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Game Thread Ohio State @ Iowa, 11/04/17 @ 3:30 (ESPN)

For me the shine has been off for awhile and now I’m growing more concerned about the program as a whole. Where do you go from here? What’s the impact of a loss like this not only on the starters, but on the rest of the guys who never saw the field? Will recruits start questioning what is happening?

We are limited under center, and teams know how to exploit that weakness. I'm hopeful next year will be different, but this year, we are what we are. I could see another couple losses on the schedule too. I'm more bullish on the upcoming seasons.
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Not sure what is worse following an tOSU loss: the Buckeye fanbase overreaction, e.g. “Meyer has to go”, “Barrett is the worst ever”, “we may not win another game” OR not being able to watch/listen to any sports radio/tv program for a week because I don’t want to listen to the talking heads with their not so subtle shots.

The former.

Most sports radio/TV programs suck either way.
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Man, I get that this was a bad loss and people are down, but holy shit. Let’s get some reality checks going. These teams are made up of groups of teenagers putting heavy wear and tear on their minds and bodies week in and week out. There are going to be colossal screwups like this, it comes with the territory.

We employee grown men in the workforce that don’t put in a fraction of this effort. I see them fail time after time, so expecting constant perfection from a team comprised of only young guys that are always rotated and replaced would give me nightmares.

I’m as mad about the loss as you are, but can we get some clarity around here? No pun.

Yes, I know, guys are paid millions to put this group of teenagers in a position to win every game and never have an awful performance. I’m here to tell you, that shit is not easy. Urban knows it isn’t easy, but I’ll be damned if his record doesn’t show that he’s much better at it than I would be. That includes a recent National Championship to his name, to boot.

And even after stumbling and getting his ass kicked in a game like this and being bashed after the Oklahoma loss? He STILL has them in a position to win the conference, beat that team up north, and bring back a Big Ten Title to Columbus. That is pretty astounding, if you ask me.

Real leadership is being able to take multiple hits to the face and still having a bunch of kids in the National conversation year in and year out. I’d be ready to have a heart attack right now just thinking about having to accomplish that task to earn a living.

So, let’s be proud of the accomplishments that have come and are still in view, because there’s a whole lot to be proud of when it comes to the Ohio State Buckeyes.
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There is one reason, and one reason alone, that I can give some of these over reacting fans a bit of a break for their over reaction.

This is the first time since 2011 that Ohio State has had two regular season losses. Think about that... It's been 5 years since we've had to deal with .... two.... losses in a regular season. Is it any wonder a large chunk of our fanbase has no idea how to lose...

2 games...

In a regular season.

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I blame the pink locker room, damn you Hayden Frye.

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There is one reason, and one reason alone, that I can give some of these over reacting fans a bit of a break for their over reaction.

This is the first time since 2011 that Ohio State has had two regular season losses. Think about that... It's been 5 years since we've had to deal with .... two.... losses in a regular season. Is it any wonder a large chunk of our fanbase has no idea how to lose...

2 games...

In a regular season.


great post. I agree

It is what it is. This sucks about a mile of donkey wang but this team was never a legit NC contender nor does it have a Heisman candidate.

Still control their own destiny for the B1G East division, the B1G title and a nice Bowl game.

Only thing I'll say about the actual playing is that somebody better figure out how to cover a TE/H-back or both teams from that state up north can boat race this team.
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There is one reason, and one reason alone, that I can give some of these over reacting fans a bit of a break for their over reaction.

This is the first time since 2011 that Ohio State has had two regular season losses. Think about that... It's been 5 years since we've had to deal with .... two.... losses in a regular season. Is it any wonder a large chunk of our fanbase has no idea how to lose...

2 games...

In a regular season.

2 losses so far...
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There is one reason, and one reason alone, that I can give some of these over reacting fans a bit of a break for their over reaction.

This is the first time since 2011 that Ohio State has had two regular season losses. Think about that... It's been 5 years since we've had to deal with .... two.... losses in a regular season. Is it any wonder a large chunk of our fanbase has no idea how to lose...

2 games...

In a regular season.

It's not that. This team gave up 55 points to Iowa man. An Iowa team that's still below .500 in conference play and will probably finish .500 for the year when it's all said and done. This a TERRIBLE loss. It's infinitely worse than getting smoked by the eventual national champion in Clemson or a national championship contender in Oklahoma. This is a loss where, for once, the nuclear meltdown reactions are fully justified. Once gain, that was NOT a great Iowa team we just got destroyed by. I'd hesitate to call them good. They're probably going to get murdered by Wisconsin next week.
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I've been watching Buckeye football for longer than many here and I've seen games like this many times. It happens all the time no matter how great the coaches are. This stuff even happens in pro football and many other sports. It would not be a surprise if this Iowa team beats Wiscy next week. Wiscy is not very good on offense. Iowa, they are "hot" right now and making a run for the west division.
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Yea yea Urban barely loses but when you are getting paid millions along with your assistant coaches and your only job is to have kids ready to play 14 football games a year, then I expect them to be ready to play 14 games a year. Maybe one player has a bad game and you lose and that's fine. But when every unit it not ready to play then that's inexcusable
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