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Game thread: USC 34, Notre Dame 31 (Final)

I saw the view you were talking about (the 45 degree end zone view), but the ball definitely goes backwards in the mostly horizontal viewpoint (normal TV angle). And wow was that cheating by bush. bizarre ending
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jwinslow said:
really? the defender came from the end zone and drove the ball out with his helmet. I'd be surprised if the ball somehow didn't go backwards based on that. yes the push was pretty cheap. I'm guessing that wasn't highlighted on sportscenter?
Leinart joked with the gameday crew about Reggie telling him "you're welcome for the TD." I'll go out on a limb and guess he's not refering to the playcall.

Whatever, none of it would matter if Zbikowski could just once keep a play in front of himself. Or if Quinn could have hit Schwapp. Or if Fitzpatrick hit the FG. Ugh. Neither team did enough to deserve a W.
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depending on what view you look at it actually looks like the fumbled ball went over the pylon, and if it indeed did, that means touchback and ND ball, i don't care what anyone says, ND won that game but got screwed, and on the last play bush helped lienart into the endzone, in a game like this you have to call that

Considering the ball went backwards when fumbled, if the ball crossed over the pylon then that would mean Leinart had broken the plane of the endzone. So are you saying he should've been awarded the TD on that play?
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Considering the ball went backwards when fumbled, if the ball crossed over the pylon then that would mean Leinart had broken the plane of the endzone. So are you saying he should've been awarded the TD on that play?
thinking before posting has never been tg05's strong suit. Ball definitely didn't go forward. The ball spot was awfully kind after that play as well.
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Disagreed completely. I saw it as the proper spot.
we'll have to agree to disagree, I thought it was 2 yard line material (which seems like nitpicking but makes that sneak a lot harder). Absolute clutch plays by USC down the stretch, tho and Leinart pulled this one out (vs. Bush was the catalyst vs ASU). That was a very bizarre ending to the game.

What's sad is that Texas has absolutely dominated everyone they've played save OSU, but get less credit b/c they don't have great resolve like USC, who lets average teams stick around for a long time. I realize ND is tough, but how many close calls can they have before their untouchable #1 status is even contested with double digit votes for texas?
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i was clarifying for non rule nazis out of bounds spot vs place of fumble. ive heard a few discussions about where it was based on the right/wrong ruling.

personally in a game with no replay (by pete carolls choice) the spot/call on the field stands, thats the way the cookie crumbles as far as im concerned.
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In my opinion, I dont think the Refs even knew where to spot the ball. They moved it back once...and looked like they didnt even know if that was right.

But I thought it should have been back at least another yard or two.
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i was clarifying for non rule nazis out of bounds spot vs place of fumble. ive heard a few discussions about where it was based on the right/wrong ruling.

personally in a game with no replay (by pete carolls choice) the spot/call on the field stands, thats the way the cookie crumbles as far as im concerned.

I know JO, I was just giving JWins my thought process...sorry for the confusion.
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