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Yahoo, Tattoos, and tOSU (1-year bowl ban, 82 scholly limit for 3 years)

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According to Lori Schmidt, "Ellis" has told "Torg" that he's talking with the NCAA next week in Indy.

As a reminder (and as we learned from USC), NCAA hearings are not "courts", so there's not a requirement for cross-examination or the ability to refute a witness' statement.

As we also saw with USC, the "testimony of a convicted felon" can have considerable weight.

Soo.... yeah.

UPDATE- 97.1 is saying that Ellis may have photos, and talked with the NCAA via phone already.
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MaliBuckeye;1967939; said:
According to Lori Schmidt, "Ellis" has told "Torg" that he's talking with the NCAA next week in Indy.

As a reminder (and as we learned from USC), NCAA hearings are not "courts", so there's not a requirement for cross-examination or the ability to refute a witness' statement.

As we also saw with USC, the "testimony of a convicted felon" can have considerable weight.

Soo.... yeah.

So they shouldnt even meet tomorrow....this guy can solve all the problems of this investigation...no need to speak to the school at all

By the way isnt Ellis just going to say who was at the Tattoo Parlor? I mean thats bad but what does that have to do with 10.1 violation doesnt this mean possible sanctions for the kids involved?
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Not good. Even DStanley said he's seen photographs that lend credibility to this Ellis character. Torg says Ellis has been shopping them around for money.

What a [censored]ing loser. He's going to cost several players their NCAA eligibility, which for some of them, will end their football careers. Ruining the lives of college kids for a little bit of money. Lowlife.

EDIT: It sure would be nice to go one fucking week without something new breaking. We talkin' bout Tats! Not crimes... not conspiracy to commit anything other trading shit, which has been around since the BEGINNING OF FUCKING TIME! I think I've reached the apex of my anger on this issue. Time for a run.
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OH10;1967943; said:
Not good. Even DStanley said he's seen photographs that lend credibility to this Ellis character. Torg says Ellis has been shopping them around for money.

What a fucking loser. He's going to cost several players their NCAA eligibility, which for some of them, will end their football careers. Ruining the lives of college kids for a little bit of money. Lowlife.

so what if he has photos? photos aren't proof of an ncaa violation. ellis says these players sign stuff for free tats. the problem is that the FBI didn't find any stuff outside of the original tat 6 and the players named turned over their memorabilia. so, since rife didn't get a receipt for from what i will assume will be a rumored cash transaction, and there is no actual stuff signed that has been found, i don't think ellis is going to carry a lot of weight.
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I don't remember exactly; but wasn't this guys story that there were more people getting tattoos. If so, how does a picture prove it, other than player "x" was in the parlor getting a tattoo? Wasn't all of the memorabilia turned over that got the original 5 players caught?

Maybe I'm missing something or forgetting something about this guys story, but what smoking gun can he turn in?
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fanaticbuckeye;1967947; said:
I don't remember exactly; but wasn't this guys story that there were more people getting tattoos. If so, how does a picture prove it, other than player "x" was in the parlor getting a tattoo? Wasn't all of the memorabilia turned over that got the original 5 players caught?

Maybe I'm missing something or forgetting something about this guys story, but what smoking gun can he turn in?

Well, he was the one that alleged that memorabilia was traded for weed, I believe. Not sure how you'd prove that, though...
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tsteele316;1967946; said:
so what if he has photos? photos aren't proof of an ncaa violation. ellis says these players sign stuff for free tats. the problem is that the FBI didn't find any stuff outside of the original tat 6 and the players named turned over their memorabilia. so, since rife didn't get a receipt for from what i will assume will be a rumored cash transaction, and there is no actual stuff signed that has been found, i don't think ellis is going to carry a lot of weight.

The problem becomes if the players lied to the NCAA about even being there. If there are photos of it, they can kiss their eligibility goodbye. Think Dez Bryant.

I still don't think its an institutional problem - but the NCAA might not agree. Ohio State acted reasonably based upon what the players were telling them. I'm not sure what else they could or should have done.

The timing of this also stinks to high hell.
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MaliBuckeye;1967950; said:
Well, he was the one that alleged that memorabilia was traded for weed, I believe. Not sure how you'd prove that, though...
Okay. Maybe there is a picture of the accused player and Rife exchanging the weed, pointing at the tattoo, and cheese grinning.

OH10;1967951; said:
The problem becomes if the players lied to the NCAA about even being there. If there are photos of it, they can kiss their eligibility goodbye. Think Dez Bryant.

I still don't think its an institutional problem - but the NCAA might not agree. Ohio State acted reasonably based upon what the players were telling them. I'm not sure what else they could or should have done.

The timing of this also stinks to high hell.
not being smart, but are the players On record as saying they were never there, or that they didn't exchange tattoos for memorabilia? That would be a pretty dumb thing to lie about if they were there but didn't commit the violation.
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