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Game thread: USC 34, Notre Dame 31 (Final)

Anyone know how then whole bowl puzzle works out and
if there would be any way ND could play OSU?

BTW- NICE WIN TODAY!! I listened early and it seemed OSU was in for some trouble! Way to come back.

If both teams win out, they should both make the BCS. Possible Fiesta Bowl matchup, but there's a lot of football left.
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last week, right after the pitiful loss by OSU, CFBNews.com had OSU playing ND in a bcs bowl, I believe the fiesta like bb73 said. But there indeed is much more football to be played.

it was a great game, great battle by both teams. I don't have any problem with the bizarre rules that could have set the clock in motion.

what stinks, as I was rooting for USC to go down, was that Leinart made a mistake that should have ended the game, but was fortunate enough to let the ball get jarred loose to stop teh clock. I didn't watch a replay (I was running out the door), but wouldn't it have been down inbounds, and the clock would have run out?

Being that non-mobile, I think he should have just thrown it away or stepped out at the 2-3 yd line.
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AHHH FUCK!! Now that that is over congrat's Methomps! Your team made the big play when they had to.

I barely got to see the game but very well may spent most of the night watching it over and over. At least ND made a game of it this year. As for what a win would of done for ND, well sorry but ND is already back at least when to comes to recruiting.

Sort of nice hearing you guys give ND some prop's and cheering for them for a change. :biggrin:
The difference between the previous two years embarrassing performances and this years - down to wire thriller - is like night and day.

The Irish lost the game, but I seriously doubt that any kid leaning to the Irish bailed on you as a result.

Promise me you will not resurrect the part of the thread where it is rumored that ND wuz robbed. :wink2:
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Yeah I know there are alot of games left (even fricking BC) but hey it looks like at least ND is somewhat competitive. Maybe I am seeing a light at the end of the tunnel...
no that's the brute squad, we've finally tracked you down and are going to take away your keyboard so you can browse but not post :) and if you proceed to use the onscreen keyboard, the next visit won't be as kind
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no that's the brute squad, we've finally tracked you down and are going to take away your keyboard so you can browse but not post :) and if you proceed to use the onscreen keyboard, the next visit won't be as kind

Brute squad? Even if there was such a BP Mafi...err Brute Squad, which there isn't, we...err they would certainly track down TG04 first anyway.

Not that I would know anything of that sort or whatnot...but hypothetically speaking of course.
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Brute squad? Even if there was such a BP Mafi...err Brute Squad, which there isn't, we...err they would certainly track down TG04 first anyway.

Not that I would know anything of that sort or whatnot...but hypothetically speaking of course.

No wonder you're not on the Brute Squad. They're going after TG05, not 04! :biggrin:

Or so I'm told.
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Brute squad? Even if there was such a BP Mafi...err Brute Squad, which there isn't, we...err they would certainly track down TG04 first anyway.

Not that I would know anything of that sort or whatnot...but hypothetically speaking of course.
I don't know what squad you are in charge of, but while part of the squad carries out the surface mission, the rest of us go under cover to detain the wife :wink:
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I don't know what squad you are in charge of, but while part of the squad carries out the surface mission, the rest of us go under cover to detain the wife :wink:
I'm not on any Brute Squad...who would ever be part of such a barbaric cyber group??

Btw, anyone seen BKB?

No wonder you're not on the Brute Squad. They're going after TG05, not 04! :biggrin:

Or so I'm told.
Yes, as I said...I am too incompetent to be part of such a squad...if such a squad did exist.
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it actually looked like leinart fumbled that ball backwords on that second to last play, and it went out around the 2 yard line......... maybe that could have changed their decision to go for it.

oh well though USC just is in a league of its own, its insane for a team to be that talented, well coached, and lucky at the same time.
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Had to work today and didn't get to see a single down of football until the FSU loss, but from what I've heard and seen on the highlights, this one should be an "instant classic."

For totally selfish reasons, I was hoping ND would pull this one out. The reason being that I don't want to see a pud like Leinhart win a second Heisman. THAT record should always belong to Archie, and Archie only. Reggie Bush was huge though, and if I had a vote it would go to him (I would have voted for him last year too). Plus, I'm sick and tired of hearing about how great this USC team is. Granted, they are talented and true Champions find ways to win like they did today. But, I think this team lacks the "D" to consider it as one of the All-Time Greats. I'm not impressed with teams that just "outscore" their opponent.
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