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Yahoo, Tattoos, and tOSU (1-year bowl ban, 82 scholly limit for 3 years)

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Does my nose look like a penis, Mum?


Stop thinking about sex!
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it seems to me that the ncaa is really just saying this:

we both know that the hearing is coming next week. we are basically sending you a letter to let you know that just because the hearing is coming next week, that DOES NOT MEAN THAT WE ARE NOT WIPING THE SLATE CLEAN. if we find out you guys did anything wrong that you did not report, you will be punished, and you will be punished severly.

we have not found anything new, this is just a warning.

does this not seem reasonable? i feel like everyone is jumping to wild conclusions when all it seems is that the ncaa is just trying to flex their muscle at ohio state right before the actual hearing to let them know that they mean business.

they're just trying to scare ohio state straight.
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Ohio State University denies an ESPN report that officials received a letter last week from the NCAA informing the university that other issues involving the football program remain under investigation.
OSU spokesman Jim Lynch said this evening that ESPN?s report, based on multiple unidentified sources, is incorrect.
ESPN?s Pat Forde reported: ?This is basically going to be a two-pronged investigation; there?s going to be more allegations to come in the future.? Comment was being sought from ESPN on Ohio State?s denial of its story.
The university has received no indications from the NCAA that it could face additional allegations or findings, Lynch said.
Lynch said that OSU President E. Gordon Gee received a letter from the NCAA on Aug. 3, but it concerned only procedural matters about the appearance of OSU officials before the Infractions Committee on Friday.
The letter did not make any references to an ongoing investigation of the football program, Lynch said. Ohio State cannot immediately release the letter because if must undergo legal review prior to its release, he said.

Pat "Penis-nose" Forde is wrong but he did say "two prong"
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Taosman;1967435; said:
When is the university going to get pissed about all the lies and innuendos? If Game Day ever shows up in C-bus there will be a lynch mob waiting.

Not too much the university can do. ESPN isn't really crossing any lines, they're just letting their douchebaggery run rampant. I would like to agree with you that Gameday would get even a cold shoulder, but the majority of fans would rather be on tv than take a stand.

I keep waiting for BKB to organize a counter offensive.
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After reading the last couple of pages, I'm beside myself. It's evident to me that the petty behavior that we've seen from Herbie is part of a larger training program that they have in CT. Wow, just wow.

I wish there were a way that they could be held responsible for how they are behaving. Really? An entire organization behaving like a child? Na na na boo boo and all... Just wow.

I'll say this, should Game Day ever show its face in 43210 again, I'll be the first to organize a flash mob-esque response that is so loud they will not be able to stay on the air. I mean, so loud they would have to give up. And I gotta guess that they'd be expecting such a response if they were to show up at the Shoe.

Eff em all. From the Mouse on down to Mike and the jock strap sniffing other Mike. At this point, I'm not sure who I hate more, Wisky, tsun or the mouse network.
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sparcboxbuck;1967450; said:
After reading the last couple of pages, I'm beside myself. It's evident to me that the petty behavior that we've seen from Herbie is part of a larger training program that they have in CT. Wow, just wow.

I wish there were a way that they could be held responsible for how they are behaving. Really? An entire organization behaving like a child? Na na na boo boo and all... Just wow.

I'll say this, should Game Day ever show its face in 43210 again, I'll be the first to organize a flash mom-esque response that is so loud they will not be able to stay on the air. I mean, so loud they would have to give up. And I gotta guess that they'd be expecting such a response if they were to show up at the Shoe.

Eff em all. From the Mouse on down to Mike and the jock strap sniffing other Mike. At this point, I'm not sure who I hate more, Wisky, tsun or the mouse network.
How's she look?
If she's decent I'm in.
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