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QB Todd Boeckman (official thread)

I just did a search of the internet and thought I'd report:

Yes, it is possible to find photos of Boeckman from fall camp where he doesn't have that "I know something you don't" smile on his face. They are rare, but they're out there.
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Projected 3rd round? From what, last season's stand point?

If Tebow and maybe Stafford stay, this will be a very weak draft from the QB prospective... he may very well end up being a 1st or 2nd round if he can limit his turnovers and make some big plays.
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Buckeneye;1235293; said:
Projected 3rd round? From what, last season's stand point?

If Tebow and maybe Stafford stay, this will be a very weak draft from the QB prospective... he may very well end up being a 1st or 2nd round if he can limit his turnovers and make some big plays.

As long as he goes to a team that actually has a desire and need for him (unlike the drafts of Pittman or Troy Smith) I dont care what round he goes. The kid has the size, the maturity and the throwing motions to do well in the NFL.

On a side note from the kick scrimmage: Keeping with tradition, the QBs have to walk home. Could you imagine seeing Boeckman, Pryor, and Bauserman all walking down the road? lol
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Buckeneye;1235293; said:
Projected 3rd round? From what, last season's stand point?

If Tebow and maybe Stafford stay, this will be a very weak draft from the QB prospective... he may very well end up being a 1st or 2nd round if he can limit his turnovers and make some big plays.

I agree. NFL scouts are much more objective than website analysts. The scouts realize that 2007 was his first year running a very green offense. If he can equal or better his TDs and pass % (likely), reduce his INTs by 5 or more (very possible), and show poise in tough situations, he could easily go in the first two rounds. A team that has a locked in starter, but wants a backup to groom for a few years, would love a guy like Todd. The scouts aren't looking at him thinking: Krenzel was better; Troy was better; blew the Illinois game; Big Ten is weak; Tiger bait!; etc. They're thinking: good size, good arm, somewhat mobile, well coached, needs some seasoning. I hope he has a great season and gets a good chance to make football a career.
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Kelli Cardinal, The Lima News
Todd Boeckman, a native of St. Henry, is a senior and starting quarterback for The Ohio State University. Ohio State's season opener is against Youngstown State University.

Ohio State's Boeckman ready for next step

Quarterback, Ohio State burn to win it all more than they show

August 23, 2008 - 6:04PM
Jim Naveau

COLUMBUS - Probably 99 percent of all descriptions of Ohio State quarterback Todd Boeckman will include the phrase "nice guy" at some point.
Even family members describe him as "kind of laid back."
Ask him about a trip to Las Vegas for a wedding this summer and the first thing he wants to do is make sure you know his friends had a dignified ceremony, not some late-night nuptials performed by an Elvis impersonator.
"It wasn't one of those quick ones. It was a nice ceremony. His girlfriend is from out there," Boeckman said, being careful that his friends weren't misrepresented.
Ask what's on his iPod and he will say, "You might not believe this, but I don't have one."

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SanClementeBuck;1237040; said:
Nor does Todd need an iPod to be an outstanding QB. His quiet confidence will show up this season...he's gonna be a good one.


Leadership style close to his head coach. Quiet, confident, even-keeled, talented, (now) experienced, tons of talent around him. This will be a special year, not only for our team, but TB is going to endear himself to us all with his play this year.
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Jaxbuck;1237366; said:
If we get the same kind of jump from JR to SR year as we did from the last QB from little 'ol St Henry, we might just have an ok year. :wink2:

Yeah, but that guy had a Heisman Trophy winning tailback holding the defenses' attention, so it's not really the same... thing... uh... I mean you can't... uh...

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DaddyBigBucks;1237375; said:
Yeah, but that guy had a Heisman Trophy winning tailback holding the defenses' attention, so it's not really the same... thing... uh... I mean you can't... uh...


Bobby Hoying 1994 (JR): 170/301 2,335 yds 19 TD
Bobby Hoying 1995 (SR): 211/341 3,269 yds 29 TD

Todd Boeckman 2007 (JR): 191/299 2,379 yds 25 TD

just sayin
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Jaxbuck;1237382; said:
Bobby Hoying 1994 (JR): 170/301 2,335 yds 19 TD
Bobby Hoying 1995 (SR): 211/341 3,269 yds 29 TD

Todd Boeckman 2007 (JR): 191/299 2,379 yds 25 TD

just sayin

...and my point was that some of Hoying's improvement was because:
1994 Eddie George ..................................1,442 276
1995 Eddie George ..................................1,927 328

And oh, by the way, in case you had forgotten (as if):
2007 Chris Wells ..................................1,609 274
Compares pretty well to Eddie's pre-Heisman year, no?
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DaddyBigBucks;1237424; said:
...and my point was that some of Hoying's improvement was because:
1994 Eddie George ..................................1,442 276
1995 Eddie George ..................................1,927 328

And oh, by the way, in case you had forgotten (as if):
2007 Chris Wells ..................................1,609 274
Compares pretty well to Eddie's pre-Heisman year, no?


We could very realistically be looking at an offense more potent than 1995's with a better defense and Jim Tressel as the coach. I'll take my chances with that.
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DaddyBigBucks;1229830; said:
I just did a search of the internet and thought I'd report:

Yes, it is possible to find photos of Boeckman from fall camp where he doesn't have that "I know something you don't" smile on his face. They are rare, but they're out there.

What does that mean? :)

I really hope that Todd can stand out this season. I think last year he was just over looked. People were to busy worrying about Tim Tebow to even notice any other Qbs.
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