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QB Todd Boeckman (official thread)

I have always heard that the most popular player on a football team is the backup quarterback. This is obviously more true when the starter is struggling, or when the fan bases' elephantine memory only remembers past struggles and forgets the good stuff. Throw in the fact that Todd is following a legend and it is little wonder that he gets criticism.

For a first year started, Todd did very, very well last year, granted he had some off games (he was not the only player or coach to struggle in those games however) This is his second year as a starter, his senior year, and as Tress says he needs to have a career year in this, his last year. We all need to chill out and trust in the coaches to put all of the players in a position to be successful, we can still harp and complain a little (this is America after all and that is our God given right as Americans :biggrin:) if however all we can do is harp, bellyache and complain, perhaps finding a place with more like minded types would be better.
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Cajunbuck;1245661; said:
I also think whoever is behind center will also have to have more 7 point success in the red zone against USC. We don't want to field goal our way through that one.

Not sure our red zone success can be pinned to Todd. My memories of our series' suggests that Todd wasn't the primary factor in those drives. My worst memory being the failed red zone where Beanie's toe/foot went pop...
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matcar;1246168; said:
Not sure our red zone success can be pinned to Todd. My memories of our series' suggests that Todd wasn't the primary factor in those drives. My worst memory being the failed red zone where Beanie's toe/foot went pop...

There was a red zone possession toward the South end zone in the first half. On one play, Herron was wide open in the right flat (this wasn't visible on any TV shots); Boeckman was scrambling but didn't see him, and threw incomplete into the back of the end zone.

The team was 4/5 in "red zone efficiency", with the only non-scoring possession being credited to Boeckman as QB when Beanie was injured and let the ball go.

So, Todd gets a no-points drive when there was obviously nothing he did wrong, and he gets credit for a score when better field vision while under pressure would have given him an easy throw for a TD. I guess that washes out in the stats.

I've always thought that 'red zone effieciency' should be calculated by dividing points by possessions, but that discussion's for another thread.
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jwinslow;1246300; said:
seriously, that was one of his better qualities, since his true frosh season. Todd Boeckman's first TD to Ginn (Miami?) showed Mo stuffing an untouched DE.
0:30 mark

Caution - lyrics NSFW

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XFrXA7xDgl4"]YouTube - Ted Ginn Jr 2005[/ame]
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I'm excited about Boekmans performance. 180+ yards, 2 TD's, no turnovers, only 4 incompletions...... in only half of a game. He underthrew a guy in the flat and missed another guy. Big deal. Great game for TB
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jimotis4heisman;1246457; said:
some of you really need to grow up. act with some class. this thread has become borderline embrassing...
Fine JO4H - I'll just mosey over to ESPN :tongue2:

Seriosuly though, this form reflects Buckeye Nation.. I couldn't believe the stuff I was hearing around the stadium before, during, and after the game.

I don't buy the "following a legend" crap... I think the majority of the fans just don't know shit. I hate to say this, I was embarassed as a buckeye fan.
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Tlangs;1247357; said:
I'm excited about Boekmans performance. 180+ yards, 2 TD's, no turnovers, only 4 incompletions...... in only half of a game. He underthrew a guy in the flat and missed another guy. Big deal. Great game for TB

After giving this some thought (and persuasive PMs) and looking at what TB offers this team, I wholeheartedly support him. Yes it's fun to watch Pryor do well, but didn't Todd pay his dues after sitting the bench all those years watching others do well? TB is working as hard as the next guy and wants to bring this team to ANOTHER NC game. I think Todd needs to hear from his fans and support him this year, his final year. There have been times where he didn't execute well last year, but that came under a lot of pressure. This year he presents himself as a seasoned veteran and leader on the field. I love the fact that we have depth at QB. It's a beautiful thing. TB will need the support both on and off the field if we want to see this team go to the BIG Game in January.
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