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Game Thread Ohio State @ Iowa, 11/04/17 @ 3:30 (ESPN)

I've been disappointed with our DL all year. Sure they stepped up in the 4th q last week but when have they ever stepped up and took over a game? Two freshman tackles and nothing? Literally nothing?
I wonder what is really going on. I remember reading something during the Penn St. game where he asked if the shackles could be taken off the D line and they could turned loose. The aD was given the go ahead and they dominated. It couldn’t be that simple could it?
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Dline has been great most of the season. Cant help that everyone but 12 is a liability in pass defense. Nobody ould defend giseki (sp?) or 87 today .. i noticed end of psu game Ward was covering him.
But they didnt show up today. A lot of errors - i dont think there was a pressure on Stanley that didnt result in a penalty.

And the game basically turned on the Bosa thing (which i still havent seen a replay of - stadium replay followed the ball). We had them at 4-and-8, still within striking distance... instead its a 15yd penalty, ejection, and TD next play.
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Dline has been great most of the season. Cant help that everyone but 12 is a liability in pass defense. Nobody ould defend giseki (sp?) or 87 today .. i noticed end of psu game Ward was covering him.
But they didnt show up today. A lot of errors - i dont think there was a pressure on Stanley that didnt result in a penalty.

And the game basically turned on the Bosa thing (which i still havent seen a replay of - stadium replay followed the ball). We had them at 4-and-8, still within striking distance... instead its a 15yd penalty, ejection, and TD next play.

His ejection was warranted. He jumped trying to swipe at the arm on the QB as he threw but launched himself at the QB in the process. He hit the QB with the crown of his helmet to QBs helmet/facemask.
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Dline has been great most of the season. Cant help that everyone but 12 is a liability in pass defense. Nobody ould defend giseki (sp?) or 87 today .. i noticed end of psu game Ward was covering him.
But they didnt show up today. A lot of errors - i dont think there was a pressure on Stanley that didnt result in a penalty.

And the game basically turned on the Bosa thing (which i still havent seen a replay of - stadium replay followed the ball). We had them at 4-and-8, still within striking distance... instead its a 15yd penalty, ejection, and TD next play.

Yeah. DL could've played better, but the LBs were instantly lost once they got 5yds down the field in coverage. Made for some super easy throws that couldn't be countered with pressure.
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You have said some [Mark May] in the past and you know it. This might be the worst. You need to believe man...at least just a little bit. Everyone of these kids is ready IMO.
I'm just saying what I think man no worries... I'm not going to stop cheering that's for sure.

We struggle against fundamental teams and we have one staring at us this up coming week. If msu beats us they're probably going to the title game and our team had MUCH BIGGER hopes then the big ten title game.

For MSU it probably means more to be honest and everyone here has to agree with that. Would I be shocked if we won out? No not at all. However do I logically think we will? No I think we lose next week and that's just my opinion.
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Dline has been great most of the season. Cant help that everyone but 12 is a liability in pass defense. Nobody ould defend giseki (sp?) or 87 today .. i noticed end of psu game Ward was covering him.
But they didnt show up today. A lot of errors - i dont think there was a pressure on Stanley that didnt result in a penalty.

And the game basically turned on the Bosa thing (which i still havent seen a replay of - stadium replay followed the ball). We had them at 4-and-8, still within striking distance... instead its a 15yd penalty, ejection, and TD next play.
It was a weak call but the right call. Basically jumped and accidently head butted him
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Yeah. DL could've played better, but the LBs were instantly lost once they got 5yds down the field in coverage. Made for some super easy throws that couldn't be countered with pressure.

Some of our opponents early in the year relied a lot on 3step drops and getting the ball asap to neutralize pressure.
Iowa didnt do that today. They just went through their reads and had plenty of time to do so... and ofc the fundamental issue is our coverage. Not like the Safeties are any better than the LBs. Fuller got posterized today. And 3 routinely lines up wrong until a team mate starts yelling at him...
This defense is reliant on the Dline being dominant. Just how it is. If the Dline doesnt show up like a wrecking ball, they give up yards like a sieve. Tackling of LBs and S was also an issue all day, esp in running game.
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Polls are irrelevant at this point if you ask me.

Focus needs to change to what they can control: winning the Big Ten.

Is that in our control? My understanding is that it isn't, even if we won out. A huge and major *if*, I just thought it wasn't in our control.

