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Yahoo, Tattoos, and tOSU (1-year bowl ban, 82 scholly limit for 3 years)

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UpNorth_Buckeye;1966653; said:

From that link:

By comparison to Tressel's $3.5 million salary last year, Ohio State president E. Gordon Gee earned a raise in his base salary to $818,167 and received a $300,000 bonus.
From the article currently in ESPN the magazine (there's a link in Gee's thread if you really want to get to it) :

The truth is that Gee, like a politician who recycles a good line, had used versions of that bit for years. He once joked that he became Vanderbilt's president so that his salary could actually exceed the football coach's. (He now makes $1.8 million, the most among presidents of American public universities.)
Hey ESPN, use whatever amount you choose, depending on whether or not you want to make it sound like Gee makes too much, or that his salary was small compared to JT's.
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BB73;1966681; said:
From that link:

From the article currently in ESPN the magazine (there's a link in Gee's thread if you really want to get to it) :

Hey ESPN, use whatever amount you choose, depending on whether or not you want to make it sound like Gee makes too much, or that his salary was small compared to JT's.

Question: should tOSU come out guns-ablazing and fire back eventually?
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Ohio State should just severely limit all access to anyone associated with espin. Whether it's Schad or May or Holtz or Herbie or whoever has the stones to show their face in Columbus.

When credentials go out they should get the bare minimum. You can't bar them entirely, but they should be standing outside waiting with the kid from the Hilliard High School Gazette.

Actually I take that back. Erin Andrews should have free reign.:biggrin:
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ysubuck;1966969; said:
Ohio State should just severely limit all access to anyone associated with espin. Whether it's Schad or May or Holtz or Herbie or whoever has the stones to show their face in Columbus.

When credentials go out they should get the bare minimum. You can't bar them entirely, but they should be standing outside waiting with the kid from the Hilliard High School Gazette.

Actually I take that back. Erin Andrews should have free reign.:biggrin:

Why not?

Does tOSU have to issue credentials to everyone that requests them?
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BUCKYLE;1966976; said:
Why not?

Does tOSU have to issue credentials to everyone that requests them?

The clowns from ESPN don't show up to functions anyways unless it is a resignation or something else extremely negative. They can (and probably do) get all of the information they need on the team by analyzing old footage of losses.
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I'm not sure if this was posted yet, or if it belongs in this thread, or Tressel's thread, or wherever.


Nothing new, just a very strong article detailing how shitty of a job Dohrmann actually did. I wish I could force all CFB fans to read it so they can understand the difference between what the NCAA has found and what ESPN/SI is telling them.
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BuckeyeNation27;1967092; said:
I'm not sure if this was posted yet, or if it belongs in this thread, or Tressel's thread, or wherever.


Nothing new, just a very strong article detailing how shitty of a job Dohrmann actually did. I wish I could force all CFB fans to read it so they can understand the difference between what the NCAA has found and what ESPN/SI is telling them.

Well worth reading - I copied it into JT's thread as well.
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BUCKYLE;1966976; said:
Why not?

Does tOSU have to issue credentials to everyone that requests them?

They could make life a bit difficult for you.
Refuse to show highlights on all the top shows, only show scores.

No helmet stickers at the end of College Football Weekly
Forget Gameday making an appearence...etc
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BigWoof31;1967130; said:
They could make life a bit difficult for you.
Refuse to show highlights on all the top shows, only show scores.

No helmet stickers at the end of College Football Weekly
Forget Gameday making an appearence...etc

there's a downside to all that?
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