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Yahoo, Tattoos, and tOSU (1-year bowl ban, 82 scholly limit for 3 years)

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I hear ESPN has uncovered that tOSU is behind the eathquakes in Japan. Sources say the NCAA may have a new investigation, but the sources aren't sure. The sources also say that Puxatawny Phil is full of shit, and to go with the opposite of his shadow. These sources also say that SEC trouble with Auburn will blow over like Cecil blows Cam.
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bassbuckeye07;1967269; said:
thats just it....I dont look forward to any national Ohio State coverage or local outside of Gerd and those guys....its fucking depressing what this has become

The excuse that no one cares about other schools doesn't fly anymore either. Compare the reaction to this "news" about a 'reported' letter to OSU to the NCAA straight up telling Auburn in person they were still being investigated at the SEC media day I believe. You'd think people would care about the reigning national champ, right?

The difference in reporting is staggering and infuriating.
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MD Buckeye;1967271; said:
JerodNBC4 Jerod Smalley by Kevin_Noon
OSU's Jim Lynch on ESPN report. "The university has not received any additional allegations from the NCAA."
JerodNBC4 Jerod Smalley
The NCAA sent a letter to OSU and Dr. Gee August 3rd we're told, but it did not include further allegations.
Which would support a "We're still looking into some stuff" content in the August 3 letter (if it even exists), but also support the fact that nothing rising to the level of an actual allegation (NOA type deal) exists, and that the pending hearing will go on as scheduled.
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It really is getting to the point where IF Ohio State were to be cited with FTM or LOIC at some point in the future, I'd rather it just happened already. This dragging it out shit is killing me. I'd rather just move to a secluded island where I don't have to hear it anymore.
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Gatorubet;1967283; said:
Which would support a "We're still looking into some stuff" content in the August 3 letter (if it even exists), but also support the fact that nothing rising to the level of an actual allegation (NOA type deal) exists, and that the pending hearing will go on as scheduled.

The other option is that the current hearing is primarily a "Tressel-fest" (as per the NCAA's findings), and these issues may not revolve around him.
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MaliBuckeye;1967286; said:
The other option is that the current hearing is primarily a "Tressel-fest" (as per the NCAA's findings), and these issues may not revolve around him.
Hadn't thought of that. Makes sense. It is a guilty plea type deal involving only one employee after all, with an admission to the core facts by the offending party, and not really that many other issues to consider. It appears they agree that no other compliance or admin or coaching staff were involved (because there is no evidence from ANY source they were). I bet they issue the ruling pretty darn quick after the hearing. Hell, I bet it's sitting on some computer already written.
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