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Game Thread Ohio State @ Iowa, 11/04/17 @ 3:30 (ESPN)

Baker played on instinct last year.. this year ..He reminds me of Devin Hester the kick returner last year and this year he plays like Devin played WR lost trying to process to much information.
Give me Jewel over Baker any day. At this point if anyone on the defense goes early other then ward they're lying to themselves.

Baker has been just bad all year, Jones and Hubbard have been wildly under performing also.

Also I said it a few weeks ago but can someone agree with me that this DL is massively underperforming???? Other then the 4th quarter last week they've really had a hard time getting home on the QB.
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Give me Jewel over Baker any day. At this point if anyone on the defense goes early other then ward they're lying to themselves.

Baker has been just bad all year, Jones and Hubbard have been wildly under performing also.

Also I said it a few weeks ago but can someone agree with me that this DL is massively underperforming???? Other then the 4th quarter last week they've really had a hard time getting home on the QB.
Hubbard and Bosa have been good ..the others ok..
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Just poorly coached and prepared man... I feel bad for urban because I know he wants to win every game by 50. It pains me to see the man run his hand through his hair (His Insecure tick) and I'm not sure how he turns all this around.

We keep Bringing in top 3 recruiting classes and then fail. Something isn't right and I hope he can put his pride aside and figure it out. When I think of osu I think of speed and talent. I never think of us being well coached and prepared though.

We are so much bark and no bite.

You feel bad for him? He gets paid $6.4 million per year. I don't feel bad for him AT ALL. I feel bad for all the players, students, and fans that he lets down year after year.
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