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Yahoo, Tattoos, and tOSU (1-year bowl ban, 82 scholly limit for 3 years)

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Steve19;1965964; said:
I don't get why you guys are so upset about the low expectations in the press. Low expectations put the pressure on the other guys. By week 6, we'll see exactly what these guys have to say.

I just hope that the Big Ten takes care of business in the OOC schedule this year. Then, they won't be able to say success is due to a weak B1G.

I'm not upset. It doesn't affect my life significantly one way or the other what is written whether good or bad. I would like to see those who represent themselves as journalists stay within the facts, or when they are giving opinion, not to appear to have an agenda.

I emailed Matt Hayes and asked him what he was basing his thinking on. I told him there are some Buckeyes who think he is an OSU hater with a pen. His reply was, "My wife is an Ohio State alum. I can't afford to be a hater." FWIW.
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The problem, of course, that nobody mentions is that SI and ESPN have profitted immensely from their coverage of Ohio State football over the last several months. College football fans outside of Columbus are eating up their product and could care less about the facts or lack of journalistic integrity.

Forget reality and forget the possible sanctions. From a public relations standpoint, the media kicked Ohio State's ass and made lot of money off of it. That's hardly going to encourage responsible reporting in the future.
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OSUK;1966345; said:
"My wife is an Ohio State alum. I can't afford to be a hater." FWIW.

"I have a friend who happens to be [strike]black[/strike] [strike]latino[/strike] [strike]gay[/strike] an Ohio State alum."

The same card gets played every time somebody puts their foot in their mouth.
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OH10;1966373; said:
The problem, of course, that nobody mentions is that SI and ESPN have profitted immensely from their coverage of Ohio State football over the last several months. College football fans outside of Columbus are eating up their product and could care less about the facts or lack of journalistic integrity.

Forget reality and forget the possible sanctions. From a public relations standpoint, the media kicked Ohio State's ass and made lot of money off of it. That's hardly going to encourage responsible reporting in the future.

Problem is that it is easy to bash tOSU when they aren't allowed to respond and defend themselves. Not that I think they would anyway, but it makes it a safe agenda when they know the NCAA won't allow tOSU to discuss the case.
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UpNorth_Buckeye;1966653; said:

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