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Operation Chaos mode - BCS Title game contenders

Tresselbeliever;1557781; said:
1). SC - Oregon may be the only team left on their schedule that can put up a fight.

SC's biggest threat is going to be Oregon State, Arizona State, Stanford, UCLA, and Arizona... Every average/below average team left on USC's schedule.
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Harris Poll 10-4-09

Rank/Team/Record/Points/Previous Game (weekend of Oct. 3)/Next Game (weekend of Oct. 10)/Previous Week's Rank
1. Florida (97) 4-0/2,818 Idle/at No. 4 LSU/1
2. Texas (12) 4-0/2,705 Idle/Colorado/2
3. Alabama (5) 5-0/2,665/Beat Kentucky 38-20/at No. 18 Mississippi/3
4. LSU 5-0/2,469/Beat No. 17 Georgia 20-13/No. 1 Florida/4
5. Boise State 5-0/2,245/Beat UC Davis 34-16/Idle/5
6. Virginia Tech 4-1/2,187/Beat Duke 34-26/Boston College/6
7. USC 4-1/2,173/Beat No. 21 California 30-3/Idle/7
8. Ohio State 4-1/1,980/Beat Indiana 33-14/No. 25 Wisconsin/8
9. Cincinnati 5-0/1,866/Beat Miami (OH) 37-13/Idle/10
10. TCU 4-0/1,773/Beat Southern Methodist 39-14/at Air Force/11
11. Iowa 5-0/1,492/Beat Arkansas State 24-21/Michigan/14
12. Miami (FL) 3-1/1,471/Beat No. 9 Oklahoma 21-20/Florida A&M/22
13. Penn State 4-1/1,316/Beat Illinois 35-17/Eastern Illinois/12
14. Oklahoma State 3-1/1,157/Idle/at Texas A&M/15
15. Oregon 4-1/1,067/Beat Washington State 52-6/at UCLA/23
16. Kansas 4-0/1,065/Idle/Iowa State/16
17. BYU 4-1/847/Beat Utah State (Fri.) 35-17/at UNLV/19
18. Mississippi 3-1/822/Beat Vanderbilt 23-7/No. 3 Alabama/18
19. Auburn 5-0/801/Beat Tennessee 26-22/at Arkansas/n/a
20. Oklahoma 2-2/695/Lost to No. 22 Miami (FL) 21-20/Baylor/9
21. Nebraska 3-1/509/Idle/at No. 23 Missouri (Thu)/24
22. Georgia Tech 4-1/505/Beat Mississippi State 42-31/at Florida State/n/a
23. Missouri 4-0/476/Idle/No. 21 Nebraska (Thu)/25
24. South Florida 5-0/442/Beat Syracuse 34-20/Idle/n/a
25. Wisconsin 5-0/362/Beat Minnesota 31-28/at No. 8 Ohio State/n/a

Other teams receiving votes: Houston 239; Georgia 221; South Carolina 211; Notre Dame 126; Stanford 101; Michigan 85; Utah 63; California 28; Pittsburgh 25; West Virginia 16; Boston College 15; Arizona 10; Rutgers 1; Texas Tech 1.
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WappaGoo;1558037; said:
Undefeated Teams (13):
South Florida





Boise State

Looking at colors.

Blue, pink, purple, and orange play each other. OSU plays red. That leaves a possibility of 7 undefeated teams. And all of those teams have tough games left outside of Boise. TCU/Boise aren't a threat for OSU, so only 5 undefeated teams that could affect OSU.
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NateG;1558128; said:
Looking at colors.

Blue, pink, purple, and orange play each other. OSU plays red. That leaves a possibility of 7 undefeated teams. And all of those teams have tough games left outside of Boise. TCU/Boise aren't a threat for OSU, so only 5 undefeated teams that could affect OSU.

Plus the SEC CG.
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My Lorens Attractor predicts that we will lose one more game but so will the #2 Big Ten team and we will win the Big Ten and finally go back to the Rose Bowl. The big 3 stretch at the end of season will fizzle a bit but help us a bit.

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t0waR5320Bg&feature=related"]YouTube - Lorenz attractor 20 mln vertices[/ame]
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Big but not decisive weekend for Operation Chaos. That's because while there are definitely teams that we are rooting against, I see those teams eventually getting knocked off anyway.

1). BC vs. VaTech. This matchup has gone BC's way the last three years, and the overall character/talent of the teams haven't really changed a whole lot. VaTech may have the edge, but I expect this to be a close game.

2). Boise St. at Tulsa. On paper, the two teams look pretty evenly matched in terms of yards gained and given up per game. I expect BS(U) to win, but this might be closer than most think.

3). TCU at Airforce. I don't know a lot about the conference or the teams, but this matchup looks pretty even to me.

4). And of course, at least one of the three SEC teams will drop below us. Like I've said before, it really doesn't matter to me what happens in the SEC at this point, because it's a matter of eventuality that one of the SEC teams will represent in the BCS title game and the other two will be out of contention. Personally, I see UF and Bama winning big on Saturday.

If we take care of business and these three games go our way, we could be back in the top five in the coaches poll.
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The 3 games that could realistically put OSU in the top 5 are:

Flor over LSU
Ole Miss over ALA
and BC over Va Tech

All possible and more likely than BS (U) losing. We can jump those buttwipes anyway.
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Tresselbeliever;1557781; said:
2). UT - We need them to lose to OU in a couple of weeks and one more game in the B12. If they tack on those two losses, the B12 should be out of the hunt for the title.

OU winning out will be OK with me. The B12 champ will have 2 losses and I don't think a one loss Texas who is NOT a conference champion will/should/can? get in.

I hope the same thing happens with Florida. I could imagine they drop a game to LSU (SEC West) and one more while Lord Tebow is not 100%. Once he is back, they could win the conference title and keep out a one loss Alabama team.
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