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Game Thread Ohio State @ Iowa, 11/04/17 @ 3:30 (ESPN)

What makes you think that they will beat Sparty? This team has serious fundamental flaws. One thing that Sparty does is not beat themselves.

The Buckeyes are talented, to be sure, but they're nowhere near as talented as Miami in '00 or '01. Not even close.

Btw, Sparty only has one loss in the conference, and none in the division. Next week is for all the marbles. Literally.

It was theoretical. Never insinuated they would. Simply stating, if they win out, they go to the Big Ten Championship Game.
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We got out schemed big time. From WHAC our pass rush is superior and Iowa had freshman tackles so all they can do is throw it quick. We’ve seen our pass rushers be disinterested in teams that do that. Iowa knew if they got any time their TE had a big advantage. Ferentz is an Ol Coach he challenged his line and they did the job game over.
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I saw a team that obviously believed they were "great" and didn't put in the work during the week it requires, read too many press clippings and then thought all they had to do was grace the field with their presence, and I'm including the coaches and players.

Then I saw a team that was hungry and pissed they weren't getting any respect what so eve.

This is what happens. Big let down. Piss poor performance.

Schiano is a good coach. The defense is loaded with NFL talent. They gave up 55 fucking points to a decent offense. 55 fucking points. That only happens when you lose focus and think you're the shidt and the focused hungry team comes to win.
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What makes you think that they will beat Sparty? This team has serious fundamental flaws. One thing that Sparty does is not beat themselves.

The Buckeyes are talented, to be sure, but they're nowhere near as talented as Miami in '00 or '01. Not even close.

Btw, Sparty only has one loss in the conference, and none in the division. Next week is for all the marbles. Literally.

Misread your post, disregard this.

Either way, this team can beat Sparty if they actually put the work in. Last week we were talking playoffs and now we’re talking about not even having a chance to beat Sparty? Nah, I don’t buy it. An unfocused bad loss hurts, but that’s what it was... ill prepared.

If they focus on the task at hand, they can win the game. If they don’t? We might see something similar to what we saw against Iowa.
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I woke up this morning hoping for answers, but quickly realized there aren’t or won’t be any. Meyer will deflect and say this and that about what they need to do. He is a master of it.

The team will come out next week and play. We’ll see the same things we see every week, with some new little wrinkles. If they win, it will be look we fixed it. But, when push comes to shove it will be more of the same.

For me the shine has been off for awhile and now I’m growing more concerned about the program as a whole. Where do you go from here? What’s the impact of a loss like this not only on the starters, but on the rest of the guys who never saw the field? Will recruits start questioning what is happening?

Could easily be a 4 loss season, with which the talent we have is just absurd.
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