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Yahoo, Tattoos, and tOSU (1-year bowl ban, 82 scholly limit for 3 years)

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Had to watch...
So we get a memorabilia store owner,
an out of context AJ Hawk interview (who I'm sure it ecstatic about that),
an Ohio State police officer discussing protecting platers,
an Ohio University professor and ex Marshall compliance officer ("Coaches are willing to look the other way if it means keeping their kids on the field"),
a Florida lawyer,
and Ray Small.

ESPN has outdone themselves.
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y0yoyoin;1965502; said:
this was my favorite part...after giving their hard hitting report they bring in the circus clowns for the nail in the coffin

If there is a Football god Hooley will burn.

Betrayal is the worst punishable crime possible according to Dante's system, but Dante didn't factor in going on a nationwide tour to make money off of your betrayal.

I will give Hooley not liking Tressel, I will give him thinking Tressel was a cheat and hypocrite his entire career, what the fuck ever. But does he at least raise a peep about how Ohio State, outside of Tressel, was and continues to be a model of compliance as stated by the NCAA itself on numerous occasions?

I didn't watch the show this morning, but I guaran-fucking-tee he didn't say a damn thing in support of the school he claims to be a fan of and that he made money off of covering for years, and continues to make money off of through his nationwide tour of bullshit.

He is a fucking circus monkey doing a little dance for coins. Fuck him.
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Buckeye86;1965505; said:
I didn't watch the show this morning, but I guaran-fucking-tee he didn't say a damn thing in support of the school he claims to be a fan of and that he made money off of covering for years, and continues to make money off of through his nationwide tour of bullshit.

of course not...he said we should at the minimum get a one year post season ban....pat forde didnt have anything good to say as well, but we already knew that
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y0yoyoin;1965509; said:
of course not...he said we should at the minimum get a one year post season ban....pat forde didnt have anything good to say as well, but we already knew that

did he give any reason why that should be the minimum? my guess is no because that would have required them to discuss the situation at other schools in order to compare and contrast
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Buckeye86;1965512; said:
did he give any reason why that should be the minimum? my guess is no because that would have required them to discuss the situation at other schools in order to compare and contrast

[ESPN]what are you talking about?! This sort of thing only happens at Ohio State![/ESPN]
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I still don't know why people put any credence into anything Bruce Hooley says.

He's a FARMER! He's also an ex-con!

I get my Ohio State information from my mailman. :wink2:

It's honestly better to avoid anything ESPiN because you already know their view, take or spin. Kind of like avoid FOX News if you're a staunch Liberal.
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Buckeye86;1965512; said:
did he give any reason why that should be the minimum? my guess is no because that would have required them to discuss the situation at other schools in order to compare and contrast

it was odd because he didnt think we should or would get scholarship restrictions but he said we should get a one year post season ban at the minimum because we allowed jim tressel to run things however he wanted and we knew he had a history of being a fraud and cheat but yet turned the other way to it...said he doesnt know how gene smith still has a job...pretty much the same shit hes been spewing since memorial day....i cant wait till all this shit is over so he has to get a job at Arbys because no one gives a fuck about anything else he has to say
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FrancisSoyer;1965516; said:
Hey, his horses aren't going to feed themselves. Giving out knob jobs at the closest truck stop isn't as lucrative a job as you guys think. So I'm told.

I don't know if you'll recall the time Ohio State fans (some of them crazy) were giving BH a hard time because his first wife cheated on him.

His brain broke following that exchange.

I'm still laughing because he wrote a book (w/ Spielman) that should be marketed towards Ohio State supporters and he goes and P.O.'s all OSU fans. Great marketing strategy.
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y0yoyoin;1965518; said:
it was odd because he didnt think we should or would get scholarship restrictions but he said we should get a one year post season ban at the minimum because we allowed jim tressel to run things however he wanted and we knew he had a history of being a fraud and cheat but yet turned the other way to it...said he doesnt know how gene smith still has a job...

when a journalist spends weeks digging up shit on a guy only to come up with "rigged raffles in the 80's" as one the worst thing he's ever done, I'd say not only does that make him pretty clean, but one of the cleanest head coaches

but hey, that's just me

I find it funny that they keep pushing this idea that is so obviously counter to the facts, especially considering (if I'm not mistaken) the NCAA just recognized Ohio State as a model of compliance within the past 6 months
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I just watched the OTL episode, and I'm actually relieved. It was just a rehash, with one-sided reporting and opinions trying to create more negative public opinion toward tOSU and sway the infractions committee into issuing stronger penalties.

