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Yahoo, Tattoos, and tOSU (1-year bowl ban, 82 scholly limit for 3 years)

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TexasBuck;1965550; said:
Now here's a thought: Instead of OSU fans writing ESPIN to complain of it's bias, OSU fans should write in to give false leads to ESPIN. Send them on random goose chases while they flush money down the drain.

I like this idea because ESPiN is not at all interested in following up on real leads/violations or reporting on them for that matter. See Alabama, Auburn, Boise State, Georgia Tech, LSU, Notre Dame etc etc. They seem to hate following real leads and doing real reporting so let's send them more disgraced radio reporters and ex-cons to chase down unsubstantiated rumors of rigged raffles and the like at USC or Florida or really anywhere.
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Just knowing how ESPN operates, it could almost be a given that a further or another attempt at a damaging report will be coming from their multiple platforms on Wednesday or Thursday (maybe even Friday).

Throwing everything against the wall at this point, in anticipation of Friday and trying to influence something rather than act as a news agency (which they stopped being decades ago).

ESPN saying that Jim Tressel is an Al-Qaeda operative wouldn't be far from what they'll probably come with this week (to try to influence the NCAA). They'll have Joe Schad reporting from Pakistan.

But if you ignore everything ESPN (outside of OSU games), then nothing they do matters. Long Live BTN!
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Interesting read about the beat writers that cover Ohio State and their aggitation with ESPN's report


Earlier this morning, ESPN’s Outside The Lines ran a piece on issues in college football merchandising and the pressures on college athletes. Not shockingly, the piece centered around the media’s favorite whipping boy over the past eight months, Ohio State.
The piece, however, was met with less than a warm reception from those who cover the Buckeyes regularly: the Columbus media. But before you view this as a case of the views of a biased media, keep in mind that many Ohio-based outlets, including The Columbus Dispatch, The Cleveland Plain Dealer, The Lantern, Eleven Warriors, and The O-Zone, have broken less-than-positive Buckeye stories since the school was hit with scandal last December
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CHU;1965563; said:
Just knowing how ESPN operates, it could almost be a given that a further or another attempt at a damaging report will be coming from their multiple platforms on Wednesday or Thursday (maybe even Friday).

Throwing everything against the wall at this point, in anticipation of Friday and trying to influence something rather than act as a news agency (which they stopped being decades ago).

ESPN saying that Jim Tressel is an Al-Qaeda operative wouldn't be far from what they'll probably come with this week (to try to influence the NCAA). They'll have Joe Schad reporting from Pakistan.

But if you ignore everything ESPN (outside of OSU games), then nothing they do matters. Long Live BTN!

Good plan and don't forget to cancel that subscription to Sports Illustrated too! They are in the class and ESPN - no class.
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utgrad73;1965662; said:
Good plan and don't forget to cancel that subscription to Sports Illustrated too! They are in the class and ESPN - no class.

Nope - keeping my SI subscription. Dohrmann's story was a sham, but SI still has a lot going for it. Their photography is top notch and Grant Wahl and Joe Posnanski are among the best writers in the business.

Plus, SI brings something to the table that few other major outlets do at this point - they are not a financial stakeholder in the success of any particular programs or conferences. The same can't be said for ESPN, CBS or FOX, and once you take all of them off the table there isn't much left.
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TexasBuck;1965550; said:
Now here's a thought: Instead of OSU fans writing ESPIN to complain of it's bias, OSU fans should write in to give false leads to ESPIN. Send them on random goose chases while they flush money down the drain.

Good idea. Then they can keep throwing out accusations that turn out to be false and dismissed instantly by the NCAA. All the bs reporting that has come through this process only helped is in the end imo. The NCAA got to investigate numerous other claims from The Dispatch (car scandal), Dohrmann (his bs article), and ESPiN (all of their bs), and found nothing more than what we initially were in trouble for in the first place.
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One has to feel pretty good about the program in the sense that the two biggest sports media entities (ESPN and Sports Illustrated) took their best shots at Ohio State and came up relatively empty.

Even the original story run by Yahoo! (a generally credible outlet) wasn't a story broken by the reporters - but simply a story based on a self report that had occurred over a month before.

The media has tried to tear down the program, but all that's left is an email that Ohio State's compliance department found and turned in themselves. And THAT is why Ohio State may not get hammered.
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It's 2004 all over again. Still, nothing stuck, yet I was being called naive. Funny how things work out sometimes.

Regardless of intent, they swung and missed again. Forgive me if next time they pull this shit, I'm a little skeptical.
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CHU;1965563; said:
ESPN saying that Jim Tressel is an Al-Qaeda operative wouldn't be far from what they'll probably come with this week (to try to influence the NCAA). They'll have Joe Schad reporting from Pakistan.

Rece Davis
Mark May
Lou Holtz
Kirk Herbstreit


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