Watch the gay comments guy! But, he does bring up a valid point. Both Lienhart and Buch said and insinuated after the game was over that Bush helped "Lion-hart" for the TD. This exact point was brought up yesterday morning on ESPN's 1st and 10. Both Woody Paige and Skipp Bayless who have been around sports longer that many of us on the boards both agreed that ND got screwed out of that call. Facts are that the game was ran by Pac10 officials, quality of assurance went down with lack of Instant replay, and no way was a Pac10 ref crew going to make a justifiable call that would cost USC another title shot. This game was horribly ref'd in the closing minutes, that appeared to be the most important of minutes. You can even see #18 I believe still trying to get set up on defense and the ND coaching staff off the field when USC went to take their final snap.
Also, just food for thought, how is it that forward progress wasnt being accounted for when it took Lienhart a couple "stop and gos" plus a push by his own man, yet when we clearly sacked/forced fumble against Stanton it was blown dead for forward momentum?
It was a hard fought game by both sides, but the ref's clearly got this game wrong and Instant Replay would have solved many matters in the closing ticks.