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QB Todd Boeckman (official thread)

Onebuckfan said:
Like it or not there will always be ?'s on Todd until he goes out and manhandles a game against a quality opponent.

It's too bad he didn't show up in last year's Penn State game on the road at night. That would have been a good opprotunity to take over a game against a quality opponent...in a hostile environment at that.

What's Todd's record against Michigan again? I can't remember.
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Cajunbuck;1244138; said:
To me he looked just like he did in the title game. Nervous , very easily pressured into happy feet. He took some devastating sacks last year hanging onto the ball. He really struggles zipping it into tight coverage on short passing plays. He also doesn't seem to have that "rally around me" effect on the team. I have never been a Boeckman fan. I think that Bauserman might have "it". I like the combination of Joe and Pryor. I watched Germaine recently in the Arena ball playoffs. Still has the cannon and the touch.
I dare say that Todd Boeckman could be our undoing this year due to his missing skill sets in some areas and his lack of being a "gamer".

I also agree on the previous comment about no back sets on 3rd down. I would go one step further in saying that it seems like many of our plays take too long to develop. The 5 step drop is Boeckman's bread and butter and IMHO it just begs for pressure against these SEC and certainly USC's stellar defensive lines / edge rushers. I have observed several SEC teams in person and the game tempo is much faster. I think this is what our offensive line struggles with the most. We give these defenders too much time to get their breath, read our alignment, and attack. Offensive pressure and tempo keeps these fast defenses on their heels a little bit in my opinion. Opinions?
This coming from the braintrust that gave us these gems last November...

Cajunbuck;990351; said:

That's exactly right...no competition! You can see why we get no national respect!

Unbelievable! I cannot see how anyone can be optimistic about this loss! Our conference is mired in mediocrity!

Cajunbuck;990327; said:
Once again, our defense gets exposed. Heacock (Mr. Adjustment) needs to go. Old and outdated.
Our defensive line has been sorry since the 2002 title game. That QB draw was ridiculous.

I especially love the #1 Bullshitters in all of America....Mr. Kirk-I can't shut my trap and block -Barton......AND Mr. Alex - fat, slow ass- Boone. Also introducing The ultra slow whiteboy, Mr. Steve Rehring! Cellulite on display!
My how we have learned from the Florida game!!!! We will never let that happen again! Doug Datish was the reason...he made all the wrong calls!


As I said after the title game loss. We are becoming a national joke with our weak conference teams and our soft schedule.

My SEC lovin' neighbors will love this one! We got beat by a guy who didn't make it in the SEC. The Zooker is the man in our bad ass conference.

I think the whole rose bowl tradition is bullshit. Who cares! Let's get a true conference championship!

What a suck-ass way to lose! Our defense sucked! Sucked!!!!!

I think I might become an LSU fan.

I better not hear anyone defend our performance tonight..we sucked! We are weak!!!
...and this beauty...

