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QB Todd Boeckman (official thread)

Cajunbuck;1245239; said:
BuckeyeMike80, I reverse myself. Todd Boeckmann is spectacular, he has no flaws. The NC is in the bag with his ability behind center. Is it too late to redshirt Pryor?

Is that better?

Let's see here, WHERE, exactly, did I saw TB was without flaw? In fact, where did ANYONE say it?

the problem with your post is you make these grand sweeping pronouncements like this:

I dare say that Todd Boeckman could be our undoing this year due to his missing skill sets in some areas and his lack of being a "gamer".

And then have absolutely NOTHING to back it up with.....at all. Nothing from the players (the evidence points to the exact opposite), coaches or even media.
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Cajunbuck;1245088; said:
No question on his efficiency rating. I think Boeckmann is a great kid. Has all the physical tools. I guess he just doesn't seem to electrify the offense to me. Did you not sense a difference when the other QB's were in the game? Especially Pryor. Remember when Troy Smith stepped in for Zwick? It suddenly was two different teams. Not because of his running ability but from his "game". I think Boeckmann may be a little to cerebral at times. Not enough fire.

I hope I'm absolutely wrong.

Not to stir the pot, but bringing a new QB into the game always seems to energize an offense a little. Sometimes teams just need a change of pace.

So Todd's not firery...that's okay as long as he's efficient. And I'm sure inserting TP a few times a game will provide a whole lot of fire that you seem to crave. :)
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Let's see how he progresses

The jury on Todd is still out in my mind. No one can predict gloom and doom or legend status at this point. With that choice, I will keep it positive and hope for an improved big game QB.

The key for Todd is to do good things with the ball, not to take bad sacks, and not turn the ball over! I know, not very profound. Last year Todd had 4 TDs to 6 INTs against teams in the final AP top 25. In addition, we know he did not always look composed under big game pressure and he put the ball on the ground to boot. His average QB rating for those 4 games was 61.76.

I really did not take away much from the YSU game for Todd. He played a good game and managed the offense well. Had a very good QB rating and 2 Tds. He did not throw an INT. He did all this while probably not quite getting into the flow of the game.

The USC game will be revealing. It will be tough to win if he throws more (or even as many) pics and TDs. He cannot put the ball on the ground and he needs to stay mentally tough. I think he is up to it but time will tell.
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BuckeyeMike80;1245299; said:
Let's see here, WHERE, exactly, did I saw TB was without flaw? In fact, where did ANYONE say it?

the problem with your post is you make these grand sweeping pronouncements like this:

And then have absolutely NOTHING to back it up with.....at all. Nothing from the players (the evidence points to the exact opposite), coaches or even media.

Whatever. BrianO's post is all I'm saying....jury is out on Todd Boeckmann in my mind. The USC game and hopefully the NC game will bear this out. I hope he rises to the occasion.
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Wonderful. Great.

..and all we are saying is that we are not the board that wants to constantly hear about every flaw in a player. If that is your cause, then you are better served finding another board to do so. You bashed kids last year and you are edging close to that line again this year.

Real simple, we do not want it here.
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BrianO;1245335; said:
The jury on Todd is still out in my mind. No one can predict gloom and doom or legend status at this point. With that choice, I will keep it positive and hope for an improved big game QB.

The key for Todd is to do good things with the ball, not to take bad sacks, and not turn the ball over! I know, not very profound. Last year Todd had 4 TDs to 6 INTs against teams in the final AP top 25. In addition, we know he did not always look composed under big game pressure and he put the ball on the ground to boot. His average QB rating for those 4 games was 61.76.

I really did not take away much from the YSU game for Todd. He played a good game and managed the offense well. Had a very good QB rating and 2 Tds. He did not throw an INT. He did all this while probably not quite getting into the flow of the game.

The USC game will be revealing. It will be tough to win if he throws more (or even as many) pics and TDs. He cannot put the ball on the ground and he needs to stay mentally tough. I think he is up to it but time will tell.

I also think whoever is behind center will also have to have more 7 point success in the red zone against USC. We don't want to field goal our way through that one.
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Cajunbuck;1245081; said:
I'm not in the business of evaluating, opinionating, or caring about USC's QB.

I hope Todd shuts me up with a blistering performance against USC and the rest of the year. I truly hope my perception of him is wrong.

Taosman it's cool with me if you want to call him Boecks.
I believe "opining" is the word you're looking for Mr. Braintrust.
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Taosman;1245087; said:
It's a sad comment on Buckeye fans. I'm sure many would bench Todd for TP in a heartbeat. :(
I wouldn't lump "Buckeye fans" together with Cajun. His history on this board is very "scout board".

OSUBasketballJunkie;1245108; said:
I see the following....First game......74% completions......2 touchdowns......no turnovers.....

Some tOSU fans see the following.......he did throw that one ball into the ground out in the flat......and don't forget he threw into double coverage twice.......

It is hard following a legend like Troy Smith.
That's the rub. Not only is he following a legend, he fas the most hyped recruit in tOSU history looming behind him. It's understandable to have doubts after his performance the last four games, I have them too, but to already call him "The reason tOSU is gonna drop a game this year" after he played less than one game (quite well I might add) is just assinine.
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it seems to me cajun has been stating his opinion in a respectful manner. As he had said many times hes hoping to see the flaws improve like everyone else here. Its one thing to degrade a player but quite another to discuss ones flaws. To deny TB has flaws or to refuse to bring them up seems crazy to me.

TB might not have the running ability but Troy had nothing against TB's deep ball lol
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Nadda;1245705; said:
it seems to me cajun has been stating his opinion in a respectful manner. As he had said many times hes hoping to see the flaws improve like everyone else here. Its one thing to degrade a player but quite another to discuss ones flaws. To deny TB has flaws or to refuse to bring them up seems crazy to me.

TB might not have the running ability but Troy had nothing against TB's deep ball lol
Read his post history. There's a reason he's on a very short rope.
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Nadda;1245705; said:
it seems to me cajun has been stating his opinion in a respectful manner. As he had said many times hes hoping to see the flaws improve like everyone else here. Its one thing to degrade a player but quite another to discuss ones flaws. To deny TB has flaws or to refuse to bring them up seems crazy to me.

Dandy. However, when all you post is negativity about a player or coach, well, that just isn't what we want here. There are numerous boards for that kind of constant harping...this just isn't the place.
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buckeyes_rock;1245301; said:
Not to stir the pot, but bringing a new QB into the game always seems to energize an offense a little.

buckeyes_rock;1245301; said:
So Todd's not firery...

Bringing in ANY young offensive weapon energizes a team. Especially with the hype Pryor had(has) his raw talent, and wanting to see that translate onto the field.

If I recall correctly, the last QB we had to win a NC wasn't very "fiery" either... and there's certainly nothing wrong with that.
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