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QB Todd Boeckman (official thread)

DaddyBigBucks;1239257; said:
From the article above:

No, I don't think Todd is too confident. His father and I see the same thing.

Oh, I get it. At first I thought you were saying you thought you were saying you thought he was too confident. My fault! I know last year some people were complaining because they thought he wasn't confident enough. And I was like what now people are saying hes to confident? LOL! Thanks so much for explaining that too me. :)
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Remember him? Boeckman hopes to make final season memorable for OSU
Thursday, August 28, 2008

COLUMBUS All it took was one swoop of a pen, and virtually all Todd Boeckman did in 2007 was erased.

About the same time the ink dried on Terrelle Pryor's delayed, but nevertheless completed, Ohio State-bound letter of intent, Buckeye fans seemed to forget about Boeckman.

Remember him?

Boeckman is the broad-shouldered 6-foot-4, 244-pound quarterback who led Ohio State to a national title game in his first year as a starter. He's the guy who led OSU back from a halftime deficit in an early season game at Washington. He was a first-team All-Big Ten selection. He is the guy who led the conference and was among the country's best passers in efficiency.

Saturday, he will start for the 14th time and play in his 20th college football game, against Youngstown State in a noon kickoff at Ohio Stadium.

He's also the guy fans hardly ask about.

Boeckman chuckles politely. Fans have written to Columbus-area papers expressing that Pryor may well be a Heisman Trophy candidate. Asked about it, Boeckman stopped laughing.

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Boeckman's back as Buckeyes' top QB

August 29, 2008

COLUMBUS (AP) - Here is what it's like being Ohio State's starting quarterback: After his first 10 games last season, Todd Boeckman was considered a dark horse candidate for the Heisman Trophy; now many Buckeyes fans think it's only a matter of time until he's holding a clipboard on the sideline.
Heading into Saturday's opener against Youngstown State, Boeckman is the acknowledged leader of the second-ranked Buckeyes' offense - unless he makes a mistake, of course.
With fans in a frenzy over raw freshman Terrelle Pryor, and salivating to see him in action, it must be difficult to not be hurt by all the love being tossed at a guy who right now is listed as Ohio State's third-teamer and won't attend his first college class for another month.

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From the mouth of God:

"I thought his practice yesterday was crisp. It was the first time we had any moisture and those balls are nice when they get a little tacky. If you've ever thrown a ball you know you like that little tackiness to it. He was as sharp and as instinctive as I've seen him. It's fun to watch his progression," Tressel said.
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Todd played a nice game today, but I still don't like how we are going with the empty backfield on third and 3s and 4s. That killed us against LSU and simply doesn't work against teams that have physical corners and can bring quick pressure. However, Todd looked like he has gotten over last three games of the season and is really to have a BIG year!
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I think we need to do more of those WR and slip screens...they could work wonders in the right situations. Overall I think Todd played very well. May have tried to force a few balls, but I think that could partly be because it's the opening game, nerves, and playing against someone who is not in a scarlet/gray uniform. First pass to Hartline was a very impressive throw and the TD to Robo was beautiful
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BuckeyeMac;1243474; said:
I think we need to do more of those WR and slip screens...they could work wonders in the right situations. Overall I think Todd played very well. May have tried to force a few balls, but I think that could partly be because it's the opening game, nerves, and playing against someone who is not in a scarlet/gray uniform. First pass to Hartline was a very impressive throw and the TD to Robo was beautiful

I am glad we have one more "warm-up" game before the big showdown September 13th. Hopefully he settles his nerves down and gets in the groove, because I don't think he can force the ball when there is nothing against a team like USC, they are too tough to give them freebies. He seemed real efficient today, and the help from Pryor should help Todd during the USC game and throughout the season.
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He still took a while in the pocket before making a decision. I know its the frist game and all, but i saw a lot of the same patterns from last season. A few of those balls thrown would have been quick 6's or picked against USC
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