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Yahoo, Tattoos, and tOSU (1-year bowl ban, 82 scholly limit for 3 years)

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BigWoof31;1967130; said:
They could make life a bit difficult for you.
Refuse to show highlights on all the top shows, only show scores.

No helmet stickers at the end of College Football Weekly
Forget Gameday making an appearence...etc

I know what you're saying, but look at what's already happened and how the fanbase will likely react to them showing up for gameday. If that bitch Chris Fowler thought getting a beer or two chucked at him in 2002 was bad, he might as well wear a fucking swimsuit this time around.

As for the rest of it - a helmet stick from Lou Holththththththththth or Shitface? No thanks. I don't give a fuck if ESPN even scrolls the Ohio State score anymore.
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Sportsbuck28;1967236; said:

That headline at first said "Ohio State receives second notice", making it sound like they've already received another Notice of Allegations, when it's apparently just a letter saying that the NCAA is still investigating. 16 minutes later it was changed to "Ohio St. still under scrutiny".

Just a guess, but I think it's probably related to Talbott and Pryor.

"Still investigating" doesn't mean that they've found anything else ... yet.

It was more bias on CFB LIve today, they talked about which conference was the best. OK, no surprise on the answer. Then they talked about which conference was second best - Andre Ware said the B1G, and then mentioned "Wisconsin, Michigan State, Iowa, Michigan, Wisconsin, Michigan State" (yeah, he mentioned Wiscy and Sparty twice). On the screen, they showed clips of Wisconsin, Nebraska, Sparty (playing TSUN), Iowa, and Illinois". No Buckeyes in the clips, even as opponents of the teams they were highlighting.

So they said something positive about the B1G, and managed not to show or mention the team that's won a share of 6 straight titles. But a few minutes later, just before they sign off, they're able to post a Ohio State banner behind the host as he mentions the Friday meeting with the NCAA, the Pat Forde article that says the NCAA is still investigating, and the fact that the investigation has cost tOSU $800,000.
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BigWoof31;1967130; said:
They could make life a bit difficult for you.
Refuse to show highlights on all the top shows, only show scores.

No helmet stickers at the end of College Football Weekly
Forget Gameday making an appearence...etc


If all that were to happen, I wouldn't care if I got the death penalty.
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Sportsbuck28;1967236; said:

On July 14, the NCAA notified the school that it would not face a more serious "failure to monitor" charge at its hearing Friday, and that there would be no additional allegations beyond what the school was faced with last April. That news was greeted with exultation from Ohio State fans who believed that the worst of the investigation by the NCAA's enforcement staff was over.

Nice mocking phrase asshole. I've been saying it all along. This isn't an ESPN war against Ohio State. Its a war against Buckeye fans. Always has been.

Its backlash for 2002 when all of these hacks got it wrong and we let them know about it.
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BuckeyeMike80;1967144; said:
I know what you're saying, but look at what's already happened and how the fanbase will likely react to them showing up for gameday. If that bitch Chris Fowler thought getting a beer or two chucked at him in 2002 was bad, he might as well wear a [censored]ing swimsuit this time around.
Then they might do that (send Game Day to Columbus) - if just to goad y'alls drunk, [censored]ed-off students into a beer chucking Penn State impersonation as part of an orchestrated smear of tOSU as a "bad" program.

That would allow them to run the video loop of students chucking beers at Herbie and Chris while Marc May did voice over audio of the Tressel troubles and bemoan how poor Herbie had to flee for his life. And don't think ESPN would not do that to increase viewer numbers while taking shots at y'all.
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OH10;1967248; said:
Nice mocking phrase asshole. I've been saying it all along. This isn't an ESPN war against Ohio State. Its a war against Buckeye fans. Always has been.

Its backlash for 2002 when all of these hacks got it wrong and we let them know about it.

Please. If you think this smear campaign is about anything other than the all mighty dollar, you are crazy. Big Ten Network cost them in there pocket books. A Lot.
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Gatorubet;1967249; said:
Then they might do that (send Game Day to Columbus) - if just to goad y'alls drunk, [censored]ed-off students into a beer chucking Penn State impersonation as part of an orchestrated smear of tOSU as a "bad" program.

That would allow them to run the video loop of students chucking beers at Herbie and Chris while Marc May did voice over audio of the Tressel troubles and bemoan how poor Herbie had to flee for his life. And don't think ESPN would not do that to increase viewer numbers while taking shots at y'all.

And I hope they use bottles instead of cans...they hurt more.
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Hubbard;1967250; said:
Please. If you think this smear campaign is about anything other than the all mighty dollar, you are crazy. Big Ten Network cost them in there pocket books. A Lot.

For the producers, probably. But the writers, like Dodd or Forde, or the talking heads like shitstain May, are certainly taking an exceeding amout of pleasure in goading the Ohio State fans.
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