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Operation Chaos mode - BCS Title game contenders

Boise State will slowly sink in the computers over the rest of the season, since the remainder of their schedule is so weak.

Thus, the BCS computers that so many folks constantly bitch about would prevent Boise State from playing in the BCS Title game, even if they rise to number 2 in the human polls. But I think common sense will prevent the human polls from letting them rise that high.
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Normally for the Bucks the end of season would be a little easier(outside of a scUM game). But this year looks different right now as it looks like our toughest Big Ten games are at seasons end. (at PSU,Iowa and at scUM)
The positive is that JT builds his teams for the seasons end so barring serious injuries, we should be peeking at that time. That is gonna be an exciting 3 weeks!
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Something interesting I heard today that I didn't know because I'm not a SEC historian..... LSU hasn't won in Athens since 1987. If the trend continues the possibility is there that LSU loses to Georg then turns around and beats Florida... things could get awfully interesting.
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NateG;1555203; said:
Something interesting I heard today that I didn't know because I'm not a SEC historian..... LSU hasn't won in Athens since 1987. If the trend continues the possibility is there that LSU loses to Georg then turns around and beats Florida... things could get awfully interesting.

It doesn't matter one bit....as long as someone emerges from the SEC with no more than one loss, they are in. If you are going to tell me that UF, Bama, LSU, UGA all will have at least two losses, I don't buy that.
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Tresselbeliever;1555299; said:
It doesn't matter one bit....as long as someone emerges from the SEC with no more than one loss, they are in. If you are going to tell me that UF, Bama, LSU, UGA all will have at least two losses, I don't buy that.

I'm not saying anything about that. But looking at it... UGA already has a loss already. I feel they lose again. If LSU loses here... I think they lose another. If LSU pulls out a win against Florida.. Florida would have one loss. That leaves one loss to Florida and more unlikely 2 losses to ALA before the SEC CG. Otherwise you would be right. Flor vs ALA for the SEC and Winner again goes to the Title. The SEC has had a rep in the title for 4 of the last 6 titles and 3 in a row. USC played the B12 in the other 2.

With that thinking, It is likely that the other team comes from either the B12, B10 or Pac10. USF plays Cincy.. and I believe both lose again. ACC eats each other up.

So USC/CAL is huge leading to USC/ND-OREGST-OREG. ND could be our friend if USC beats CAL for their 2nd loss. OREG(1) and UCLA(2) losses probably needed still.

Then the B12 probably needs losses for Tex(2), OKLA, MIZZ(2), KAN(2), OKST(1), NEB(1), TEX A&M(1). Lots of Atrition to come. Definitely think OSU needs an OKLA win over TEX, especially if they lose to Miami.

B10 is now in a win out and everyone is below OSU with MSU and Northwestern's losses.

Definitely more probable and especially with the way OSU played against Texas last year and USC this year, I think the BCS could put them in over some teams. I know many say "Nah, it would never happen". It happened the year after Florida and if OSU beat state Penn or they beat Iowa last year who knows.... but neither team gave the Big 10 the chance. They were definitely going to end in the top 3 with a win though, OSU would have jumped to top 6 from 12. It is all about where the coaches have us. If the Harris likes us a little, we all know the comps will eat us up and lift us to top 5 with a win out. So it could be down to 10 losses needed with tons of time to go. Win out and put pressure on the coaches and Harris!!!
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I seriously doubt a one loss Ohio State gets to the championship game over a one loss Texas (especially if that loss is to Oklahoma) this year. Texas kinda got BCScrewed last year and they beat us in our bowl game. Fair? dunno, I just think the human voters would push Texas in ahead of us. Thoughts?
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