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Operation Chaos mode - BCS Title game contenders

Take back what I said about the SEC. If Florida gets knocked off in the SECCG by a two loss team, then the SEC may not have a team finishing in the top two. Here's the ideal scenario:

  • LSU loses to UF and Bama.

  • Bama loses to Ole Miss and Auburn.

  • Auburn loses to LSU and Ole Miss.

And then the two loss team from the West beats UF.

Conversely, if a two loss UF team defeats an undefeated or one loss team from the West, then the SEC may also get shut out from the top two. That's more unlikely, considering Florida's schedule and Tebow's improving health.

Also, if Texas loses in the B12 title game, they would be out as well, regardless of record.
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Tresselbeliever;1561854; said:
Take back what I said about the SEC. If Florida gets knocked off in the SECCG by a two loss team, then the SEC may not have a team finishing in the top two. Here's the ideal scenario:

  • LSU loses to UF and Bama.
  • Bama loses to Ole Miss and Auburn.
  • Auburn loses to LSU and Ole Miss.
And then the two loss team from the West beats UF.

Conversely, if a two loss UF team defeats an undefeated or one loss team from the West, then the SEC may also get shut out from the top two. That's more unlikely, considering Florida's schedule and Tebow's improving health.

Also, if Texas loses in the B12 title game, they would be out as well, regardless of record.

Or just have Georgia win out, including the SECCG. Less likely, perhaps, but it also yields a 2-loss SEC Champ. :biggrin:
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Nothing doing this week for Operation Chaos, with the exception of undefeated Auburn getting crushed by Arkansas and LSU losing to Florida. When the polls come out tomorrow, OSU should be placed solidly at #7, leapfrogging LSU and Cincy in the AP and LSU in the coaches. Different story next week as Texas, VaTech, SC, Boise and Cincy will all face tough challenges.

  • Boise @ Tulsa. Wed night game to get the chaos started. Boise should have the edge, but Tulsa has compiled a nice record and is sitting on top of Conference USA standings. Both teams feature high power offenses, and this one could be up for grabs if it's that kind of night.

  • Cincy @ USF. Thurs night game. Matchup of two undefeated teams, with Cincy winning the last three in the series. If it's going to happen, it might as well be this year.

  • UT vs. OU @ Dallas. Texas looked sluggish tonight, and despite excellent play from McCoy, is lacking the spark and the supporting cast that they had last season. If we can please get one win out of Big Win Bob, this may be the end of UT's run. For all of you who are supporting UT just so that Tebow won't win his second Heisman, time to pull your head out of your [censored]es. This is a chance at a Nation Championship that we are talking about, and you don't [censored] get these chances often with the defense that we have.

  • VT @ GaTech. VT is starting to look good on offense, but I still think they are a pretender. If anyone's going to have the firepower to beat VT, it would be GaTech. In a high scoring scenario, I'd take GaTech at home any day of the week.

  • SC vs. ND. As much as I hate Claussen and the fatso, this is a game that you've gotta root for ND. As things stand, it would take a miracle for ND to leapfrog OSU, even if they defeat SC. Not a very high chance that this is actually going to happen, but it should be on the back of everyone's mind.
Just got give you an idea of how big these games are, if all five swing our way, we would be sitting at #3 in all the polls behind two SEC teams, which one of the two inevitably dropping out eventually. UT, VT, Cincy are definite possibilities, with the chances as high as 50% each individual matchup. SC and Boise are more remote, but should still have a 25% chance of losing. It should shape up to be a great week.

PS: After today, there's no doubt that either Bama or UF will represent the SEC in the BCS title.
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Tresselbeliever;1564310; said:
Nothing doing this week for Operation Chaos, with the exception of undefeated Auburn getting crushed by Arkansas and LSU losing to Florida. When the polls come out tomorrow, OSU should be placed solidly at #7, leapfrogging LSU and Cincy in the AP and LSU in the coaches. Different story next week as Texas, VaTech, SC, Boise and Cincy will all face tough challenges.