The ebbs and flows of an Urban Meyer coached team. Wouldn't be surprised if we come out and hang 50 on Sparty next week. It'd be just like this team.

Hang 50 on Sparty and then lose to Illinois the next week? I could see that. Honestly, at best I see us winning 2 more games though. Hope I'm wrong.

Meyer has one conference title, and caught lightning in a bottle with Cardale Jones.

He blew the B1G CG in 2013. Sammy Watkins catching 16 passes. The Sparty game in 2015. Faceplant against Ped State last year. An egg against the Sooners this year. And now this humiliating debacle.

Tressel coached in three national championship games in his first seven seasons. Meyer? One for six so far.

Yep. So far, Tressel is the far superior coach. Urban has been way more fun to follow in sound bytes and recruiting, but not in results. I point my finger directly at myself in saying be careful what you wish for.

I'm just saying what I think man no worries... I'm not going to stop cheering that's for sure.

We struggle against fundamental teams and we have one staring at us this up coming week. If msu beats us they're probably going to the title game and our team had MUCH BIGGER hopes then the big ten title game.

For MSU it probably means more to be honest and everyone here has to agree with that. Would I be shocked if we won out? No not at all. However do I logically think we will? No I think we lose next week and that's just my opinion.

Agreed, I hope we finish out strong but have serious doubts after seeing our team just give up and roll over tonight. I will watch every game and be behind our guys, but I've just watched enough football to know how this one ends up. My guess is that we end in some late December bowl game, but hopefully after we beat the team up north.
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Is that in our control? My understanding is that it isn't, even if we won out. A huge and major *if*, I just thought it wasn't in our control.

Hang 50 on Sparty and then lose to Illinois the next week? I could see that. Honestly, at best I see us winning 2 more games though. Hope I'm wrong.

Yep. So far, Tressel is the far superior coach. Urban has been way more fun to follow in sound bytes and recruiting, but not in results. I point my finger directly at myself in saying be careful what you wish for.

Agreed, I hope we finish out strong but have serious doubts after seeing our team just give up and roll over tonight. I will watch every game and be behind our guys, but I've just watched enough football to know how this one ends up. My guess is that we end in some late December bowl game, but hopefully after we beat the team up north.

Win out, and that leaves Ohio State as the only 1 loss team in the division. Leaves MSU and Penn State with 2 losses, and three losses to the whole-milk drinkers.
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Is that in our control? My understanding is that it isn't, even if we won out. A huge and major *if*, I just thought it wasn't in our control.

We lost to a Big 10 west team. Which means win out and even if there a team that tied us we'd win the division. However of we win out everyone in the east already has 1 or more losses so there will be no tie.

Hang 50 on Sparty and then lose to Illinois the next week? I could see that. Honestly, at best I see us winning 2 more games though. Hope I'm wrong.

Yep. So far, Tressel is the far superior coach. Urban has been way more fun to follow in sound bytes and recruiting, but not in results. I point my finger directly at myself in saying be careful what you wish for.

Agreed, I hope we finish out strong but have serious doubts after seeing our team just give up and roll over tonight. I will watch every game and be behind our guys, but I've just watched enough football to know how this one ends up. My guess is that we end in some late December bowl game, but hopefully after we beat the team up north.
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We are not a drop back offense at all. Disappointing that we don't understand without the running backs and without the quick passes out wide that we are nothing.

We tried to skip to step 8 today Instead of progressing through steps 1 through 7 first

Honestly? Looking back at the way the offense appeared to be prepped for this game...I get the feeling it was meant to showcase JT's Heisman push. Iowa could be gashed on the ground and the RB's got what, 11 carries?
Another year, another cluster fuck. Losing by 31 to a 20.5 point underdog isnt soul cleansing its a program crusher and I have zero faith this ship gets righted to win the B1G.
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Win out, and that leaves Ohio State as the only 1 loss team in the division. Leaves MSU and Penn State with 2 losses, and three losses to the whole-milk drinkers.

What makes you think that they will beat Sparty? This team has serious fundamental flaws. One thing that Sparty does is not beat themselves.

The Buckeyes are talented, to be sure, but they're nowhere near as talented as Miami in '00 or '01. Not even close.

Btw, Sparty only has one loss in the conference, and none in the division. Next week is for all the marbles. Literally.
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