@21: My 2 cents - I don't care and will play along as long as we continue to label what is essentially a free farm system for the NFL 'amateur' athletics. By 'we' I mean everyone from university presidents to the fans who believe athletes shouldn't be paid while at school (via university stipends or external revenue sources like part time jobs, commercials etc.). Until people break the law, of course, at which point I definitely care about the university's association with them.
Edit: (Don't want to double post). For those who care about 'fairness', what exactly is 'fair' about the system today? Are all NCAA member institutions sharing revenue equally for 'fair' distribution of resources? Are institutions drafting high school players starting in reverse order of the previous year's on field record for on field competitive 'fairness'? Forget perceived advantage, isn't there a true, distinct advantage on one side of the field when say Ohio State plays Akron? We have this convoluted system of pretending a competitive, multiple firm, multi-billion dollar industry is a) 'amateur' and b) a league with rules to ensure a fair playing field on Saturday. There is no 'equal footing' in college football today. A player getting tattooed or getting $180,000 to play doesn't change that fact, nor does punishing them.