  • Boise @ Tulsa. Wed night game to get the chaos started. Boise should have the edge, but Tulsa has compiled a nice record and is sitting on top of Conference USA standings. Both teams feature high power offenses, and this one could be up for grabs if it's that kind of night.(Hope So)

  • Cincy @ USF. Thurs night game. Matchup of two undefeated teams, with Cincy winning the last three in the series. If it's going to happen, it might as well be this year.(If this doesn't happen Cincy could still lose(Pitt, WV) but this could knock them both out because Miami will beat USF)

  • UT vs. OU @ Dallas. Texas looked sluggish tonight, and despite excellent play from McCoy, is lacking the spark and the supporting cast that they had last season. If we can please get one win out of Big Win Bob, this may be the end of UT's run. For all of you who are supporting UT just so that Tebow won't win his second Heisman, time to pull your head out of your [censored]es. This is a chance at a Nation Championship that we are talking about, and you don't [censored] get these chances often with the defense that we have.(A. Tebow and Bradford won with a loss so whatever B. If Texas starts slow as usual this year, they may be too far behind)

  • VT @ GaTech. VT is starting to look good on offense, but I still think they are a pretender. If anyone's going to have the firepower to beat VT, it would be GaTech. In a high scoring scenario, I'd take GaTech at home any day of the week.(All of Va Tech's "big" wins have been at home, almost blew it @ DUKE... good luck in Atlanta)

  • SC vs. ND. As much as I hate Claussen and the fatso, this is a game that you've gotta root for ND. As things stand, it would take a miracle for ND to leapfrog OSU, even if they defeat SC. Not a very high chance that this is actually going to happen, but it should be on the back of everyone's mind. (Only hope is that it is @ ND)

Just got give you an idea of how big these games are, if all five swing our way, we would be sitting at #3 in all the polls behind two SEC teams, which one of the two inevitably dropping out eventually. UT, VT, Cincy are definite possibilities, with the chances as high as 50% each individual matchup. SC and Boise are more remote, but should still have a 25% chance of losing. It should shape up to be a great week.

PS: After today, there's no doubt that either Bama or UF will represent the SEC in the BCS title.(I can't say NO DOUBT, but more likely. Alabama has beat a suspect ACC team(all ACC teams are suspect) and a overhyped OLE MISS team. If LSU plays like they played tonight, they can win and teams can sneak up on you.)

Additions in red above.
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Tresselbeliever;1564310; said:
UT vs. OU @ Dallas. Texas looked sluggish tonight, and despite excellent play from McCoy, is lacking the spark and the supporting cast that they had last season. If we can please get one win out of Big Win Bob, this may be the end of UT's run. For all of you who are supporting UT just so that Tebow won't win his second Heisman, time to pull your head out of your [censored]es. This is a chance at a Nation Championship that we are talking about, and you don't [censored] get these chances often with the defense that we have.
If McCoy can win the Heisman after losing to OU, then I'm all for it. But given McCoy's performance this year, I doubt that is possible.

As it stands, given the clunkers in big games, and given how the voting has gone this year, I think the voters will find a way to keep us out of the NCG. That and I don't think this year is chaos at all. A year like 2007 only occurs once every lifetime. In fact, I don't recall any other year being like 2007. And it is highly unlikely that USC loses now, since they seem to be on the rebound.

So as it stands, go UT, beat the Sooners and win a Heisman for McCoy.
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Mostly agree except for the part about the SEC. LSU did not have an assuring performance tonight. In fact, it's more of a validation that they have an average offense with an ok defense and are just a haircut above UGA, another very mediocre time. Tebow and UF's D toyed with them tonight. I could've agreed that there was a slight possibility if UF and/or Bama had lost tonight. But with both of them winning, there just aren't enough hurdles left on the schedule for anyone to claim that either one will have two losses.
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ant80;1564327; said:
If McCoy can win the Heisman after losing to OU, then I'm all for it. But given McCoy's performance this year, I doubt that is possible.

As it stands, given the clunkers in big games, and given how the voting has gone this year, I think the voters will find a way to keep us out of the NCG. That and I don't think this year is chaos at all. A year like 2007 only occurs once every lifetime. In fact, I don't recall any other year being like 2007. And it is highly unlikely that USC loses now, since they seem to be on the rebound.

So as it stands, go UT, beat the Sooners and win a Heisman for McCoy.

Not sure if serious.
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ant80;1564327; said:
If McCoy can win the Heisman after losing to OU, then I'm all for it. But given McCoy's performance this year, I doubt that is possible.

