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F Mickey Mitchell (transfer to Arizona State)

Continually? Whose fault is that?
Who said it was anyone's fault?

Is there an echo in here?

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I'm saying it's somebody's fault.
Something is off about these guys. They are both 100% buckeyes for a long time and then very abruptly they are gone. It just seems like someone has gotten their ear. Kids commit and decommit and recommit all the time but this just seems very strange. Timing is weird in both cases. Something just doesn't add up. Best of luck to both of these kids but there is too much drama for me to be unhappy about this.
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In slightly related news, SoSo is visiting ND this weekend. I think there is legitimate interest here, especially on OSU's part considering Bragg is gone and Ahmad is looking like a long shot...
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In slightly related news, SoSo is visiting ND this weekend. I think there is legitimate interest here, especially on OSU's part considering Bragg is gone and Ahmad is looking like a long shot...
I do not understand because according to this article Ahmad has already made an unofficial to Ohio State and is going to make an official in a couple weeks. He does not even have a official set up with Oregon or Wisconsin unless you are worried about Maryland like myself. I am not concerned about West Virginia because I never heard of a guy from Shaker Heights great to West Virginia but that was back in the day. Also, who is SoSo:huh:
Here is the link to the article that I mentioned Shaker Heights forward Esa
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