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Yahoo, Tattoos, and tOSU (1-year bowl ban, 82 scholly limit for 3 years)

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unionfutura;1967327; said:
an investigation is ongoing, when a school hasn't met with the NCAA prior to a ruling. This isn't much ado about anything. Torg and his sources are like whatever....
I agree. But then what is the purpose of even sending the letter? By established procedure the NCAA can consider evidence they hear for the first time (like live witness testimony under questioning) at the hearing itself - I mean, by the simple fact of the hearing being in tOSU's near future, the investigation is obviously "on-going".

Why send a letter that says something everyone already knows? That seems really, really, redundant.
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Listened to Forde & Rothman.. Had to.. Basically said he didn't know, thinks a second NOA is possible down the line maybe but wasn't sure, had no idea about what the possible allegations could be if any (brought up cars & SI article) and was happy Rothman told him the stories in SI weren't accurate & asked Forde what his response would be to those who think ESPN has been unfair digging and digging. Nice to hear someone in the media ask that but it doesn't really matter. Forde responded saying he stands by his reporting & asked what ESPN had done wrong.

Posted for those who didn't listen, wish I wouldnt of. Should of just came here and read unions post.
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Bleed S & G;1967348; said:
Listened to Forde & Rothman.. Had to.. Basically said he didn't know, thinks a second NOA is possible down the line maybe but wasn't sure, had no idea about what the possible allegations could be if any (brought up cars & SI article) and was happy Rothman told him the stories in SI weren't accurate & asked Forde what his response would be to those who think ESPN has been unfair digging and digging. Nice to hear someone in the media ask that but it doesn't really matter. Forde responded saying he stands by his reporting & asked what ESPN had done wrong.

Posted for those who didn't listen, wish I wouldnt of. Should of just came here and read unions post.

Forde's nose looks like the head of a penis
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Look at it....his nose is a baby dick
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