As it stands, given the clunkers in big games, and given how the voting has gone this year, I think the voters will find a way to keep us out of the NCG. That and I don't think this year is chaos at all. A year like 2007 only occurs once every lifetime. In fact, I don't recall any other year being like 2007. And it is highly unlikely that USC loses now, since they seem to be on the rebound.

So as it stands, go UT, beat the Sooners and win a Heisman for McCoy.

Wow... way to piss on a parade..LOL. And I still would love to see evidence to this ongoing thought that the voters wouldn't put OSU in a title game. If they could do it in 2007 after a loss to ILL then it could happen this year (much better position(9 weeks to go) and no after blowout in title game hangover). And you can be at 3 in both human polls and still get to 2 in the BCS rank thanks to the comps. If OSU wins out, their only loss being to USC 2 and 1/2 months ago when the team was finding itself, it is extremely possible voters let that fall out of the back of their head with all that has gone on. Crap it is rarely talked about anymore already. The resume would then hold a possible win over 2 unbeaten teams at the time and 2 tough road games at PSU and scUM(whom the media loves). I believe in the power of the CHAOS!!!!
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ant80;1564327; said:
If McCoy can win the Heisman after losing to OU, then I'm all for it. But given McCoy's performance this year, I doubt that is possible.

As it stands, given the clunkers in big games, and given how the voting has gone this year, I think the voters will find a way to keep us out of the NCG. That and I don't think this year is chaos at all. A year like 2007 only occurs once every lifetime. In fact, I don't recall any other year being like 2007. And it is highly unlikely that USC loses now, since they seem to be on the rebound.

So as it stands, go UT, beat the Sooners and win a Heisman for McCoy.

Sorry but these are pretty laughable arguments. We don't need a 2007 type of situation where everybody ahead of us loses in the last week of play, because we are not in the last week of play and are right in the thick of things with only the beginning of conference play. Practically every single season since the BCS era, at least one team playing in the title game has a loss. They didn't all need a 2007 type scenario to happen, did they?

If you don't think UT loses, fine. But you don't have to root against the Buckeyes's title chances just so McCoy can win the Heisman. You root against the Buckeyes' chances for a title in favor of some player's chance of a Heisman, sorry, you are not a true fan.
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Tresselbeliever;1564333; said:
Mostly agree except for the part about the SEC. LSU did not have an assuring performance tonight. In fact, it's more of a validation that they have an average offense with an ok defense and are just a haircut above UGA, another very mediocre time. Tebow and UF's D toyed with them tonight. I could've agreed that there was a slight possibility if UF and/or Bama had lost tonight. But with both of them winning, there just aren't enough hurdles left on the schedule for anyone to claim that either one will have two losses.

meh Bama hasn't proved anything to me(I think both VT and OMISS are overrated) and like I said I'm not saying it won't happen or that it isn't likely but "NO DOUBT" is a bit overboard. Plus if Bama loses an Auburn or LSU team that wins out, than Bama doesn't play in the SEC CG. Not likely at all but same with S Car winning out(I even laughed typing it).
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NateG;1564344; said:
meh Bama hasn't proved anything to me(I think both VT and OMISS are overrated) and like I said I'm not saying it won't happen or that it isn't likely but "NO DOUBT" is a bit overboard. Plus if Bama loses an Auburn or LSU team that wins out, than Bama doesn't play in the SEC CG. Not likely at all but same with S Car winning out(I even laughed typing it).

This is the same Bama team that went undefeated in regular season SEC play last season and lost to UF by a toenail in the SECCG. Simply claiming that VT and Ole Miss are overrated doesn't prove that Bama is no good. Do you really see LSU beating Bama on the road?
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Tresselbeliever;1564346; said:
This is the same Bama team that went undefeated in regular season SEC play last season and lost to UF by a toenail in the SECCG. Simply claiming that VT and Ole Miss are overrated doesn't prove that Bama is no good. Do you really see LSU beating Bama on the road?
I never said Bama is no good. I just think it's short sighted to think any team is untouchable in week 6. If there was 2 games left then ok. Especially with how the Flu has been this year. Crap half a team could go down in one swoop then they lose and it's boo hoo. We almost lost 4 lineman in one week. If it would have happened things could have been closer today. Wisky had 40 guys fighting it 3-4 weeks ago. A SEC team already had documented 20 guys being out one week earlier in the season. That's a dangerous thought. And last year didn't Florida(the untouchables) lose to a unforseen opponent. That's why I am not saying "NO DOUBT".
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