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Yahoo, Tattoos, and tOSU (1-year bowl ban, 82 scholly limit for 3 years)

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Wingate1217;1967704; said:
I wonder if OSU somehow set ESPN up by leaking this non-story to put egg on ESPN's face whern the story ( I hope) turns out not to be true. I can only hope....

I think that's wishful thinking. ESPN doesn't care about egg on its face, and tOSU hasn't shown any aggression during this campaign.

Most likely whoever "leaked" it didn't really think they were leaking anything, because there's nothing there. ESPN just spun it to make a headline.
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Buck 'em up;1967517; said:
Then ESPiN will keep hammering away at these supposed "new" allegations all next offseason or about how the Buckeyes got off easy.... I need a drink....
Ehh.. who cares.

I'm with Grad at this point.. bring on the hate. What we've been saying for years is now ringing true.. we are NOT Oregon. Fuck 'em all. Go Bucks.
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Gatorubet;1967335; said:
I agree. But then what is the purpose of even sending the letter? By established procedure the NCAA can consider evidence they hear for the first time (like live witness testimony under questioning) at the hearing itself - I mean, by the simple fact of the hearing being in tOSU's near future, the investigation is obviously "on-going".

Why send a letter that says something everyone already knows? That seems really, really, redundant.

Don't know ask the NCAA they tend to march to the beat of their own drummer.
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Wingate1217;1967704; said:
I wonder if OSU somehow set ESPN up by leaking this non-story to put egg on ESPN's face whern the story ( I hope) turns out not to be true. I can only hope....

Pheasant;1967707; said:
I think that's wishful thinking. ESPN doesn't care about egg on its face, and tOSU hasn't shown any aggression during this campaign.

Most likely whoever "leaked" it didn't really think they were leaking anything, because there's nothing there. ESPN just spun it to make a headline.

Maybe they were trying to get a fix on the leak.

Keep in mind that this is one of those conspiracy theories that places the tinfoil hat squarely on someone else. But, during the superbotched original press conference, I seem to remember Gene Smith saying "We had a leak" - which at the time, or in the very near aftermath, I thought was odd because it seemed like the Yahoo leak came from the NCAA side of things.

I may be mistaken about that assumption. I also realize that Smith could be referring to a more royal "we"-- as in the "system" had a leak that impacted "us"-- thus, "we" had a leak.

More to the point, I guess, if he did mean there's a leak in the athletics department, I see Smith as the type of guy that wouldn't take kindly to that, (Rightly or wrongly), and some slight disinformation around the "letter" intentionally disseminated might serve to both expose that leak and to make ESPN look a bit stupid.

I'd prefer to be "above" that, but I'm sure not everyone is.

For all we know the letter had diretions to the NCAA office, a schedule of events and a RSVP to pick the type of boxed lunch you want.
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I wonder if someone were drunk enough (or dumb enough) to do something to the College GameDay staff (if ever back in Columbus), would there be some impressed Buckeye fan who would bail him/her out of jail (on their own dime).

I'd say no, but maybe someone would be impressed and share the same hatred for ESPN.

The bail for chucking a beer bottle/can/keg at Chris Fowler, Herbie or the "Token Black Guy" can't possibly be that high. Same goes for silly stringing the crew or throwing vegetables at them.

Plus, if Herbie was the victim, I doubt he'd want to stay in Columbus (since people are mean to him) and have to go to court (no charges pressed).
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I read this for info about tOSU and the NCAA don't we have enough threads bashing the media or fans paranoia with ESPNetc. Posts about burning down Gameday sets and other media hate is getting tiresome. All of this is about the NCAA and tOSU and JT all of the othercrap about media bias is taking away from the ruling and the upcoming season.
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Onebuckfan;1967792; said:
I read this for info about tOSU and the NCAA don't we have enough threads bashing the media or fans paranoia with ESPNetc. Posts about burning down Gameday sets and other media hate is getting tiresome. All of this is about the NCAA and tOSU and JT all of the othercrap about media bias is taking away from the ruling and the upcoming season.

What info did you think you would find about tOSU and the NCAA?

You guessed it, we here at BP have the official NCAA ruling available before the meeting takes place. We're that kind of awesome.

And the ruling is, that was a clown post.
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Onebuckfan;1967792; said:
I read this for info about tOSU and the NCAA don't we have enough threads bashing the media or fans paranoia with ESPNetc. Posts about burning down Gameday sets and other media hate is getting tiresome. All of this is about the NCAA and tOSU and JT all of the othercrap about media bias is taking away from the ruling and the upcoming season.

Burn down Gameday?!

That's fucking brilliant.

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bassbuckeye07;1967760; said:
Pat Forde is in Indy at the NCAA presidents meeting....i'm sure his source is not from Ohio State....its prolly some assistant AD from where ever that said thats what they heard and he ran with it

Some day a book will be written and we will find out that the source of Forde's nonsense was.... Mark May, otherwise known on Buckeye Planet as [ ].
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There's a bunch of talk about Gameday being in Madison for Nebraska/Wisky or in Lincoln for Ohio State/Nebraska. The only saving grace to having Gameday in your town is that they bring Erin Andrews. If they don't bring her, they can just stay the hell away from Lincoln.
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