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Yahoo, Tattoos, and tOSU (1-year bowl ban, 82 scholly limit for 3 years)

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CHU;1967784; said:
The bail for chucking a beer bottle/can/keg at Chris Fowler, Herbie or the "Token Black Guy" can't possibly be that high.

its already been done...i posted awhile back that in 2002 for the michigan game there were at least 5 full beers chucked at chris fowler...one was a full plastic cup of beer that for sure douched fowler...i call this move the shotgun effect....fowler blew a gasket, turned around and bitched at the crowd, then said he wasnt coming back out of the commercial break until this crowd settled down...herbie had to talk to the crowd and tell everyone to behave like "true buckeyes" should...ironic now coming from herbie....but i wouldnt mind seeing a repeat of something like this...not that gameday will be here anytime soon for football...but they will for basketball...count on that
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fanaticbuckeye;1967956; said:
not being smart, but are the players On record as saying they were never there, or that they didn't exchange tattoos for memorabilia? That would be a pretty dumb thing to lie about if they were there but didn't commit the violation.

And if they were there and committed the violation, and lied about being there altogether, the NCAA wouldn't need to prove the violation. They'd have the lie and that's all they would need.

This Ellis character is a serious low-life. Bottom-feeding POS.
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bassbuckeye07;1967953; said:
Let me get this straight......If the pictures are of guys smoking weed, the program is in the clear...if its pictures of the actual exchange of money while signing stuff and getting a tattoo then Ohio State is [censored]ed?


Welcome to the world of media bias and the NCAA.
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y0yoyoin;1967957; said:
its already been done...i posted awhile back that in 2002 for the michigan game there were at least 5 full beers chucked at chris fowler...one was a full plastic cup of beer that for sure douched fowler...i call this move the shotgun effect....fowler blew a gasket, turned around and bitched at the crowd, then said he wasnt coming back out of the commercial break until this crowd settled down...herbie had to talk to the crowd and tell everyone to behave like "true buckeyes" should...ironic now coming from herbie....but i wouldnt mind seeing a repeat of something like this...not that gameday will be here anytime soon for football...but they will for basketball...count on that
Throwing beer at someone because they have said something you disagree with is moronic behavior. "Wouldn't mind seeing a repeat?" You must be fucking kidding me. Anyone who pulls this kind of shit is an asshole whom I have no interest in being associated with.

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y0yoyoin;1967957; said:
....but i wouldnt mind seeing a repeat of something like this...not that gameday will be here anytime soon for football...but they will for basketball...count on that

Nope, (Basketball) is going to TSUN this year against the Buckeyes but not going to Columbus. Haven't been to Columbus for Basketball since 2007. Maybe ESPN would rather hype the home crowd when the Buckeyes are on the road or something.


Here is the complete breakdown of the schedule:
Jan. 14: North Carolina at Florida State
Jan. 21: Louisville at Pittsburgh
Jan. 28: Washington at Arizona
Feb. 4: Kansas at Missouri
Feb. 11: Kentucky at Vanderbilt
Feb. 18: Ohio State at Michigan
Feb. 25: Syracuse at Connecticut
Mar. 3: North Carolina at Duke or Texas at Kansas
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Poe McKnoe;1967978; said:
If this is true, I have to assume that ESPN and this guy would have found eachother by now.

I thought I read & heard in an interview(s) defending "The Decision" with an ESPN executive (I think it was Williamson but can't recall) and they said the company will not pay for stories (in this case it would be photos).

But on the other hand, maybe that policy has changed.

I was thinking it would be a TMZ type and then all the sports sites would link to it or quote it (therefore not breaking their ethics or lack thereof).
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Not sure if this has been posted, but et tu, Fox?


NCAA Still Investigating Ohio State Football, Report Says
INDIANAPOLIS ? The NCAA is investigating the Ohio State football program for issues beyond the tattoos-for-memorabilia scandal that brought down the Jim Tressel era, ESPN reported Wednesday.

According to the report, the NCAA sent a letter to Ohio State last week about other issues that were under investigation, though the university has not confirmed its receipt of the letter. Ohio State spokesman Jim Lynch told ESPN in an email that the NCAA is still conducting an "active investigation," the report stated.


From later in the article:

According to the report, the additional allegations came after the NCAA had sent Ohio State a notice of allegations on April 25 in connection with the tattoo scandal.

The newer allegations include a report from ESPN's "Outside the Lines" claiming Pryor had been paid thousands of dollars during his career by a local memorabilia dealer for autographing items

Give me a fucking break. I am pretty sure the NCAA does not start their NOA's with "According to ESPN's Outside the Lines.....".

Also, there was not one mention of Lynch's actual quote where he denies that this so-called allegation letter even existed.
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fanaticbuckeye;1967956; said:
Okay. Maybe there is a picture of the accused player and Rife exchanging the weed, pointing at the tattoo, and cheese grinning.

not being smart, but are the players On record as saying they were never there, or that they didn't exchange tattoos for memorabilia? That would be a pretty dumb thing to lie about if they were there but didn't commit the violation.

john simon is the only one that claimed he wasn't there. others named by ellis admitted to being there and produced their memorabilia.
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MaxBuck;1967973; said:
Throwing beer at someone because they have said something you disagree with is moronic behavior. "Wouldn't mind seeing a repeat?" You must be fucking kidding me. Anyone who pulls this kind of shit is an asshole whom I have no interest in being associated with.


listen, if someone wants to throw beer on herbie or fowler i by no means will stop them...therefore a repeat of what i saw at a earlier time would not piss me off...were talking about beer...not a grenade or joe schad's decapitated head
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y0yoyoin;1968064; said:
listen, if someone wants to throw beer on herbie or fowler i by no means will stop them...therefore a repeat of what i saw at a earlier time would not [censored] me off...were talking about beer...not a grenade or joe schad's decapitated head
Something tells me you might be more comfortable as a Wisconsin Badger fan. :roll2:

Plenty of parrots out there.
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