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Game thread: USC 34, Notre Dame 31 (Final)

Nice. People are going to complain about perfectly legal grass, but poo-poo any notion that the refs could've called Bush's ILLEGAL push. :biggrin:

And people are going to complain about USC's perfectly legal decision to not have instant replay, but poo-poo any notion that ND should've been flagged for delay of game with Weis and the students
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Jolly- OH YEAH!! LOL!!

Here is a post from another board about the push..

I just read Weis's talk with the media today and when asked about it he said "if we were in that position I would hope my back would do the same. Most that could happen it is called and then you try for the field goal." He did not use it as an excuse for the loss like so many of the press representives have done. Anyone else read it?
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And people are going to complain about USC's perfectly legal decision to not have instant replay, but poo-poo any notion that ND should've been flagged for delay of game with Weis and the students
The game's ended, and it was a classic, no doubt. Ultimately USC got the W because ND didn't stop them. But if you were Pac10 official, would you rush to put the same crew out there again (complaints of a late hit by Zibby, blocks in the back on Zibby's return, the Samardzija sideline catch, Quinn's TD run, the side judge signaling a touchdown on the fumble, questions on the spot of the fumble, at least one 1/2 yard adjustment on the spot of the ball before the snap, and an aiding the runner call on top of the missed holds [both ways] that are a part of any game)? Replay is designed to "get it right." Would a 2 minute stoppage (about the same as a TV timeout) affect the game more than any of the on-field rulings being wrong? When two teams are out there giving as much as they did on Saturday, which is more important, making sure the crew "gets it right," or 2 minutes delay? Maybe Brett Hull's foot being in the crease has permanently scarred my outlook on officiating, but I don't see how it's in the best interest of the competition to not have replay available.
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Just some food for thought, doesn't look much like the 1/2 yard line from this view (at least the 1.5 yard line IMO). The ref seems focused on the player as well, which would make sense why he didn't know where it went out.


On a side note, I thought it was a little pathetic that Carroll didn't want instant replay. It's extremely rare that it screws a team, but it does keep teams from getting away with cheap things occasionally.
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Just some food for thought, doesn't look much like the 1/2 yard line from this view (at least the 1.5 yard line IMO). The ref seems focused on the player as well, which would make sense why he didn't know where it went out.

On a side note, I thought it was a little pathetic that Carroll didn't want instant replay. It's extremely rare that it screws a team, but it does keep teams from getting away with cheap things occasionally.

Still pretty hard to tell from the picture.

As far as the replay, I think all the games should have it, but if ND can grow the grass high, Petey has the right to decide to let the calls made by the Pac-10 crew stand up without replay review. He was just making the decision that he thought was best for his team.
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Repeats are sort of an SC tradition

I think you're assuming too much--let's not forget you had 1/2 of a national title in '03. :biggrin: . In all seriousness, though, jwin's right--the ref wasn't paying attention to where the ball went out of bounds, and the way Leinart was hit with the ball deflecting backwards, the 1.5 or 2 yard line was clearly a more accurate spot than the 1/2 yard line. USC got a break on that one, and if I were a domer, I'd be complaining.
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I guess you and Ryan had better spend some time together.....I understand. Do you call him the woman nowdays. :wink2:

What are the facts by the way? You never explained them.......you kind of ran off and took the easy route.......acting like you had a lady friend over, and ran off......probably while you search the rest of Buckeyeplanet.

Watch the gay comments guy! But, he does bring up a valid point. Both Lienhart and Buch said and insinuated after the game was over that Bush helped "Lion-hart" for the TD. This exact point was brought up yesterday morning on ESPN's 1st and 10. Both Woody Paige and Skipp Bayless who have been around sports longer that many of us on the boards both agreed that ND got screwed out of that call. Facts are that the game was ran by Pac10 officials, quality of assurance went down with lack of Instant replay, and no way was a Pac10 ref crew going to make a justifiable call that would cost USC another title shot. This game was horribly ref'd in the closing minutes, that appeared to be the most important of minutes. You can even see #18 I believe still trying to get set up on defense and the ND coaching staff off the field when USC went to take their final snap.

Also, just food for thought, how is it that forward progress wasnt being accounted for when it took Lienhart a couple "stop and gos" plus a push by his own man, yet when we clearly sacked/forced fumble against Stanton it was blown dead for forward momentum?

It was a hard fought game by both sides, but the ref's clearly got this game wrong and Instant Replay would have solved many matters in the closing ticks.
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Watch the gay comments guy! But, he does bring up a valid point. Both Lienhart and Buch said and insinuated after the game was over that Bush helped "Lion-hart" for the TD. This exact point was brought up yesterday morning on ESPN's 1st and 10. Both Woody Paige and Skipp Bayless who have been around sports longer that many of us on the boards both agreed that ND got screwed out of that call. Facts are that the game was ran by Pac10 officials, quality of assurance went down with lack of Instant replay, and no way was a Pac10 ref crew going to make a justifiable call that would cost USC another title shot. This game was horribly ref'd in the closing minutes, that appeared to be the most important of minutes. You can even see #18 I believe still trying to get set up on defense and the ND coaching staff off the field when USC went to take their final snap.

Also, just food for thought, how is it that forward progress wasnt being accounted for when it took Lienhart a couple "stop and gos" plus a push by his own man, yet when we clearly sacked/forced fumble against Stanton it was blown dead for forward momentum?

It was a hard fought game by both sides, but the ref's clearly got this game wrong and Instant Replay would have solved many matters in the closing ticks.

I'm not sure Woody Paige and Skip Bayless should be considered authoritative on anything. I'm curious as to what you think instant replay would've resolved in that last drive.
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I'm not sure Woody Paige and Skip Bayless should be considered authoritative on anything. I'm curious as to what you think instant replay would've resolved in that last drive.
very true. I think the lack of instant replay was a fair trade for teh other pathetic move to have long grass. It would have made it a lot harder to do a QB sneak, and you may have gone for a FG.
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