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Game thread: USC 34, Notre Dame 31 (Final)

oh well though USC just is in a league of its own, its insane for a team to be that talented, well coached, and lucky at the same time.
uh, not sure what team you've been watching, but the team I've been watching has not been incredibly well coached. Some pretty shoddy corner play, and great athleticism overcoming big deficits against bad teams.

I think Texas is going to smash USC, and not provide the pac-10 life preserver that they call defense (ND is practically another ASU). UT better make it to the rose bowl over VT, I like their chances more.
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<TABLE cellSpacing=6 cellPadding=0 width="100%" border=0><TBODY><TR><TD class=alt2></TD><TD noWrap>tedginn05
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The King of Negative Rep

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:slappy: Off the scale!!! You cetainly are blazin' a new path here at BP...:slappy:
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Thats fine, if they win out they will probably get a chance to prove it too. I've said this all year....until USC gets beat, they are #1 in the country. I hate them with a passion, but they have won 28 straight for a reason.

So if they go undefeated and win the title game, and Leinart, Bush, Lendale White and many other key players go to the NFL, should they be #1 next year by default.

I'll never understand how SOMETIMES last years champion must be #1 in some people's eyes.

That unwritten rule certainly didn't apply to the 2003 Buckeyes.
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<TABLE cellSpacing=6 cellPadding=0 width="100%" border=0><TBODY><TR><TD class=alt2></TD><TD noWrap>tedginn05
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The King of Negative Rep

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:slappy: Off the scale!!! You cetainly are blazin' a new path here at BP...:slappy:

i did that on purpose, i would rather be "off the scale" then "scUM"
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Yea, no shit "dipshits." My point is this, USC hasn't put a "beating" on a single decent team this year, and it will come back to bite them in the ass. They are clear to the Rose Bowl right now, as is Texas. Texas will beat their little Hollywood asses deep into their own backyard in the Rose Bowl. Difference being? Arizona State, Oregon, and ND are all good teams that had great shots at USC until their "offense" took over. Texas will not allow this to happen. Bank on it.
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I have to admit that I was pretty impressed with Charlie Weis. I've never really thought much about him (good or bad) before. But, after watching the game, I can say that Notre Dame made a very good selection. I was impressed not only with his preparations and play calling, but also with his demeanor throughout the game. Throw in the class that he displayed after the game, and I just can't help but respect the guy. If I had a choice between Pete or Charlie, give me Charlie.
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I sure wish that Leinart's fumble had gone forward at about a 45-degree angle. Then it would have gone into the end zone before going out of bounds, making it ND's ball on the 20. It's just luck which way that ball went. I'd love to hear how the Leinart lovers would be talking about him if that fumble had cost his team the game.

Reggie Bush and VY should both be miles ahead of him in Heisman consideration now.
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I sure wish that Leinart's fumble had gone forward at about a 45-degree angle. Then it would have gone into the end zone before going out of bounds, making it ND's ball on the 20. It's just luck which way that ball went. I'd love to hear how the Leinart lovers would be talking about him if that fumble had cost his team the game.

Reggie Bush and VY should both be miles ahead of him in Heisman consideration now.

depending on what view you look at it actually looks like the fumbled ball went over the pylon, and if it indeed did, that means touchback and ND ball, i don't care what anyone says, ND won that game but got screwed, and on the last play bush helped lienart into the endzone, in a game like this you have to call that
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depending on what view you look at it actually looks like the fumbled ball went over the pylon, and if it indeed did, that means touchback and ND ball, i don't care what anyone says, ND won that game but got screwed, and on the last play bush helped lienart into the endzone, in a game like this you have to call that
really? the defender came from the end zone and drove the ball out with his helmet. I'd be surprised if the ball somehow didn't go backwards based on that. yes the push was pretty cheap. I'm guessing that wasn't highlighted on sportscenter?
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really? the defender came from the end zone and drove the ball out with his helmet. I'd be surprised if the ball somehow didn't go backwards based on that. yes the push was pretty cheap. I'm guessing that wasn't highlighted on sportscenter?

yea that is why i said depending on what view you look at, in some views it looks like the ball went out at the 3, and some make it appear that the ball goes over the pylon
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