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QB Todd Boeckman (official thread)

BuckeyeNation27;1223935; said:
You have an amazing ability to determine people's height and weight without ever meeting them or.....you know.....watching them get on a scale.


I call 237, at least yesterday it was 237.
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BuckeyeNation27;1223935; said:
You have an amazing ability to determine people's height and weight without ever meeting them or.....you know.....watching them get on a scale.

Well, I didn't guess his exact weight. I'm saying he's less than or equal to 235. And you can usually get a sense of a player's size just by comparing them to others.

I would be far less accurate if I met them in person.

I'll make sure to bump this post for the NFL combine though.
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OregonBuckeye is a carny, in case you didn't know.

I certainly don't want to take this thread OT - but it reminds me of the worst date I ever had. I was in HS and took this girl with a lisp to the State Fair. Every time I asked her what she wanted to do she said "I want to get weighed! I want to get weighed!"

Sorry, but if we are out in full force I'm pulling my weight.
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Oh8ch;1225252; said:
I certainly don't want to take this thread OT - but it reminds me of the worst date I ever had. I was in HS and took this girl with a lisp to the State Fair. Every time I asked her what she wanted to do she said "I want to get weighed! I want to get weighed!"

Sorry, but if we are out in full force I'm pulling my weight.

Broke the needle, didn't she?
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Oh8ch;1225252; said:
I certainly don't want to take this thread OT - but it reminds me of the worst date I ever had. I was in HS and took this girl with a lisp to the State Fair. Every time I asked her what she wanted to do she said "I want to get weighed! I want to get weighed!"

Sorry, but if we are out in full force I'm pulling my weight.
A girl with a lisp would be handy to have around the house in the fall, because she could translate everything Lou Holtz says when you're watching the highlight show.
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