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Game Thread Ohio State @ Iowa, 11/04/17 @ 3:30 (ESPN)

So something I find interesting. Last few weeks we ran the bubble screen into the ground so much we complained about it. With Parris out today did we run it once?

I think they ran the bubble screen to the outside to get the ball into Parris Campbell's hands. I think it was used as an easy and safe way to get it to Parris because he doesn't have great hands.

They are underutilized the screen game in general this season. The bubble screen to the outside use to be used with mostly our WRs, not hybrids. They use to have a wide variety of screen for the hybrids from the slot and backfield. The RBs were also involved with screens.
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Ridiculous. That's all I have to say about this.
Okay, now that I had a good movie (Thor Ragnarok, see it!) to clear my head, a couple things...

I never felt good about this game at all this week. That's why I didn't talk about it. This team pit it all out on the field last week. The "let down game" is very real. I was just hoping to eek out a 31-27 win. Well, ferk.

Iowa, as a program is the master of these kinds of games. Most of the time they're a pile of mediocrity, but they seem to get themselves up for a game like this every goddamned year.

We still have a lot to play for. Two teams from tsun, and potentially a B1G championship. DonI feel good about any of that right now? No. But I still trust Meyer to get it together.

If this team wants to be a national champion again, it needs a reset this offseason. Top to bottom. Urban needs to just let Wilson have 100% control of the offense and implement his vision. The guy is a Mastermind, but it seems like he's out of his element too often working under the constraints of Meyer's vision.

The sky isn't falling. Yet. We have at least 4 more games, maybe 5 to get things back together. Just have to hope the players don't tune out. Regardless, this will be a disappointing season for 99% of our fanbase. But, play it out. Build some positive momentum going into next year where the program will get a refresh as some veterans are set to move on and new blood replaces them.

Fuck football this year. Really.
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We are not a drop back offense at all. Disappointing that we don't understand without the running backs and without the quick passes out wide that we are nothing.

We tried to skip to step 8 today Instead of progressing through steps 1 through 7 first
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Okay, now that I had a good movie (Thor Ragnarok, see it!) to clear my head, a couple things...

I never felt good about this game at all this week. That's why I didn't talk about it. This team pit it all out on the field last week. The "let down game" is very real. I was just hoping to eek out a 31-27 win. Well, ferk.

Iowa, as a program is the master of these kinds of games. Most of the time they're a pile of mediocrity, but they seem to get themselves up for a game like this every goddamned year.

We still have a lot to play for. Two teams from tsun, and potentially a B1G championship. DonI feel good about any of that right now? No. But I still trust Meyer to get it together.

If this team wants to be a national champion again, it needs a reset this offseason. Top to bottom. Urban needs to just let Wilson have 100% control of the offense and implement his vision. The guy is a Mastermind, but it seems like he's out of his element too often working under the constraints of Meyer's vision.

The sky isn't falling. Yet. We have at least 4 more games, maybe 5 to get things back together. Just have to hope the players don't tune out. Regardless, this will be a disappointing season for 99% of our fanbase. But, play it out. Build some positive momentum going into next year where the program will get a refresh as some veterans are set to move on and new blood replaces them.

Fuck football this year. Really.
I honestly anticipate this team is going to tune out and drop 1 more game to blow the big ten title.

No idea which one it is between ttun but one of the two will get us.
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Drove 4hrs each way and we look like fucking Rutgers.
Didnt even show any pride at the end... just bent over and asked for more.
OU and 3Q against PSU werent wake up calls... this team just lacks some things. Dline wasnt even good today - very rarely put any pressure on him. You can throw against everyone except 12 in the back7 all day.
I've been disappointed with our DL all year. Sure they stepped up in the 4th q last week but when have they ever stepped up and took over a game? Two freshman tackles and nothing? Literally nothing?
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We are not a drop back offense at all. Disappointing that we don't understand without the running backs and without the quick passes out wide that we are nothing.

We tried to skip to step 8 today Instead of progressing through steps 1 through 7 first

I told this to my friend after the Oklahoma game. JT and the offense looked like Cody Kessler and the Browns last year. Only difference is JT is a better runner and the design QB runs. Dink and dunk, JT even looked jittery whenever he dropped back today, you could tell he wasn't comfortable.
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