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Yahoo, Tattoos, and tOSU (1-year bowl ban, 82 scholly limit for 3 years)

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I really hope that someone inside OSU set this information up to determine who is the leak before Friday. I do believe ESPN is reporting this to help get public opinion up against us if the punishment is not harsh. The Big Ten Network is very concerning to ESPN and unfortunately for us alums and fans of our great University it is on the front lines. With the NFL Network the landscape of Sports Television and coverage is changing rapidly. Delany in my opinion needs to come more to our defense when these reports are unfounded and damages the Brand of the Big Ten. Joke and just makes ESPN money.
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An article on how these types of hearings are played out.


NCAA hearing can be a 'free-for-all'

Ten-member Committee on Infractions will fire questions Friday, and OSU must answer

The hearing resembles a legal trial, but there are significant differences.

For one, Ohio State officials must answer every question posed to them. The Fifth Amendment protecting against self-incrimination cannot be invoked. They can consult with their attorney, but their attorney cannot speak for them
Any of the 10 Committee on Infractions members, who are drawn from inside and outside the NCAA membership, can ask questions. The committee is under the auspices of the NCAA but is independent of it. Members can be as pointed with enforcement staff as they are with school officials.

It bears repeating that the Committee on Infractions does not have to accept the NCAA's previous findings.

The folks that will be in the room tomorrow.


Committee on Infractions members

- Brian Halloran, managing director and general counsel of a renewable energy company
- John S. Black, Kansas City-based attorney
- Roscoe Howard, Washington-based attorney
- Gregory Sankey, Southeastern Conference assistant commissioner
- Britton Banowsky, Conference USA commissioner
- Melissa L. Conboy, Notre Dame senior deputy athletics director
- James O?Fallon, Oregon law professor and faculty athletics representative
- Rodney Uphoff, Missouri associate dean of academic affairs
- Dennis E. Thomas, Mid-Eastern Athletic Conference commissioner, committee chair
- Eleanor W. Myers, Temple law professor and faculty athletics representative

Ohio State representatives

- E. Gordon Gee, president
- Gene Smith, athletic director
- Luke Fickell, football coach
- Chris Culley, senior vice president and general counsel
- Julie Vannatta, senior assistant general counsel for athletics
- Doug Archie, compliance director
- John Bruno, faculty athletics representative

Also present

- Jim Tressel, former Ohio State football coach
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Deety;1967455; said:
I wonder what they did to the Ombudsman. :frown2:

Well, he was investigating the railroading of Mike Leach... something about drunken pirates teachers and locked in the equipment room....
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Pheasant;1967448; said:
Not too much the university can do. ESPN isn't really crossing any lines, they're just letting their douchebaggery run rampant. I would like to agree with you that Gameday would get even a cold shoulder, but the majority of fans would rather be on tv than take a stand.

I keep waiting for BKB to organize a counter offensive.

It amazes me how the media is granted the latitude to run with any story (truth or lie) they feel necessary without any reprecussions from the party referenced (in this case Ohio State). While OSU (JT and IDed players) put themselves in this position, the press SHOULD not have limitless flexibility to report any and all bullshit without some accountability.

Hell if this was one person spreading lies about another person, a serious beatdown would commence. I think its time someone hold these "sports journalist" accountable and responsible for their actions or I say we line em up and pummel the shit out of them. Personally, I would start with that pussy Hooley. Wothless pieces of shart!:pissed:
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AuTX Buckeye;1967655; said:
Well [Mark May]... an Oregon Professor, and a member of the SEspnC... hopefully they will be objective..


Possessed of Satan...begin thy testimony!!!!
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