahead of Penn State. The only reason I mention that Iowa is undefeated is because that Penn State no longer is, and thus Iowa has a better record (4-0 vice 3-1) along with beating them on their own field.
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jlb1705;1553479; said:
There is a more relevant example than Boise State - It's Iowa/Penn State!

At what point does that win start to carry weight? If you keep Penn State ahead of Iowa and they both win out (except one game :wink2:) in equally impressive fashion over the course over the rest of the season, do you finally move Iowa ahead of them like they deserve at some point, and if so, why then and not when they beat them?

Your approach assumes what will happen over the rest of the season at the expense of what actually has happened. I think it's better the other way around. If Penn State truly is better than Iowa as you believe they will show it on the field over the rest of the season and can move back ahead of Iowa accordingly.

They both play same teams going forward. How they fare in those like minded games(OSU, scUM, MSU, MINN, IND, and Northwestern) will determine what the pollsters do with them.
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NateG;1553486; said:
They both play same teams going forward. How they fare in those like minded games(OSU, scUM, MSU, MINN, IND, and Northwestern) will determine what the pollsters do with them.

Exactly. So why give Penn State the benefit of the doubt when Iowa has a better record and beat them at their place?
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jlb1705;1553494; said:
Exactly. So why give Penn State the benefit of the doubt when Iowa has a better record and beat them at their place?

Preseason rank for one or...

Ask the coaches assistants and the Harris poll voters...lol

I think it will play out for each especially considering no one will remember this poll unless it matters... but wait didn't this happen last year?
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So Boise State beats 18th ranked Oregon at home and gets ranked number 5, and Iowa beats the 5th ranked PSU team on the road and is ranked in the mid-teens? Since when did the Mountain West conference or whatever the heck it's call became better than the B10?
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Tresselbeliever;1553507; said:
So Boise State beats 18th ranked Oregon at home and gets ranked number 5, and Iowa beats the 5th ranked PSU team on the road and is ranked in the mid-teens? Since when did the Mountain West conference or whatever the heck it's call became better than the B10?

Since ESPiN told every one so.

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Tresselbeliever;1553507; said:
So Boise State beats 18th ranked Oregon at home and gets ranked number 5, and Iowa beats the 5th ranked PSU team on the road and is ranked in the mid-teens? Since when did the Mountain West conference or whatever the heck it's call became better than the B10?

Boise is in the WAC.. The WAC has Fresno and Hawaii, occasionally Nevada shows up, but can never beat the big dogs of the WAC. IMO the WAC is the weakest of all mid-major conferences. I think the MWC with Utah, TCU, and BYU is by far better than the WAC.
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Buckeye89Fan;1553511; said:
Boise is in the WAC.. The WAC has Fresno and Hawaii, occasionally Nevada shows up, but can never beat the big dogs of the WAC. IMO the WAC is the weakest of all mid-major conferences. I think the MWC with Utah, TCU, and BYU is by far better than the WAC.

And it blows my mind that a team that only schedules one BCS opponent out of this conference is ranked top five in all the polls. This is like ranking Pepperdine the #5th best team in college basketball for beating a mediocre UCLA team and playing really crappy teams the rest of the way. Incredible.
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Tresselbeliever;1553514; said:
And it blows my mind that a team that only schedules one BCS opponent out of this conference is ranked top five in all the polls. This is like ranking Pepperdine the #5th best team in college basketball for beating a mediocre UCLA team and playing really crappy teams the rest of the way. Incredible.

Agreed. Here's to hoping they lose against Tulsa or Hawaii (both road games), hell... I hope they lose to both! :)
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NateG;1553510; said:
Think about this.... 12 team playoff would include Boise and TCU but would not include undefeated IOWA,scUM, Mizz, Kan, Aub, UCLA, or Wisc.
Precisely why I-AA uses a 16-team format...

Buckeye89Fan;1553523; said:
Agreed. Here's to hoping they lose against Tulsa or Hawaii (both road games), hell... I hope they lose to both! :)
Boise State will pummel Hawaii...
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I think they lose @ LSU and SECCG to 'Bama
4-014742Texas (1)
I think they lose to OU
Favorable schedule, I think they win out.
I think they drop two, @ 'bama and one of UGA/Miss

4-012265Boise State
I think they win out.

4-011446Virginia Tech
I think they drop 2 of @GT, UNC, @ ECU and NCSt
I think they lose in Autzen
I think they drop one of @Nebby or OSU
2-110559Ohio State
With our D and developing O, we win out (UM biggest threat)
Lose @ BYU and maybe Utah
Lose @ USF
4-084812Oklahoma State
Drop 2 of Mizzou, Texas or OU
3-166513Penn State
Lose @ scUM, tOSU and maybe @ Sparty
Lose @ Kiffin, @ UF and @ GT
Lose @ Tulsa
Lose @ Texas and maybe Nebby and/or Mizzou
Drop 2 of @ Wiscy, @ Sparty and @ tOSU
Lose to 'bama and 1 of @ Auburn/LSU
Lose to USC and 1 of OSU/@ Stanford
Lose to @MSU, @ Iowa, @ Wiscy and tOSU
4-030421Miami (FL)
Lose @ UNC and 1 of Clemson/@ USF
2-129821Brigham Young
Probably win out
Drop 2 of Nebby, @ OSU or @ KU
Lose 2 of @ Mizzou, TTU, OU and @ KU
Drop 1 of @ UCLA, @ UW and @ Stanford

I know it's probably foolish to make any predictions with how this year is going, but here's how I see it playing out. If this plays out, we could be looking at 'Bama and Boise in the BCSNCG. Unless, somehow the tOSU really does develop like they did in '05 and starts running away with games. Then, would it be enough to leap Boise State? Obviously, the chances of the above working out are probably minimal, but it could make for a very interesting last month of the season...

Damn formatting, I guess it's still legible...
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jlb1705;1553479; said:
There is a more relevant example than Boise State - It's Iowa/Penn State!

At what point does that win start to carry weight? If you keep Penn State ahead of Iowa and they both win out (except one game :wink2:) in equally impressive fashion over the course over the rest of the season, do you finally move Iowa ahead of them like they deserve at some point, and if so, why then and not when they beat them?

Your approach assumes what will happen over the rest of the season at the expense of what actually has happened. I think it's better the other way around. If Penn State truly is better than Iowa as you believe they will show it on the field over the rest of the season and can move back ahead of Iowa accordingly.
Iowa may indeed be better than Penn State. If they are, and the go undefeated, eventually they will be moved over other teams. If, on the other hand, they lose a couple of games, I'll expect the polls to show that as well. I am advocating incremental changes. Three weeks from now, if Iowa and PSU continue winning, I'll expect Iowa to jump PSU.
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