Cajunbuck;1061288; said:
I've already been banned once for bashing after the Illini game. This is definitely not a free speech site.
With that said....we made it to the NC game because of our weak schedule, inferior opponents, and a flawed system. I love the Bucks as much as anyone but I'm a realist. We are a good team in a very weak conference that doesn't play a championship and judges their entire season on beating
a very mediocre team in TSUN. Our coaches are mostly from Ohio, have Ohio ties or connections. Luke Fickell is a great example. What depth of experience does he bring to our team? Jim Heacock has been at Ohio State for 15 years. Sometimes change can be good. Other conferences (namely the SEC) have raised the bar. To compete we must play better, more dangerous competition and we must have coaches that know what it takes to win in ultra-competitive games on the biggest stages.
Jim Tressel is a fantastic head coach and a great representative of the program. I do think that he is guilty of alot of nepotism.
How about a few ex - SEC coaches to infuse some new blood and energy? We won the national title in 2002 with Dantonio. Things haven't been the same since.
As for our athletes....I think we have good, sometimes great athletes at the skill positions. Is James L. the best linebacker in college football? I think not. He benefits from lack of competition. Our offensive line is not what everyone thinks it is. Part of my last ban was my bashing of Boone and Barton, who I believe have size and strength but no speed, game savvy, or the right attitude to win against tough opponents. They are both blowhards IMHO, great for a quote, but no real action when the chips are down. We've beaten Michigan 4 years in a row because of their team's mindset....they have a great bunch of athletes, but the mental aspect has been lost on their team. Hart, Henne, Long, Manningham all have been serious underachievers. Our offensive line and our defense both now have this problem IMO. Jim Heacock and Jim Bollman would be in charge of both of those.
I live in SEC country, most of my friends are diehard LSU fans. They all pretty much felt the game would be exactly as it was. They were convinced OSU couldn't keep the pace. They were right. Embarrassing for our program as a whole IMO. Our reputation is shot nationally and we now are the official owners of a very large monkey on our backs.
There is only one way to get him off.....change.
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Best Buckeye;1244604; said:
I thought that Todd did very well today. He controlled play and didn't make any huge mistakes. I he contiues to do that I'll be happy at the end of the year.

What are you doing? Isn't it obvious that fans aren't allowed to complemant Todd Boeckman?

I find it hilarious on how some are already downing Boeckman. It was a scrimmage in which OSU was constantly rotating players in and out. Please can people calm down about Boeckman? Need I remind some that Wells had a 16 carry 42 yd game against YSU last year and some were already calling for Saine to start ahead of him?

Jesus, I swear that unless Todd goes 30/30 for 402yds and 7 TDs against USC or Florida people will still be saying, "well, he just didn't have that zip on the ball you'd like to see", and "Well, he played pretty well, but I'm still not sure he has 'it' lololololololololol".
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For me, its not about his stats at all, even if he throws a perfect game the fact still remains that he doesnt yet have that great zip on the ball or that quick eagle eye vison. I think he'll do just fine this year, i'm just hoping he can improve beyond what he could do last year. Thats never a garuntee. But its a long season and he'll have all the oppertunity.

Lets Go Boeckman!
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1926Buckeyes;1244686; said:
What are you doing? Isn't it obvious that fans aren't allowed to complemant Todd Boeckman?

I find it hilarious on how some are already downing Boeckman. It was a scrimmage in which OSU was constantly rotating players in and out. Please can people calm down about Boeckman? Need I remind some that Wells had a 16 carry 42 yd game against YSU last year and some were already calling for Saine to start ahead of him?

Jesus, I swear that unless Todd goes 30/30 for 402yds and 7 TDs against USC or Florida people will still be saying, "well, he just didn't have that zip on the ball you'd like to see", and "Well, he played pretty well, but I'm still not sure he has 'it' lololololololololol".

I promise you that if TB has a good game against USC and we win a lot of the questions will die down. Until then, having questions or doubts, as long as it stays respectful, about a QB who played the way TB did down the stretch is to be expected.
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It is what it is.


It's not a gem because my opinions are not of the rose colored glass type. I am not bashing, just stating my opinion on Todd Boeckmann. My frustrations last year after the Illini game were solidified after our performance against LSU. We had some real issues at the O-line, QB, and on defense. I'm not bashing, just stating fact. I had a house full of LSU fans for that game. Nobody wanted them to win more than me.

Please continue to refer to me as Braintrust. Please capitalize and bold font. I like it. :biggrin:

NFBuck;1244615; said:
This coming from the braintrust that gave us these gems last November...

...and this beauty...
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Taosman;1244598; said:
So. By that same standard USC's Sanchez is a bum also? :shake:

I'm not in the business of evaluating, opinionating, or caring about USC's QB.

I hope Todd shuts me up with a blistering performance against USC and the rest of the year. I truly hope my perception of him is wrong.

Taosman it's cool with me if you want to call him Boecks.
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