Host Steve Bunin (sitting in for Bob Ley), started off saying "An OTL investigation reveals the seeds of scandal appear to run much deeper than Jim Tressel and the players heretofore suspended". It sounded like they might have something new.

Shortly after that, Bunin said "The school will ask for leniency when it appears before the NCAA Friday, specifically that it receive no additional penalties besides forfeiting last season's wins".

When the host/writers/editors aren't aware of (or don't care to realize) the difference between vacating wins and forfeiting games, you know you're in for some hard-hitting journalism.

They then talked about all of the demand for memorabilia created since tOSU won the 2002 NC, and fans wanted to get Buckeye autographs. They talk about AJ Hawk making $2500/hour in signing sessions after he graduated. (They don't seem to want to point out how much Alabama players are making at T-Town Menswear),

They talked about Dennis Talbott, and rehashed the hidden identity interview of the 'former friend' of Pryor's saying he got money from Talbott.

They did say that tOSU had shut down approximately 2,000 websites and $1 million of merchandise over the past year. (Those numbers are impressive, it sure doesn't look like tOSU was trying to 'look the other way').

They said that tOSU helped create the problem by having fan sessions to get current autographs with players. (Question - does that create demand, or satisfy it within NCAA rules?).

They had Ohio University professor of sports administration David Ridpath offer his opinions. He's also a former compliance officer at Marshall. At the end of the piece, they mentioned that Marshall was hit with violations when Ridpath was there, and that he later sued Marshall.

Ridpath's opinions seemed to blame tOSU, but they seem different than his quotes in this article:

Compliance departments can only wish real-world situations were resolved so neatly. Former Marshall compliance director David Ridpath said there is ?only so much you can do.? He believes players, to varying degrees, receive extra benefits at every major college in the country.

?Ohio State could have 85 people in their compliance department and they?re not going to prevent Terrelle Pryor from getting a free tattoo unless they live with him or spend 24 hours a day with him, and even then it would be tough,? said Ridpath, an assistant professor of sports administration at Ohio University.

Ridpath called his former profession ?thankless.? He knows compliance officers ? not the coaches with seven-figure contracts ? are often the easy scapegoat in the wake of major NCAA violations. Ridpath sued Marshall after he was fired in 2003, claiming he was wrongfully made the fall guy for infractions that put the school on probation for four years. He was later absolved of wrongdoing and awarded a $200,000 settlement.
Cont'd ...
They showed Ray Small talking about how players appreciated JT protecting players. They showed the Dec. 23 press conference, and said that Smith's qoute about "nothing more coming from any investigation" has been largely prophetic.

They talked to Tom Farrey, who was in C-Bus interviewing people back in in Spring. He said that Talbott could possibly still be being investigated by the NCAA, and that it could be another case if it's not built into the current one.

They then talked to Bruce Hooley and Pat Forde (great to see them both on the screen in side-by-side windows). Hooley called JT a "popular, deposed, benevolent dictator", and Forde said that he's talked to a lot of coaches and administrators, and they think that tOSU should be penalized severely.

Hooley said that tOSU didn't interview JT until the day after after NLOID, 3 weeks after they found the emails, and that the should get a bowl ban for at least 1 year due to the way the suspended players got to play in the Sugar Bowl.

They asked Hooley and Forde what the penalties should be. Hooley talked about a bowl ban, and Forde actually said that he didn't think there would be scholarship reductions, but that they could be hit in several other areas.

Hooley said he thinks Gene Smith's job is OK, although "he's not sure why". Earlier in the show, they had implied that Smith's not having a written annual performance appraisal was tantamount to him giving JT free reign.
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This was a result of ESPN camping out in town all the way up untill recently and coming away with nothing after spending money and resources to do so....They needed somthing and this was it....it was a semi final swing at the Big Ten giant they have tried to bring down...they are trying to influence the NCAA and claim that this is a land mark case of some sort.....they failed, and logical people and people who actually coach and run athletic/academic departments know this

That said it was hard to look at Pat Forde's dick nose right next to Hooly's lack of chin which he attempts to cover up with a shit storing goat t....a pathetic excuse for a beard

roses are red and violets are blue

fuck michigan and fuck espn too
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bassbuckeye07;1965543; said:
This was a result of ESPN camping out in town all the way up untill recently and coming away with nothing after spending money and resources to do so....

Now here's a thought: Instead of OSU fans writing ESPIN to complain of it's bias, OSU fans should write in to give false leads to ESPIN. Send them on random goose chases while they flush money down the drain.
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