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QB Todd Boeckman (official thread)

Cajunbuck;1245081; said:
I'm not in the business of evaluating, opinionating, or caring about USC's QB.

I hope Todd shuts me up with a blistering performance against USC and the rest of the year. I truly hope my perception of him is wrong.

maybe you should not make assumptions until after the fact

there is really no reason to bash Todd, its a new season, and I thought he started off the new season with a decent performance
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DaddyBigBucks;1245084; said:
I have never seen so much venom directed at a QB with an efficiency rating of 191.1.

No question on his efficiency rating. I think Boeckmann is a great kid. Has all the physical tools. I guess he just doesn't seem to electrify the offense to me. Did you not sense a difference when the other QB's were in the game? Especially Pryor. Remember when Troy Smith stepped in for Zwick? It suddenly was two different teams. Not because of his running ability but from his "game". I think Boeckmann may be a little to cerebral at times. Not enough fire.

I hope I'm absolutely wrong.
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Some tOSU fans are spoiled........TB will be fine and better than last year.


Taking it in Stride: Quarterback Todd Boeckman was at times guilty of under throwing the deep ball last season, but Boeckman seemed to be hitting receivers more in stride against YSU. That was particularly true on a 47 yard completion to Brian Hartline in the first quarter when Boeckman hit Harline on a deep ball and Harline never had to slow down to make the catch.
"All year Robo and Hartline said just throw it deep and we'll go get it," said Boeckman.
"I've been trying to work on that all winter and all spring and all fall, just throw it out there and let them go run under it because I know they can."
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I do understand why people would give TB a lot of flack. He had a very nice efficiency rating, yes. I think most of that came from the first half of the season when he just tore opponents apart. Then the second half of the season, was not as good as the first. I think the teams in the second half of the season was much better than the first half. He didn't play particularly well against Illinois, Michigan (although we won) and in the NCG. I think he struggles sometimes with "happy feet" and underthrown deep passes. I didn't get to watch the YSU game, but from the facts that I gather, he looked pretty efficient. No doubt that Todd is our man, I wouldn't expect TP to come right in and take the job from TB, people need to get over it.

On the other side of this, Todd has been in this system for a long time, he knows it (believe it or not). He is the absolute starting QB until he graduates. I think he can take us on a fantastic ride this year, he has such a supporting cast around him, so there won't be so much pressure on him to make the throws or force any issues. He still has one more game to work on getting the kinks out before the most talked about game in recent history. If the offense putters, thats when I think TP should be brought in as a change of pace and hopefully get a spark.

Look, if TB wasn't a great QB, he wouldn't be playing at a top tier Div I college football powerhouse, and he definately wouldn't be playing for Jim Tressel. He is OUR QB, so lets get on his good side. And for all of you that don't believe, he is due for a big game...watch out USC.
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Cajunbuck;1244138; said:
To me he looked just like he did in the title game. Nervous , very easily pressured into happy feet. He took some devastating sacks last year hanging onto the ball. He really struggles zipping it into tight coverage on short passing plays. He also doesn't seem to have that "rally around me" effect on the team. I have never been a Boeckman fan. I think that Bauserman might have "it". I like the combination of Joe and Pryor. I watched Germaine recently in the Arena ball playoffs. Still has the cannon and the touch.
I dare say that Todd Boeckman could be our undoing this year due to his missing skill sets in some areas and his lack of being a "gamer".

I also agree on the previous comment about no back sets on 3rd down. I would go one step further in saying that it seems like many of our plays take too long to develop. The 5 step drop is Boeckman's bread and butter and IMHO it just begs for pressure against these SEC and certainly USC's stellar defensive lines / edge rushers. I have observed several SEC teams in person and the game tempo is much faster. I think this is what our offensive line struggles with the most. We give these defenders too much time to get their breath, read our alignment, and attack. Offensive pressure and tempo keeps these fast defenses on their heels a little bit in my opinion. Opinions?

Posts like this one makes me wonder why you whine about getting banned.....

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I see the following....First game......74% completions......2 touchdowns......no turnovers.....

Some tOSU fans see the following.......he did throw that one ball into the ground out in the flat......and don't forget he threw into double coverage twice.......

It is hard following a legend like Troy Smith.
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BuckeyeMike80;1245098; said:
Posts like this one makes me wonder why you whine about getting banned.....


No whining here. Just trying to state my opinion and observations, right or wrong. May not be the same as other OSU fans. I tend to look for the possible weaknesses in our team from an objective standpoint. The greatness is apparent in many areas. The possible problems are much more interesting to discuss IMO.

