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Operation Chaos mode - BCS Title game contenders

billmac91;1552423; said:
How is USF not ranked? FSU pasted BYU at BYU. USF pasted FSU in Tally, and in undefeated, yet still not top 25 or above BYU? These polls are ludacris....
Not trying to be mean Bill, but beating FSU is not seen as such a big deal now as it once was...
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Gatorubet;1552446; said:
Not trying to be mean Bill, but beating FSU is not seen as such a big deal now as it once was...

Oh, I agree 100%. But the same FSU team destroyed BYU and BYU is still ranked. USF beat the Noles on their home field......it's just illogical. Why is BYU ranked when an average FSU team took them to the woodshed on their home field?
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billmac91;1552447; said:
Oh, I agree 100%. But the same FSU team destroyed BYU and BYU is still ranked. USF beat the Noles on their home field......it's just illogical. Why is BYU ranked when an average FSU team took them to the woodshed on their home field?

Cause BYU still beat a top 10 team which is looking really good right now.
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Oregon is doing their best to make Boise State look good right now. I'm not sold on Boise, though: they haven't really played anybody that we KNOW is good, and they have a history of getting murdered in bowl games (except against Oklahoma).
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First Harris Poll Released- link http://www.harrisinteractive.com/news/newsletters/bcsnews/BCS_Sept_27_2009.pdf

Rank/Team/Record/Previous Game/Points/Next Game (weekend Oct.3)

1. Florida (99)/4-0/2,825/Beat Kentucky 41-7/Idle
2. Texas (4)/4-0/2,711/Beat UTEP 64-7/Idle
3. Alabama (11)/4-0/2,658/Beat Arkansas 35-7/at Kentucky
4. LSU/4-0/2,413/Beat Mississippi State 30-26/at No. 17 Georgia
5. Boise State/4-0/2,264/Beat Bowling Green 49-14/UC Davis
6. Virginia Tech/3-1/2,129/Beat Miami (FL) 31-7/at Duke
7. USC/3-1/2,023/Beat Washington State 27-6/at No. 21 California
8. Ohio State/3-1/1,912/Beat Illinois 30-0/at Indiana
9. Oklahoma/2-1/1,898/Idle/at No. 22 Miami (FL)
10. Cincinnati/4-0/1,700/Beat Fresno State 28-20/at Miami (OH)
11. TCU/3-0/1,658/Beat Clemson 14-10/Southern Methodist
12. Penn State/3-1/1,135/Lost to Iowa 21-10/at Illinois
13. Houston/3-0/1,122/Beat Texas Tech 29-28/at UTEP
14. Iowa/4-0/1,102/Beat Penn State 21-10/Arkansas State
15. Oklahoma State/3-1/1,091/Beat Grambling 56-6/Idle
16. Kansas/4-0/951/Beat Southern Mississippi 35-28/Idle
17. Georgia/3-1/823/Beat Arizona State 20-17/No. 4 LSU
18. Mississippi/2-1/804/Lost to South Carolina 16-10/at Vanderbilt
19. BYU/3-1/796/Beat Colorado State 42-23/Utah State (Fri.)
20. Michigan/4-0/713/Beat Indiana 36-33/at Michigan State
21. California/3-1/676/Lost to Oregon 42-3/No. 7 USC
22. Miami (FL)/2-1/665/Lost to Virginia Tech 31-7/No. 9 Oklahoma
23. Oregon/3-1/620/Beat California 42-3/Washington State
24. Nebraska/3-1/409/Beat Louisiana-Lafayette 55-0/Idle
25. Missouri/4-0/404/Beat Nevada 31-21/Idle

Other teams receiving votes: Auburn 366; Georgia Tech 340; South Florida 308; South Carolina 144; Wisconsin 119; Utah 84; UCLA 55; Notre Dame 51; Texas A&M 30; North Carolina 9; Stanford 9; Washington 6; Arizona 5; Indiana 5; Connecticut 4; Southern Miss 3; Florida State 2; Kansas State 2; Minnesota 2; Pittsburgh 2; Iowa State 1; Texas Tech 1.

