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Game Thread Ohio State @ Iowa, 11/04/17 @ 3:30 (ESPN)

I really question how much of the Urban/Herman offense is left. So much relies on JT reading the defense now vs the quick hitters that we were once use to. I also really question how good Kevin Wilson is if he can't figure out how to get two of our best playmakers (Dobbins and Weber) on the field at the same time.
The issues have predated Kevin... it isn't Kevin everyone.

You all really think the RBs disappear again and think it's the OC? That'd be Urban not Kevin.

We have a broken game plan when it comes to quality defenses and I'm not confident at all that we will figure it out. We will see the same over reliance on the QB next week and against Michigan especially.

I'm not being overly emotional when I say this but we are going to lose to Sparty next week because they are what we can't beat. Which is a well coached and disciplined team which knows what not to do to blow a game.

Bottom line UFM went undefeated with Tressels players and then was 50/50 tressel When we won it all in 14.

Get. More. Ohio. Kids.

Hence the saying "we will fight till the end for O-HI-O.... Ohio kids i imagine may do that a tad harder.
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I'm just trying to reason my way out of this. I do truly believe the expectations have been boosted by rankings, Meyer legacy and 2014 by a lot of our fanbase that haven't lived through the really BAD years. Maybe not you... but I do think that's the case for many fans.

As for Haskins, I've been impressed by what I've seen so far. He won't solve all our problems. However, I believe we need a different type of QB, and I look forward to a different style.

It's not the QB man. I hate to break it to you. If you think Haskins will do any better without giving the ball to JK you are dreaming. Especially when the O fucking turtles in the face of adversity. Or when the D has decided to play catch instead of attacking. No need to bring in talent if you don't let them go do their thing....it's just silly. Has been for too long. We have the players right now. Holding them back is breaking my heart.
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I really question how much of the Urban/Herman offense is left. So much relies on JT reading the defense now vs the quick hitters that we were once use to. I also really question how good Kevin Wilson is if he can't figure out how to get two of our best playmakers (Dobbins and Weber) on the field at the same time.

It's on Urban. Kevin Wilson got Tevin Coleman a 2000 yard season. Kevin Wilson called the greatest college offense of all time at OU. Kevin Wilson had a 3500 yard QB, a 1000 yard WR, and TWO 1000 yard RBs in the same season at Indiana.

This chucklefuck offense isn't Kevin Wilson's offense. Urban went full retard in the off-season, talking about Ohio State will be a great passing team, and has completely abandoned any thought of the running game.

Well you can't be a great ANY kind of team if you don't have some balance on offense. Even Mike Leach has a somewhat balanced offense now. His running backs get plenty of touches.
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It's on Urban. Kevin Wilson got Tevin Coleman a 2000 yard season. Kevin Wilson called the greatest college offense of all time at OU. Kevin Wilson had a 3500 yard QB, a 1000 yard WR, and TWO 1000 yard RBs in the same season at Indiana.

This chucklefuck offense isn't Kevin Wilson's offense. Urban went full retard in the off-season, talking about Ohio State will be a great passing team. Well you can't be a great ANY kind of team if you don't have some balance on offense. Even Mike Leach has a somewhat balanced offense now. His running backs get plenty of touches.
Boom. Exactly.

If we are going to insist on the same offense and same game plan then expect the same results.

Amazing we did it again with ignoring the RBs.
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Looking at this thread we have a few people who need to bitch up. Last week, we're going to the playoff. This week, we're going to lose the rest of our games. :roll1:

Agreed. Beating both teams up North and playing and possibly winning the B1G is good enough for me. All very exciting games in front of us. Fuck Alabama, Clemson and all the teams that see the Natty as the end all be all.
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The issues have predated Kevin... it isn't Kevin everyone.

You all really think the RBs disappear again and think it's the OC? That'd be Urban not Kevin

For this particular game it might be Urban but when have we seen an Urban Meyer offense have such little creativity in the run game. Even last season we would see Curtis Samuel and Weber on the field together. When has the hybrids been used almost exclusively as WRs especially when one has very questionable hands (Parris Campbell). It's hard to switch the game plan when the system in place doesn't have the range of plays to lean on the run.
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For this particular game it might be Urban but when have we seen an Urban Meyer offense have such little creativity in the run game. Even least season we would see Curtis Samuel and Weber on the field together. When has the hybrids been used almost exclusively as WRs especially when one has very questionable hands (Parris Campbell). It's hard to switch the game plan when the system in place doesn't have the range of plays to lean on the run.

@OSU_Buckguy How many carries for JK in that quarter again?
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It's not the QB man. I hate to break it to you. If you think Haskins will do any better without giving the ball to JK you are dreaming. Especially when the O fucking turtles in the face of adversity. Or when the D has decided to play catch instead of attacking. No need to bring in talent if you don't let them go do their thing....it's just silly. Has been for too long. We have the players right now. Holding them back is breaking my heart.

I get what you're saying. Not trying to debate you on the major coaching issues or other issues our team has. Like I said, I don't think Haskins will solve all our problems. Just looking forward to seeing some new blood in the QB position. From what I've seen, he's definitely a different type of guy.

That being said, we still have the opportunity to have a great year and win the conference championship. It's not the Natty but a great way to finish the regular season and career for JT.
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It's on Urban. Kevin Wilson got Tevin Coleman a 2000 yard season. Kevin Wilson called the greatest college offense of all time at OU. Kevin Wilson had a 3500 yard QB, a 1000 yard WR, and TWO 1000 yard RBs in the same season at Indiana.

This chucklefuck offense isn't Kevin Wilson's offense. Urban went full retard in the off-season, talking about Ohio State will be a great passing team, and has completely abandoned any thought of the running game.

Well you can't be a great ANY kind of team if you don't have some balance on offense. Even Mike Leach has a somewhat balanced offense now. His running backs get plenty of touches.

We can agree that Urban, Wilson, and the rest of the offensive staff need to come together and figure out how to balance the offense. They expanded the playbook with the pass and the run got left behind. I also feel like hybrids need to be hybrids not just WRs. The fact is JT isn't on the level that he can carry this team with his arm on a consistent basis and everyone needs to realize that. It's time to stop trying to lean on him so much and put the ball into playmakers hands so they can be playmakers.
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I get what you're saying. Not trying to debate you on the major coaching issues or other issues our team has. Like I said, I don't think Haskins will solve all our problems. Just looking forward to seeing some new blood in the QB position. From what I've seen, he's definitely a different type of guy.

That being said, we still have the opportunity to have a great year and win the conference championship. It's not the Natty but a great way to finish the regular season and career for JT.

Neither was I. No offense was meant by that. It's just that I have seen so many great RB's from our great university over the years...it just sucks seeing them be left out. I'd rather lose trying to pound the rock than watching us do odd stuff.
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