BuckeyeMike80, I reverse myself. Todd Boeckmann is spectacular, he has no flaws. The NC is in the bag with his ability behind center. Is it too late to redshirt Pryor?

Is that better?
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Very well said. I agree on the change of pace part...it really could make our offense nearly unstoppable especially if TP comes in and throws the ball with everyone geared up to run him down. He looked good throwin it!

EidoloN;1245096; said:
I do understand why people would give TB a lot of flack. He had a very nice efficiency rating, yes. I think most of that came from the first half of the season when he just tore opponents apart. Then the second half of the season, was not as good as the first. I think the teams in the second half of the season was much better than the first half. He didn't play particularly well against Illinois, Michigan (although we won) and in the NCG. I think he struggles sometimes with "happy feet" and underthrown deep passes. I didn't get to watch the YSU game, but from the facts that I gather, he looked pretty efficient. No doubt that Todd is our man, I wouldn't expect TP to come right in and take the job from TB, people need to get over it.

On the other side of this, Todd has been in this system for a long time, he knows it (believe it or not). He is the absolute starting QB until he graduates. I think he can take us on a fantastic ride this year, he has such a supporting cast around him, so there won't be so much pressure on him to make the throws or force any issues. He still has one more game to work on getting the kinks out before the most talked about game in recent history. If the offense putters, thats when I think TP should be brought in as a change of pace and hopefully get a spark.

Look, if TB wasn't a great QB, he wouldn't be playing at a top tier Div I college football powerhouse, and he definately wouldn't be playing for Jim Tressel. He is OUR QB, so lets get on his good side. And for all of you that don't believe, he is due for a big game...watch out USC.
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Cajunbuck;1245239; said:
BuckeyeMike80, I reverse myself. Todd Boeckmann is spectacular, he has no flaws. The NC is in the bag with his ability behind center. Is it too late to redshirt Pryor?

Is that better?

Was that so fucking hard?

Seriously, I find it highly fucking comical that you state Todd doesn't have the "rally around me effect". Ask his teammates about that. Maybe they'll strip him of his captaincy that THEY voted on.

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OSUBasketballJunkie;1245108; said:
I see the following....First game......74% completions......2 touchdowns......no turnovers.....

Some tOSU fans see the following.......he did throw that one ball into the ground out in the flat......and don't forget he threw into double coverage twice.......

It is hard following a legend like Troy Smith.
I'll take that every game from TB. Just play your game young man and be a great senior leader...
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BUCKYLE;1245243; said:
Was that so [censored]ing hard?

Seriously, I find it highly [censored]ing comical that you state Todd doesn't have the "rally around me effect". Ask his teammates about that. Maybe they'll strip him of his captaincy that THEY voted on.


Man, this is unbelievable. TB is a senior, who was the last senior quarterback that you can remember that wasn't a captain? My opinion is that Todd Boeckmann has not shown himself to be a quarterback that deals with pressure and big situations well. Hopefully that will change this year. I am rooting for him. However, I saw some of the same bad habits materialize Saturday when he was under the gun. This has also been stated by other posters on this thread. USC looms...not to much time to get those corrected. I'm sure his teammates love him and respect him, but that doesn't mean that he is a great leader. He doesn't set the example well when he dances around, misses his safety valve and holds on to the ball way too long under pressure and gets sacked. Hopefully he can put it all together, he certainly deserves it as he has put the time and effort into the program. Let's rest it.

Pryor will be starting in a few weeks anyway. JUST KIDDING!

By the way. I grew up in Newark.
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I didn't see anything in Boeckman's performance that gave me any cause for concern. I think people (cajunbuck) are seeing what they want to see. Some people (cajunbuck) simply refuse to accept the fact that Todd will likely have a very good season. On the other hand, there was nothing, in watching Pryor's performance, though he did very well for a true freshman in his first collegiate game, that would lead me to believe that he is ready to take over this offense in any way shape or form. My guess is that they will add little thing here for him to do differently from week to week, try out some new stuff, but he will never supplant Todd as the starter, barring injury, and maybe not even then. Why can't people just be happy that we have a very capable, senior quarterback leading this team to what could be our 3rd consecutive Championship game? And also be happy that we have two very talented backups that bring some different skills in at that position. I suspect that as the season progresses, you will still see Todd taking the vast majority of the snaps and the team will have success with him as their leader
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