Also here's a link to the caliber of people voting in this poll- http://www.harrisinteractive.com/news/newsletters/bcsnews/Harris_Interactive_News_BCS_2009_09_23.pdf

At least they like OSU better than OKLA
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I don't care that Iowa was unranked and Penn State was #5 when they played, there's no way Penn State should be ranked ahead of Iowa. Iowa is undefeated while Penn State isn't, and Iowa beat Penn State at their place.
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I don't buy that if a team beats another team, they should automatically be above the team that they beat. Would you still rank Stanford ahead of USC in 2007? Or Pittsburgh above West Virginia? Or Appalachian State over scUM... OK, bad example. I take the last one back. :biggrin:

As long as the voters get it mostly right at the end of the year, I'm fine with it.
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ant80;1553300; said:
I don't buy that if a team beats another team, they should automatically be above the team that they beat. Would you still rank Stanford ahead of USC in 2007? Or Pittsburgh above West Virginia?

How about reading the rest of my post before replying? You know, the part where I specify that Iowa is undefeated? That clearly separates their win over Penn State from Stanford's win over USC or Pittsburgh's win over West Virginia.

Pollsters should be willing to make the proper in-course adjustments (i.e., apply some common sense) to their rankings...
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MililaniBuckeye;1553306; said:
How about reading the rest of my post before replying? You know, the part where I specify that Iowa is undefeated? That clearly separates their win over Penn State from Stanford's win over USC or Pittsburgh's win over West Virginia.

Pollsters should be willing to make the proper in-course adjustments (i.e., apply some common sense) to their rankings...
I did, and I'm still not buying it. Would you put an undefeated Boise over USC and tOSU, or even VT or OU? If you start making exceptions for undefeated teams, what other exceptions do you have? And where will they stop? BYU over OU after week 1?

edit: I know you're going to get me because Boise didn't play USC, or any of the teams I mentioned. I'm sure there's a more relevant example, but I can't think of it right now. My point is, upsets happen for a variety of reasons. Sometimes the voters are wrong, sometimes the higher ranked team doesn't play well, sometimes the weather, sometimes the weather, and sometimes even the color of your hair, or whether you had a fight with your significant other the previous day. The strength of a team is best be judged over the course of the season. Making vast changes because of a single game is, IMO, too hasty.
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Tresselbeliever;1553472; said:
Root for Miami against OU and root for Cal against SC. If somehow things go our way, OSU would be 2/3rds of the way back into the national picture. (I still don't see any way that they can put Boise into the title game with only one BCS conference team on their schedule. )

I agree on all accounts. I still don't think that Boise will make it. They still have to hope for Texas, Florida, and Alabama to lose, only one of which is guaranteed(UF vs ALA SEC Title game). Add the fact of teams jumping them due to SOS vs who they play each week and it is still an uphill climb. The comps will hate them so they will need both human polls to love them which will be hard.
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ant80;1553317; said:
I did, and I'm still not buying it. Would you put an undefeated Boise over USC and tOSU, or even VT or OU? If you start making exceptions for undefeated teams, what other exceptions do you have? And where will they stop? BYU over OU after week 1?

edit: I know you're going to get me because Boise didn't play USC, or any of the teams I mentioned. I'm sure there's a more relevant example, but I can't think of it right now. My point is, upsets happen for a variety of reasons. Sometimes the voters are wrong, sometimes the higher ranked team doesn't play well, sometimes the weather, sometimes the weather, and sometimes even the color of your hair, or whether you had a fight with your significant other the previous day. The strength of a team is best be judged over the course of the season. Making vast changes because of a single game is, IMO, too hasty.

There is a more relevant example than Boise State - It's Iowa/Penn State!

At what point does that win start to carry weight? If you keep Penn State ahead of Iowa and they both win out (except one game :wink2:) in equally impressive fashion over the course over the rest of the season, do you finally move Iowa ahead of them like they deserve at some point, and if so, why then and not when they beat them?

Your approach assumes what will happen over the rest of the season at the expense of what actually has happened. I think it's better the other way around. If Penn State truly is better than Iowa as you believe they will show it on the field over the rest of the season and can move back ahead of Iowa accordingly.
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