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QB Todd Boeckman (official thread)

Tresselbeliever;1243470; said:
Todd played a nice game today, but I still don't like how we are going with the empty backfield on third and 3s and 4s. That killed us against LSU and simply doesn't work against teams that have physical corners and can bring quick pressure. However, Todd looked like he has gotten over last three games of the season and is really to have a BIG year!

Man, I just didn't see it that way. I think Todd has a very good arm and good accuracy.....when he has time to throw. But I'm really nervous about his ability to be effective when there is pressure.

Dare I say that he just doesn't have "it"...? Troy had it...Germaine had it....It's a very rare quality to be able to scan the field in 3 seconds and have a good feeling who is about to be open and to throw the ball to where they will be open. The more I watch Todd back there the more I appreciate how great Troy Smith was.

Pryor is going to have to win some games for us this year because I'm afraid our OL isn't consistent enough to keep Todd comfortable back there.
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He's gonna cost us a game against a quality opponent.

To me he looked just like he did in the title game. Nervous , very easily pressured into happy feet. He took some devastating sacks last year hanging onto the ball. He really struggles zipping it into tight coverage on short passing plays. He also doesn't seem to have that "rally around me" effect on the team. I have never been a Boeckman fan. I think that Bauserman might have "it". I like the combination of Joe and Pryor. I watched Germaine recently in the Arena ball playoffs. Still has the cannon and the touch.
I dare say that Todd Boeckman could be our undoing this year due to his missing skill sets in some areas and his lack of being a "gamer".

I also agree on the previous comment about no back sets on 3rd down. I would go one step further in saying that it seems like many of our plays take too long to develop. The 5 step drop is Boeckman's bread and butter and IMHO it just begs for pressure against these SEC and certainly USC's stellar defensive lines / edge rushers. I have observed several SEC teams in person and the game tempo is much faster. I think this is what our offensive line struggles with the most. We give these defenders too much time to get their breath, read our alignment, and attack. Offensive pressure and tempo keeps these fast defenses on their heels a little bit in my opinion. Opinions?

DaveyBoy;1244126; said:
Man, I just didn't see it that way. I think Todd has a very good arm and good accuracy.....when he has time to throw. But I'm really nervous about his ability to be effective when there is pressure.

Dare I say that he just doesn't have "it"...? Troy had it...Germaine had it....It's a very rare quality to be able to scan the field in 3 seconds and have a good feeling who is about to be open and to throw the ball to where they will be open. The more I watch Todd back there the more I appreciate how great Troy Smith was.

Pryor is going to have to win some games for us this year because I'm afraid our OL isn't consistent enough to keep Todd comfortable back there.
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DaveyBoy;1244126; said:
Man, I just didn't see it that way. I think Todd has a very good arm and good accuracy.....when he has time to throw. But I'm really nervous about his ability to be effective when there is pressure.

Dare I say that he just doesn't have "it"...? Troy had it...Germaine had it....It's a very rare quality to be able to scan the field in 3 seconds and have a good feeling who is about to be open and to throw the ball to where they will be open. The more I watch Todd back there the more I appreciate how great Troy Smith was.

Pryor is going to have to win some games for us this year because I'm afraid our OL isn't consistent enough to keep Todd comfortable back there.

The chicken and egg question is this: how do you expect Boeckman or anyone for that matter to have enough time to throw when we have an empty backfield on 3rd & 4 with the opposition's defense backed deep in its territory? You could very easily alleviate that problem by having a Mo Wells or Flash Thomas back there with Boeckman in the shotgun to pass block, or to make the defense respect the possibility of a handoff.
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Tresselbeliever;1244284; said:
The chicken and egg question is this: how do you expect Boeckman or anyone for that matter to have enough time to throw when we have an empty backfield on 3rd & 4 with the opposition's defense backed deep in its territory? You could very easily alleviate that problem by having a Mo Wells or Flash Thomas back there with Boeckman in the shotgun to pass block, or to make the defense respect the possibility of a handoff.

I agree with your proposed solution.....and I suspect we will see something like that from OSU vs USC. But with 5 WRs, one would think TB could take 3 steps and fling it for a 1st down. He'll be OK, be TB will have to beat a great pash rush before a great pass rushing team ever respects him....that has me really nervous about the USC game - especially with no or a gimpy Beanie
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Tresselbeliever;1244284; said:
The chicken and egg question is this: how do you expect Boeckman or anyone for that matter to have enough time to throw when we have an empty backfield on 3rd & 4 with the opposition's defense backed deep in its territory? You could very easily alleviate that problem by having a Mo Wells or Flash Thomas back there with Boeckman in the shotgun to pass block, or to make the defense respect the possibility of a handoff.

Mo Wells pass block? You have to be kidding. He's never blocked a soul in college. It's part of the reason he has fallen on the depth chart.
I'm also unsure why you'd put a 185 lb WR in the backfield with TB to block.

For years every level of football has been running a spread with an empty backfield and it been very successful in a variety of situations. There is one simple key to running it successfully. A quarterback that can read quickly and pick up his hot read when blitzed. He cannot sit in the shotgun in this situation and think he's going to have a lot of time to get rid of the ball. His ability to read quickly and deliver the ball quickly is the key.
TB doesn't impress me at all. Whether it's his ability to read or deliver a ball quickly or escape pressure. He's unimpressive at best.
I'd like to see TP used often. If the unthinkable happens and the Bucks lose to USC then I think TP should play a lot through the Big Ten season.
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ashlandbuck;1244387; said:
Mo Wells pass block? You have to be kidding. He's never blocked a soul in college. It's part of the reason he has fallen on the depth chart.
HUH?!? Have you ever watched Mo Wells in pass pro? There's a reason he was subbed in on passing down ahead of Beanie that past two years, and sure as hell wasn't to throw him swing passes.

Mo Wells's strength has always been his pass blocking. He was better than Pitt, and he's been better than Beanie.
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Dryden;1244392; said:
HUH?!? Have you ever watched Mo Wells in pass pro? There's a reason he was subbed in on passing down ahead of Beanie that past two years, and sure as hell wasn't to throw him swing passes.

Mo Wells's strength has always been his pass blocking. He was better than Pitt, and he's been better than Beanie.

That's funny, I heard Tress just say that Beanie was the team's best pass blocker.
What film are you looking at and who have you heard that from?

Wasn't to throw him passes? He played 1/10 of the minutes Beanie did and caught twice as many passes.
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Like it or not there will always be ?'s on Todd until he goes out and manhandles a game against a quality opponent. TS against UM is where a QB goes out and takes over a game. I don't think TB is that kind of QB but that doesn't mean he can't win a big game, he just needs to compliment his team by not making a big mistake. Flynn and Leak were not superstars but their teams were successful. If Beanie would happen to be out for a long time, thats when more is going to be needed out of Todd. Why TP gets all the hype is because many feel he can be that game changer.!!!
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Yeah ashland, I dunno what games you've been watching the last 3 years but MoWells is an exceptional Pass Blocker in the backfield.

He may not blow defenders up, or run people over, but he picks up the blitz and gets between them and the QB and does exactly what he's supposed to do.
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