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The letter did not make any references to an ongoing investigation of
the football program, Lynch said. Ohio State cannot immediately release the letter because if must undergo legal review prior to its release, he said.
A week to review a letter???

That's a credit to his or her attorney race - billable hour wise! :groove3: :beer: :banger:
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So what you are saying is you will take the case?

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When I first heard about this "new letter" this morning I started freaking out and getting pissed all over again. Mission accomplished ESPIN, I f-ing hate that network and really like the fact that I don't watch it anymore. I can't wait for the day that these ******** lose all their sports coverage and become what they really want to be.... a 24-hour TMZ-esque sports entertainment station. Their bias is sickening, the programming is awful and other than the lovely Erin Andrews, they can all burn in hell. Thank the good lord this story has been refuted, but sadly the majority of people won't acknowledge that it has been or will never hear about it. Sorry for the rant.... I just want to get this [Mark May] over with.....
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Buck 'em up;1967481; said:
When I first heard about this "new letter" this morning I started freaking out and getting pissed all over again. Mission accomplished ESPIN, I f-ing hate that network and really like the fact that I don't watch it anymore. I can't wait for the day that these ******** lose all their sports coverage and become what they really want to be.... a 24-hour TMZ-esque sports entertainment station. Their bias is sickening, the programming is awful and other than the lovely Erin Andrews, they can all burn in hell. Thank the good lord this story has been refuted, but sadly the majority of people won't acknowledge that it has been or will never hear about it. Sorry for the rant.... I just want to get this [Mark May] over with.....

I was thinking about this today...this shit won't be over until the 2012 season starts. After the meeting fiasco is over, we're going to hear about the off-season festivities at least a few times a weekend until then.
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Pheasant;1967498; said:
I was thinking about this today...this [Mark May] won't be over until the 2012 season starts. After the meeting fiasco is over, we're going to hear about the off-season festivities at least a few times a weekend until then.

That is what is really depressing.... OSU could be undefeated in late October or even early November in contention for the B1G title and the NC game before the NCAA even hands down its ruling on this crap. Talk about the rug being pulled out from under you. Then ESPiN will keep hammering away at these supposed "new" allegations all next offseason or about how the Buckeyes got off easy.... I need a drink....
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sparcboxbuck;1967450; said:
After reading the last couple of pages, I'm beside myself. It's evident to me that the petty behavior that we've seen from Herbie is part of a larger training program that they have in CT. Wow, just wow.

I wish there were a way that they could be held responsible for how they are behaving. Really? An entire organization behaving like a child? Na na na boo boo and all... Just wow.

I'll say this, should Game Day ever show its face in 43210 again, I'll be the first to organize a flash mob-esque response that is so loud they will not be able to stay on the air. I mean, so loud they would have to give up. And I gotta guess that they'd be expecting such a response if they were to show up at the Shoe.

Eff em all. From the Mouse on down to Mike and the jock strap sniffing other Mike. At this point, I'm not sure who I hate more, Wisky, tsun or the mouse network.

See, that would make great television for everyone outside the 43210. The next Monday, Colin Cowturd would be talking trash about the OSU fanbase, he would consequently get his best ratings ever, and the cycle would repeat. ESPN talks trash, we get pissed and react, the rest of college football beats off to videos/images of angry Buckeye fans, and ESPN profits. Although it will never happen, we should shun Gameday, go get shit hammered and have a good time instead. An almost empty Gameday set would not be good television and ESPN would be the ones getting pissed. It's simple.
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FrancisSoyer;1967557; said:
See, that would make great television for everyone outside the 43210. The next Monday, Colin Cowturd would be talking trash about the OSU fanbase, he would consequently get his best ratings ever, and the cycle would repeat. ESPN talks trash, we get pissed and react, the rest of college football beats off to videos/images of angry Buckeye fans, and ESPN profits. Although it will never happen, we should shun Gameday, go get shit hammered and have a good time instead. An almost empty Gameday set would not be good television and ESPN would be the ones getting pissed. It's simple.

That's the biggest "slap in the face"

ESPN: We're bringing Game Day to Columbus!
Columbus: Really? I think I'm just going to work on this crossword puzzle. Thanks anyway.
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Buckeyeskickbuttocks;1967600; said:

That's the biggest "slap in the face"

ESPN: We're bringing Game Day to Columbus!
Columbus: Really? I think I'm just going to work on this crossword puzzle. Thanks anyway.

Sure... Bring reason into this... Either way, I don't think there's much chance GD would be back in Columbus any time soon.
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RB07OSU;1967297; said:
That's why I love the fact that the games are actually played and when they are done predicting, they can look smug when our Buckeyes still manage to win the Big Ten. I'm actually starting to enjoy all the hate because it will make it that much sweeter when we rise above it all. It will be exceedingly difficult for prognosticators to completely ignore us when we are in the heat of the competition.

To the end of Gameday...could we please just ignore them? Everyone just avoids the area. No signs, no cheers, no acknowledgement of their existence? I know it would be tough to get everyone to comply, but it would be awesome.

I have been thinking that this would be a great reaction for us. ESPN would obviously spin it that the lack of crowd was because the Buckeye's no longer enjoyed support, not that ESPN was reviled by every Buckeye worthy of the name. Let 'em spin it however they like though. Form a barricade 150 yards around the set and don't let anyone in.
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It would seem there is a leak in the NCAA-OSU chain. I would guess an employee of either would get promptly fired for talking to ESPiN. And It's interesting to note that said "informer" doesn't know what's in the letter and is just passing along what they saw.
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