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Operation Chaos mode - BCS Title game contenders

smithlabs;1558959; said:
I hope the same thing happens with Florida. I could imagine they drop a game to LSU (SEC West) and one more while Lord Tebow is not 100%. Once he is back, they could win the conference title and keep out a one loss Alabama team.

Similar to OU/ UGA is that team that already has 2 losses out of conference and if ran the table would put a 2 loss team as the SEC champ.
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smithlabs;1558959; said:
OU winning out will be OK with me. The B12 champ will have 2 losses and I don't think a one loss Texas who is NOT a conference champion will/should/can? get in.

I hope the same thing happens with Florida. I could imagine they drop a game to LSU (SEC West) and one more while Lord Tebow is not 100%. Once he is back, they could win the conference title and keep out a one loss Alabama team.

If that's the case, it would be the second straight year that a one loss UT team does not get into the title game. Unless there's a rule in the BCS that prevents a non-conference winner from entering the title game, I have a hard time seeing a big time program like Texas kept out again.

If Tebow makes it back before UGA, I don't see Florida losing two games. They could drop the game to LSU, but I don't see them dropping two out of three against the top 25 teams remaining on their schedule. I mean, it would make things really interesting, sure, but I don't see it happening. Now, if there's something really wrong with Tebow, that would be a completely different story.
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Tresselbeliever;1558995; said:
If that's the case, it would be the second straight year that a one loss UT team does not get into the title game. Unless there's a rule in the BCS that prevents a non-conference winner from entering the title game, I have a hard time seeing a big time program like Texas kept out again.

If Tebow makes it back before UGA, I don't see Florida losing two games. They could drop the game to LSU, but I don't see them dropping two out of three against the top 25 teams remaining on their schedule. I mean, it would make things really interesting, sure, but I don't see it happening. Now, if there's something really wrong with Tebow, that would be a completely different story.

Per the Texas reference, I think OU screwed all of that up when they lost to Kan St. and they still made the title and got spanked.

Per the Tebow reference, We haven't seen how he plays with that injury in his head. Some players get shell-shocked. His running has been a huge key for the Gators on offense. His running style is one that promotes injuring his brain again and it may hinder him. We will find out how good this Florida offense will be for the rest of the season according to how Tebow plays. If Brantley plays, we will see if LSU pressures him and forces bad throws and bad decisions. If he does, the defense that is "dominant" may be put in bad positions that gives the opposing team a chance to score.
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But to agree on one point with you.... there is no rule to keep out Texas if they do not play in the B12 CG. 1 & 2 in the BCS plays for the title "no questions asked".
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Going over the way the polls are set. The next 2 weeks could be pivotal to how OSU ends the season. Here are the polls and I'll explain.

Coaches top ten/ points
1 Florida 1473
2 Texas 1408
3 Alabama 1366
4 LSU 1273
5 Va Tech 1141
6 Boise 1133
7 USC 1123
8 OSU 1072
9 TCU 965
10 Cincy 937

Harris Poll/ Points

1 Florida 2818
2 Texas 2705
3 Alabama 2665
4 LSU 2469
5 Boise 2245
6 Va Tech 2187
7 USC 2173
8 OSU 1980
9 Cincy 1866
10 TCU 1773

If you look at how the polls are set and also what games that are coming up in the 2 weeks the polls have a chance to shift extremely favorably for OSU(and USC). Say 2 to 3 upsets occur on Sat(BC over Va Tech, Ole MISS over ALA, LSU over Flor(UF wins moves LSU below OSU)). That moves 2-3 teams below OSU. IF OSU completely dominates Wisky, the voters could move USC and OSU above Boise in the Coaches and bump them together in the Harris. At this point the polls could look like this.

Florida win=

1 Florida
2 Texas
5 Boise

7 Bama
9 Cincy
10 Miami

1 Florida
2 Texas
5 Boise

6 Cincy
10 Miami

Red is possible upon OSU blowout.

If LSU wins, I don't think Flor drops below OSU because LSU is ranked 4th and they didn't have a full Tebow.

Now the residual affect of Bama and Va Tech losing is this... it could push OSU far enough up the polls that a OU win over Texas could put them below OSU for good. If both teams win out from there, Texas not playing in the extra game could leave them out and could only leave USC as a viable threat to keeping OSU out. Texas has a possibility of only playing 1 more ranked team after OU and OSU could play 3 at the end of the year. So that would be OSU takes care of business and only need maybe 5 losses to be in the Title game(Texas to OU, USC to Oregon, LSU to Flor, ALA to Ole Miss, and Va Tech to BC...beat Boise out in BCS without them losing)
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Tresselbeliever;1558904; said:
4). And of course, at least one of the three SEC teams will drop below us. Like I've said before, it really doesn't matter to me what happens in the SEC at this point, because it's a matter of eventuality that one of the SEC teams will represent in the BCS title game and the other two will be out of contention. Personally, I see UF and Bama winning big on Saturday.

I'm with you on that. I think the list for that other team assuming OSU can win out is already getting pretty small. Everyone can probably agree that the four biggest threats are:

Texas (probably needs to lose twice)

There are others that could sneak past OSU but I don't see it happening even if they win out. The exception being Missouri and Kansas but I have no doubt they will lose. The most likely 5th team that I could see sneaking in past OSU is the loser of the LSU/Bama game if they both win out the rest of their games and the winner of that game loses the CG. That's probably a long shot though.

Ranking teams to root against based on priority:
  1. The big 4 above
  2. Bama/LSU
  3. Auburn
  4. Cincy/USF
  5. BSU/TCU
  6. Kansas/Missouri
  7. Any other 1-loss team in a non B10/BE BCS conference
  8. Other SOS helpers, etc.
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SWAGGER IS BACK IN DA U as evidenced by awesome post-play poses.
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rocketman;1560280; said:
SWAGGER IS BACK IN DA U as evidenced by awesome post-play poses.

:slappy: Funniest thing I've read all day.

Kudos to all of you for making this thread so lively. I kind of view the whole "chaos mode" as a form of fantasy football for me with the college game. It makes me watch a lot of the other ones that much closer. It's also pretty neat to see all the pieces of the puzzle fall in to place. After we got in two years ago, I don't discount any possibility. :)
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Pimpinnati;1561313; said:
Missouri knows it's role as Nebraska knocks them off. Another undefeated goes down and were only a game into the week. :)

I love Operation Chaos.

Yeah man, unfortunately that game was unbearable to watch. I normally love rainy games, but I felt like I was watching two bad 8th grade teams last night. :)
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