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F Mickey Mitchell (transfer to Arizona State)

For @LitlBuck .. SoSo Jamabo played last night
Plano West star running back rushes for 484 yards, 6 TDs in big win over Sachse
@NJ-Buckeye I know about SoSo because I found his football recruiting thread and I saw that he has been offered by Ohio State for football and basketball also but I do not know a good of a basketball player he really is because he does not have a thread of the basketball recruiting forum.
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@NJ-Buckeye I know about SoSo because I found his football recruiting thread and I saw that he has been offered by Ohio State for football and basketball also but I do not know a good of a basketball player he really is because he does not have a thread of the basketball recruiting forum.

Soso was never offered or recruited by TM. Verbalcommits ( a hoops site ) lists FB recruits for some schools erroneously and confuses folks with it. I personally had them take him down ONCE but he showed up again there. This problem has been there for two years now. They list 4-5 star FB recruits as 2 star hoops recruits if the FB program offers them. It is bogus. I don't even think he is considering tOSU for FB anymore - but he was never recruited for hoops!

Last year it was Myles Autry from GA who was perpetually listed as a 2* 2G recruit on verbalcommits. This year it is Soso. Something about TB's - gets them all confused. :spitfire:
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Welcome back!
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Interesting indeed. Maybe he was upset about the continued recruiting of the likes of Bragg and Ahmad, but now they're out of the picture. I thought for sure he wasn't going to recommit, but I like having him in the class from the standpoint of he is a PG option and that position was looking shaky moving forward with Russell maybe not staying long, which would've left only Harris there. I do believe PG is where he makes the most sense, particularly if they are going zone primarily. Big contrast in PG options with Harris and Mitchell.
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